Asian Air 


(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:06:52 PM)

he's the most watched Asian woman on American TV. He's the year's hottest Asian American movie hunk. She's 26. He's 29. She's 5-5. He's 6-1. She's Chinese. He's Corean. Both are unquestionably American. She's daringly bubbly. He's recklessly intense. What makes them special to many AA minds is that they defied the odds and the unwritten laws of the American media to become the lone bona fide Asian American star couple.
     Rick Yune was barely one wen his family left his native Seoul, Corea for Silver Springs, Maryland. His education has been enviably ivy-covered -- private schools topped off by a Wharton MBA. Then came a stint as a Wall Street stock trader and modeling for Versace and Polo. He made a memorable film debut in December 1999 as a young Japanese American husband accused of murder in Snow Falling on Cedars. Yune's character walks and gets the girl. A breathless Newsweek profile didn't hurt his career. His intense and classic Asian features add sizzle to The Fast and the Furious (2001) and will undoubtedly do the same for The Fence (2001).
     Lisa Ling is a Sacramento native who got her start in TV at the age of 15 as a reporter for a syndicated teen magazine show called Scratch. Just as she was about to leave for Boston University, Channel One asked her to become one of its peripatetic on-air reporters. She attended USC while working full-time at Channel One's Hollywood studio. All her dates at USC were white, it's rumored. Soon after graduating she joined the panel of The View, ABC's popular daytime talkshow and began spending time with a Disney exec named Morgan Wandell. The fact that Disney is ABC's parent company led to resentment and innuendo. What really raised AA eyebrows was an Old Navy commercial showing Ling cavorting with a group of men and uttering the line "I like my man strong and good-looking". The beef? None of the five men are Asian.
     Little wonder that many were skeptical of rumors that surfaced in early 2000 that Ling and Yune had become a couple. Some speculate that it's a sign that Asian men are ascendant. Others suspect it's just Ling's effort at rehabilitating her image with her Asian American viewership. Still others are just glad to see an Asian-Asian star couple at long last.
     What do you think?

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I think your perspective is more from an American point of view. White guys like to think they are on top. This might be true in America, but not in the world. If you look at it from a world perspective, Asian men are second to none. With the global economy, changes like China becoming part of WTO, APEX conference and the eventual uniting of several Asian economies similar to EU, America now needing to spend billions to fight terrorism for many years or decades to come, plus the continuing negative effects of terrorism on the American economy destroying many domestic industries, the New World Order is changing faster than you project. It will not take 20 years like your think. It does not matter that US has a stronger miltary. When you control the economy, everything else takes a back seat in this world. In the next several years, we will see a AU, with combined economies that will surpass EU and NAFTA. While America concentrates on spending to build their military, AU will spend to build up their economy. We are already seeing changes right now. Look at the American Auto Industry, the Consumer Electronic Industry. If not for import tariffs, those industries would be non-existent today for American companies. America is paying for their unfair foreign policies. Just like how the war drained the USSR, it will also drain the US. I'm not predicting the collaspe of USA. But certainly, prolonged wars against terrorists that are in more than 65 states will take a long and costly effort. Things are changing quicker than you think. I'm sure you will enjoy what is coming as AU gets stronger and stronger.

As for the whitewashed AFs who bash the Asian guys, sweet justice for you too. If your life was truly great, you would have no need to bash. Must be trying to get over the negative baggage, or the divorce from the white loser guy, or still trying to convince themselves they are not getting a white female reject.

Sweet Justice For All    Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 17:54:16 (PST)
I agree with philly on the white-washed issue. Quit being overly PC. You can't help it if you have an American accent. Also there is a time and a place for everything. Lisa Ling talked about how she loved chicken feet on the View the other day and it was cringe-worthy.
AsianGeek    Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 15:27:12 (PST)
Lisa is such a package. She's smart and beautiful. I just saw some of her work in Afghanistan...damn the girl has done some amazing reporting. She's different from other Asian women in the media because she's not some dumb actress reciting someone else's lines. She out there on the frontlines giving her own opinion...I don't know another Asian woman who does that. Rick Yune is lucky to have her. He's a good-looking guy, but he's an actor and one who hasn't worked that I wrong?
John John    Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 06:57:15 (PST)
Yo Anova,

love your comment "When were Asian men ever considered "strong and good looking." You're either very white or very white washed.

The choice for that commercial was obvious, an Asian women is more viable to be seen with an white or black man than vice versa. In my opinion, that's complete bs, but hey if Asian women prefer white men, let them. I think its mad hot that Rick Yune and Lisa Ling are together. If the reasons are for public reasons and to further their careers, thats fine.

And why does it matter if Asian men need to be with white girls and black girls. I know plenty of Asian guys who are with girls of other races, but its no big deal.

Why do Asians need to legitimize themselves by being with someone of another race? I think the issue is, is that a lot of people feel that they are somewhat superior to their own when they are with white people or black people, especially the Asian women (I'm sorry I had to make mention of it). In addition to covering up their insecurities about their own physical pitfalls vis a vis, white people and black people. They are considered to be "superior" in the media. Of course, the media does not always portray reality.

Being with someone is about love. Not about race and not about social stature. If that is the case, then that means you are with someone of another race for some other, irrational reason. Most of them of course are Asian women, who completely deny their own to become part of the popular but temporary "in" crowd.

Everything is about money and power. Asian men need about 20-30 years to achieve what white people have right now. Then you are going to hear people bitch and moan about how Asian men are taking all the white and black women. It's bound to happen, so please stop with this whole interracial dating nonsense. Be with someone you want to be with, and don't believe what the tv screen says to you.
musa    Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 02:05:44 (PST)
If Rick dating Lisa gets his picture in more magazines I am all for it, because I want to see MORE MORE MORE of him!
He rocks!    Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 07:46:00 (PST)
i would like to see rick with a white female to change things a little and maybe make a bigger movie!!!
asain man    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 17:36:43 (PST)
i think its awesome and im glad that since he is taken, hes atleast with someone that has some brains and class.
weerd    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 17:26:56 (PST)
hey All Hail,

An American accent? Just how else should a person raised in America speak? And wearing Polo makes an Asian person white-washed? That's just absurd. Tons of Asians, both immigrants and American-born, wear Polo almost exclusively.

Do you think Rick should don a Mao jacket and speak some Charlie Chan pidgin in order to demonstrate his Asian pride?
Philly    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 13:34:20 (PST)
Rick Yune is sexy, intelligent and an amazing actor. Damn, the guy also holds an MBA! So why shouldn't Lisa fall for a man like that? Who cares if he's also asian! As for the Old Navy Commercials... if you look at the ethnic backgrounds of models out there, the majority are non-asian, so maybe no asian guys wanted to model for Old Navy.. and even if there were a few asian guys that weren't picked for that commercial, since when were asian guys considered "strong and Good looking"? Leave her alone, she's amazing and critics are just jealous...
Anova    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 09:02:19 (PST)
Rick Yune is just as Whitewashed as Lisa Ling is. He's Mr. GQ-Polo-Hilfiger wannabe, he speaks with a total American accent. He's never said anything in his interviews about eating Kim Chee, speaking Korean, nor has he talked about pride in his culture or his family. The guy is basically a Banana or a Twinkie, just like Lisa Ling.

All Hail the "high profile" White Washed Asian American Couple    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 06:30:06 (PST)
i think lisa ling is doing what she can to make it out here in the world of racial barriers. it has nothing to do with her background, it all has to do with her goals and with Her being Asian is one of the finest things!! it takes alot to make it in the working environment and to put away what she is and just be human like everyone else. Lisa you're doing a great job!!~~
Juli    Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 10:03:43 (PST)
Lisa Ling is definitely white washed !Unfortunately, most of us are saturated with a culture obsessed with too much materialism and looks.Personally,asian men are very sexy or any man of color i think is beautiful and intelligent and deserve to be recognized socially instead of ignored,forgotten and pushed aside to leave room for white men to pick and take what ever woman they want. I say all men of color go for what you want!! If white men and asian women can swing it , why can't you guys?Take what you want careers,women and lifestyle and live to be free !!!
monsterbitch    Friday, November 16, 2001 at 16:21:47 (PST)
not a sellout one way or the other,

Um you idiot. Lisa Ling has DEFINAETKLY been a sellout in the past.
Fuggen' Moron...    Monday, November 12, 2001 at 18:52:23 (PST)
I just think Lisa Ling is not very likeable. She is so fake and transparent. In order to succeed, she has sold her soul and became whitewashed. If Rick is going to be with an Asian woman, then it should be someone like Joan Chen. Joan is solid when it comes to being a strong Asian woman who is happy with her Asian identity. Rick deserves better.
Jeff    Monday, November 12, 2001 at 13:56:38 (PST)