Asian Air 


(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:06:51 PM)

he's the most watched Asian woman on American TV. He's the year's hottest Asian American movie hunk. She's 26. He's 29. She's 5-5. He's 6-1. She's Chinese. He's Corean. Both are unquestionably American. She's daringly bubbly. He's recklessly intense. What makes them special to many AA minds is that they defied the odds and the unwritten laws of the American media to become the lone bona fide Asian American star couple.
     Rick Yune was barely one when his family left his native Seoul, Corea for Silver Springs, Maryland. His education has been enviably ivy-covered -- private schools topped off by a Wharton MBA. Then came a stint as a Wall Street stock trader and modeling for Versace and Polo. He made a memorable film debut in December 1999 as a young Japanese American husband accused of murder in Snow Falling on Cedars. Yune's character walks and gets the girl. A breathless Newsweek profile didn't hurt his career. His intense and classic Asian features add sizzle to The Fast and the Furious (2001) and will undoubtedly do the same for The Fence (2001).
     Lisa Ling is a Sacramento native who got her start in TV at the age of 15 as a reporter for a syndicated teen magazine show called Scratch. Just as she was about to leave for Boston University, Channel One asked her to become one of its peripatetic on-air reporters. She attended USC while working full-time at Channel One's Hollywood studio. All her dates at USC were white, it's rumored. Soon after graduating she joined the panel of The View, ABC's popular daytime talkshow and began spending time with a Disney exec named Morgan Wandell. The fact that Disney is ABC's parent company led to resentment and innuendo. What really raised AA eyebrows was an Old Navy commercial showing Ling cavorting with a group of men and uttering the line "I like my men strong and good-looking". The beef? None of the five men are Asian.
     Little wonder that many were skeptical of rumors that surfaced in early 2000 that Ling and Yune had become a couple. Some speculate that it's a sign that Asian men are ascendant. Others suspect it's just Ling's effort at rehabilitating her image with her Asian American viewership. Still others are just glad to see an Asian-Asian star couple at long last.
     What do you think?

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I actually know someone who worked with Lisa, and this person mentioned that she only dated white men to get where she is today. That's sad. I think Rick should Dump her for a hot white woman like Mandy Moore. That would do alot for Asian men than for Rick to date an Asian woman. Plus, why settle? If you are a hot Asian male, why would you date Asian? Asian women are like a consolation prize. The trophy has and always will be a white blonde.

BTW--I dont believe in the notion that race doesnt matter in dating. This is America. Race matters (why dont you see white women dating Asian men or white men dating black women if race didnt matter?)
WISDOM    Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 02:40:27 (PST)
Rick Yune is gorgeous!! Can't say the same for Lisa Ling but she's the one that has him!! Regarding their relationship: If they're happy together its all that matters (I wish he were mine though! Watch out Lisa!!)
JACPOT    Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 01:33:22 (PST)
Lisa rocks...Rick Yune is a nobody.
baccarat    Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 11:26:44 (PST)
Lucy Liu is an ugly midget, Ling is way finer than Liu. I saw Ling in person and she is fione!!!!
Ford    Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 06:23:49 (PST)
I think you are too into race. The woman can date wheo ver she wants, regardless of he's Asian or white or watever. I'm Asian American, just like her, and I date em all. Race is NOT always an issue and u shouldn't make it so.
Rosng9    Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 17:32:42 (PST)
DId you know Lisa Ling bashed Kimchi in public?..
something like
:" Oh I have to go over Rick's family and eat that stinky kimchi again".
She's obviously using him, after all Rick is a rising star.
( He was recently casted as a villain in the new BOND flick).
Ricky    Monday, December 31, 2001 at 09:50:24 (PST)
I wish that Rick Yune was mine. He's so hott!!!!!! i love him. He's smart, too. Who wouldn't want him?
Korean Kat    Friday, December 28, 2001 at 13:18:08 (PST)
Procrastinator of the 21st Century,

Your an idiot, you state that you don't find asian guys particularly attractive, thats all fine and dandy but then you go to state that you wish Rick Yune would date a Korean girl? Christ then you go on to state race doesn't matter and blab on about DNA this and that. Heh you fit the Korean girl stereotype to a T. Egotistical, Whiny and GOD DAMN annoying. No one gives a crap about your Ivy League education, if you'd open your most likely EXTREMELY narrow eyes you'd realize there are tons of Rick Yune look alikes. Sheesh, get a life.
Go away    Tuesday, December 25, 2001 at 00:57:46 (PST)
Rick is HOT!!
I think if he should go out with an Asian girl, Lucy Liu is much better than Lisa Ling.
And oh yeah, it's not "Corean" it's "KOREAN", got it??
Korean chic    Monday, December 24, 2001 at 21:40:47 (PST)

[On this site it's Corean. Check out Our Corea Spelling Policy. Got it? --Ed]
I think Lisa and Rick make a great couple. Who really cares if she dated white guys before? May be the Asian guys that Lisa knew before were all geeks or dorks. Lets face reality, there are not many Asian men that are good looking, tall, smart, successful, and well built; Rick is definitely someone who fits the all around Asian stud description and so do I.
M. Cho    Friday, December 21, 2001 at 00:07:49 (PST)
Is it true Rick is going to propose to Lisa...I better fight him off fast. I want her.
Rockstar    Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 09:33:16 (PST)
Lisa is my ultimate dreamgirl.
Roger Berman    Monday, December 17, 2001 at 05:27:19 (PST)