Asian Air 


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)

sian women are only interested in non-Asian men and don't give Asian men the time of day. That's the reason cited by many AA men for dating and marrying non-Asians. A minority of AA men say they simply find non-Asian women more physically attractive or more appealing in terms of personality, values and interests.
IR Couple
The new pairing?
Whatever the reasons, the rates at which young Asian men are dating and marrying non-Asian women are quickly approaching the rates at which Asian women are outdating and outmarrying (about 38%). Some Asian women are complaining that they aren't getting a fair shake because Asian men have been brainwashed by media standards of desirability.

     What are the real reasons for so many Asian men seeking out non-Asian women? How do Asian women really feel about this trend? Who benefits most from it? Will the trend continue? We want to hear your views.

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Cali girl:
I think there are more latin women that like asain guy then any other group, my opinion. But.... I might be wrong, some here might disagree. The reason why I came up with this conclusion is b/c they [latina] seems to have a lot in common with us. We, both are minority, have almost same skin complexion, and our eyes are similiar in some ways. Some asian look latin and vice versa. One time I remember I was at the park playing a basketball game with these two spanish guys. And I looked at both of them and they look a little bit strange to me. I was very curious by their look. They both have asain eyes and I thought they were mixed or something. I was wrong when I ask them if they were, they told me "NO". And what one of them told me was that they were Ecuadorian and that a lot of them look this way; have asian eyes. This is very strange, kinda mysterious. Maybe it was from history that asian settle there and inter-marry or something.

Awhile ago when one person said something about this world not being mostly white [women] and they are right. It is not, it is mostly asain women. But.. in this country, i think, white [women] out number all. You see them almost everywhere. You almost always see them on t.v; flipping the channel, most of the time you still see them.

And you said something about you have very attractive black female friend that are attracted to us. Well if possible, I would like to talk with some, long distance, no problem.
2 Kool    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 06:44:56 (PDT)    []

"If at least one Asian brother is out there enjoying himself and having a good time with his life, then I will die a happy man."

Great attitude! Every Asian brother should adopt this attitude towards life. Just have a good time and live your life to the fullest. Don't let the AF who prefer WM over AM get you down. There's nothing you can do anyways. If you can't find a good AF find an good non-AF and enjoy your life. Focusing on AF is the "single biggest mistake" that AM in the western world can make today! Enjoy life. Find a White/hispanic/black girl who will appreciate you.
NYC Asian Guy    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 22:21:11 (PDT)    []
Hey, I do give other women a chance. I am also attracted to women that are both none white and none asain. I think they are very beautiful as well. However, I don't think these women are very open minded to IR, just my opinion. Anyway we all know that attraction is the fundamental point to a relationship. So if there is an attraction that sparks between me a women, what ever she may be, I would defintly go for her. Always wonder what the experience will be like to date an exotic women.

As for racisism in this country, in my opinion, I don't think it will ever go away.
2 kool    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 20:51:34 (PDT)    []
711 south korean man,

"If she has to learn because she 'doesn't understand' such a simle fact then i think she' s pretty dumb"

Chill with that, no right to call people dumb.
2 minus don't make a plus    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 16:47:39 (PDT)    []
Cali girl,

"Following that reasoning, shouldn't Asians like ALL races?"

Yes, you are right. Asain should like all race. I, myself do like all race, as a matter of fact, I have friend from every back ground. I get along well with all of them.

"I've found both groups [blacks and latina] to be very friendly and less prejudice than most whites as a whole."

Yes, your are absolutly right. I have my share of blacks and latina friends. Some of them can be really friendly, nice, respectful, generous, polite, kind, educated, and intelligent; even more so than my whites and asain friends.
What goes up must, u know    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 14:11:07 (PDT)    []
sad to say, but its true. As an asian man, I've had to tell a lot of asian women off when they were talking smack about asian men right to my face. It hasn't been pretty. This has happened so much that when I see an asian woman I don't know I get an immediate nasty feeling in my stomach.

And as for people not finding AM attractice, I don't think that is true at all. I'm 6'2, in good shape, and I get along with all types of people. I've dated white women before and its no different from asian women (not *that* different, for getting to know you at least).

It is still my personal preference to date someone who is asian just for the sake of similar backrounds and the unspoken understanding among us - and because I want my kids to be full asian. But what I can't stand the most are asians who dismiss their heritage to try and make themselves look better. Unfortunately I see a lot of asian women doing this; its called hypergamy, marrying up for status. In many cases it might not be marriage, but companionship, associations, etc.

I guess my life experiences have shown that a lot of asian women, even the ones that you think are OK, deep down think that all asian men are short, sexist, controlling, etc, and they have no real regret or remorse for going against their own blood. I feel sorry for their sons that will be half asian.

Thanks, but no thanks. I get more of a fair share from white people.
C. Li    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 14:05:55 (PDT)    []
I am 100% Japanese outside the United States.I have always thought of Wf as not much attractive.They are a bit bland for my taste and I don't care for the behaviors either. There are an occasional few that catch my eye.Then again this is just me personally speaking. Other women are more interesting to me.I love dark hair and dark eyes. It is so very beautiful and sexy.
Japanese Guy in NY    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 11:47:17 (PDT)    []

I think you need to get out into reality, you smart == bend over, turn your back facing the mirror and look at the mirror. Now what do you see. No, and I happen to be very good looking and well built. More so than the average asain guys out there or just about any guy. In my days in high school, you just don't know how many girl had crushes on me. So you don't know me, don't judge. I also have some white female who thinks i'm quite handsome while some think that i'm qute. oooooo0oooooo my god, this is wrong again, NOOOOOO, it's cute, not qute. Maybe I was trying to say it for you. Who knows but Ya, ya, ya, I know this, and again look in the mirror.
Astralius 's mirror image    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 10:35:39 (PDT)    []
What is this commotion about white women being slutty? Goodness! There's a slut in every race. I've been around lots of slutty Asian women here in the west side. I mean these girls go out with different men every week plus they also cheat. Trust me. They are not the decent relationship type. You guys have been watching too much movies, sticking to stereotypes in which the media had blinded you by.

I am an Asian-American who grew up in the west and noticed that white women could be as caring in the same ways as all women in other races are. As a young man growing up, I could not approach a pretty white woman even if I wanted to; I did not know how they think, so I thought. In my late teens, I began to just loosen up and began to approach them with confidence while pointing my head upright and shoulder straight. And oh my goodness, they talked to me. Whenever I see a pretty girl bored to death, I try to talk to them. And they actually talk back. Most of them I befriended and some of them I dated. I am not the buff and tall kind of guy. I am 5'8 weighing 137 pounds. Confidence is what women in particular like, something I did not have in high school. I was not aggressive enough. Not aggressive in a bad way, but aggressive in terms of confidence and speech.
White women are NOT sluts    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 08:02:32 (PDT)    []
"If BF are strong, they would take advantage of that to do well academically, finacially and get a stable place in society. In this regard, WF and AF certainly do not lose ground to blacks." An AM

Excuse me, BF do well academically, financially and mentally, just as much as any AF or WF, if not more. If you think all Whites are Rich and Famous you must be an FOB (fresh off the boat) because if you know anything about this society you know there are plenty of White trash out there and that they make up the majority of people on Welfare in this country. This is factual!

So, if you were thinking of BM by mistake when you made that silly comment, you are excused, because there is no harder working, more determined, more successful females on this entire planet than the BF, and everyone should know this. You must have been living on Mars all your life if you didn't know this or at least you definitely haven't been living in this country.

You sound like a very immature and uneducated person, who bases his views on assumptions and misinformation. And more than anything, you sound like a very weak man who would of course only be compatible with a very weak woman; and that's exactly what you set your sites on.

As a very weak man, your idea of femininity is quite different than that of a strong man. You need to remember that. Have you ever stopped to think why so many WW do not find AM attractive??? It's mainly because of the weak mentality and behavior steotypes that are attached to AM; the same mentality that you just displayed. AM like you make it very hard in the dating scene for all AM.
Puhleez    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 13:23:49 (PDT)    []
"Mr. Clean, my boyfriend is Asian and he certainly wouldn't have dated me, a white female if he thought I was slutty. Your accusations are way off-target. And as for all Asian women being pure and clean.. can anyone say "Ellen from Road Rules"??"
I think it's just a case of poor choice of wording. I think what he really meant to say was: "white women are much more liberated and less sexually repressed or inhibited". Which I think in general is definitely true and a good thing too!
Deng Ai    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:12:15 (PDT)    []
Hey S.U.A.G:

if you dislike AFs and don't give a about them. Fine. just leave AF alone and stop accusing us for this and that stuff. You're a sellout, dirty and disgusting dog! Sorry for the unkind word. But I am not angry because you dislike AF, I am enraged coz you don't give a rat's ass for afs yet you compare them to WF at any given time to constantly put them down. I've seen as much WF who dress like slut and lack self esteem as i've seen af who are.some people just comment on WF and BF (doesn't concern AF, and you take advantage of that post to give a reply that talk *** about AF. It's pathetic some men snub asian women so much. They hate women of their own race yet in the sametime accuse them as sellout. I feel sorry for any woman who 'sin your hands. I wish i would never meet an AM like you.

I wish you happinessw/ you significant other. and just leave us AFs alone. Yes you think we are disgusting, an unattractive race, so it would be a colossal waste of time for you to pay so much attention to us. If you don't care aboutus, don't talk about us anymore. Is that so difficult to do?
AF(18)    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:05:55 (PDT)    []
Telling it wrote:
"You know it's funny you should mention that b/c when I was in college, I had a lot of friends that were from other parts of the world such as India, Africa, Vietnam, etc. One thing I found was the overwhelming notion that all these guys had about WFs being sleezy and easy. They all said that in their countries that's how white American women were perceived."

You should understand in much of the third world, women are considered third class citizens. They don't have the same rights as men and they are expected to know their place. So by their standards, yes, American women are "sleezy and easy". You should tell them their societies are backward and that's why they are in the US to study, not the other way around.

"I've managed to open a few of my friends' eyes and when they didn't give it up quickly to these men, guess what? The men seemed to somehow suddenly lose interest in them. Hmmmm...wonder why??"

Hmmm... interesting... why indeed. So, what did you expect the men to do? Stalk the women?
Deng Ai    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:04:34 (PDT)    []
Astrali and south korean man ,
You see, you are just looking at each person as an individual. And this is fine, good for you. When you look at it like this; you can't generalize anyone. But how can you look at it like this when there is no individual here to talk about. Yes, there is good, bad, ugly, pretty, smart, dum, stinky, fat, skinny, tall, short, slutty etc, etc, in every race. But if you see it in a big picture then it is different. Face the facts buddy. I think you been smoking too much to even have a clue to what i am trying to say. We as people only see society as a whole but until we meet an individuals, we can then judge them as one. And we can say that this person that we meet is nice, good, slutty, pretty, ugly,arrogant etc, etc... Doooooo you understand my point. If you look at it in a big picture then you'll know what i'm talking about. Don't hide in reality, your messup to admit things that are happening in this world. Go out more and look around. I think you been hiding in the closet too much. This goes for the korean dude too.
Do, both of you worship white women or something? Because this is what it sounds like.
Spotless with mr.clean    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 11:31:08 (PDT)    []