Asian Air 


(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:02:33 PM)

sian women are only interested in non-Asian men and don't give Asian men the time of day. That's the reason cited by many AA men for dating and marrying non-Asians. A minority of AA men say they simply find non-Asian women more physically attractive or more appealing in terms of personality, values and interests.
IR Couple
The new pairing?
Whatever the reasons, the rates at which young Asian men are dating and marrying non-Asian women are quickly approaching the rates at which Asian women are outdating and outmarrying (about 38%). Some Asian women are complaining that they aren't getting a fair shake because Asian men have been brainwashed by media standards of desirability.

     What are the real reasons for so many Asian men seeking out non-Asian women? How do Asian women really feel about this trend? Who benefits most from it? Will the trend continue? We want to hear your views.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
6"1 Korean guy:
"I think cali girl overgeneralize and overexxagerate when implying asians suffer a severe inferiority complex as a race. "

I guess you can always say one is OVEREXAGGERATING when discussing this issue. There are always strong arguments against this issue of AF selling out, as of course not all are like that, even many in IR relationships. But there certainly is enough to make this a real issue. In my opinion, arguing against this will not make this go away. Don't know what will. I just wouldn't knock all those who chooses to address this as is. I don't believe I have a problem with being Asian. I apologize if I offended you by saying this about you. But in reality many AF make up all kinds of excuses for their sellout behaviors, when in fact they just are sellouts.

I just choose to live my life and be happy. I'm no sellout, but I'm no puppy dog for the AF either. I respect others who respect themselves. But there are many AF and some AM who do not. Hopefully we can all recognize this fact and work to improve the self-image of those people and future generations.
NYC Asian Guy    Monday, September 23, 2002 at 07:51:24 (PDT)    []


Many AF date WM but end up marrying AM. That's what matters. Sometimes people date because they want to expeience novelty. I still firmly believe AF as a whole still like men of their own race the most. It is nature to be attached to people familiar to you. In years to come if more positive images of AM come out of the media probably the status of AM will be considerably different.
AF(18)    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 20:52:09 (PDT)    []

[Excuse me, BF do well academically, financially and mentally, just as much as any AF or WF, if not more]

oh..Ok...i'll see.

[If you think all Whites are Rich and Famous you must be an FOB (fresh off the boat) because if you know anything about this society you know there are plenty of White trash out there and that they make up the majority of people on Welfare in this country. This is factual!]

Don't put words into my mouth.

[You sound like a very immature and uneducated person, who bases his views on assumptions and misinformation]

You are rather describing yourself i think. You didn't know me yet you sound like you know what I am like.I didn't include all BF. It seems true to me *many* of the ones I know are like that,not because I assume from someone who tell me. And you are sorely wrong. You are the first one to say i'm a very weak man. Most people who know me in real life tell me they think I'm confident. I'm not a particularly atrractive and smart asian men, just a face in a crowd but I can confidently say i never have trouble with dating women (white included) and my current g/f is a an attractive Spanish girl who is smart, confident, determined and very femine. How is that considered 'very weak' woman?

You are showing you are *probably* one of the loud, fussy people who like to get into fight that I mentioned about in my previous post. You could have had a much more calm, mature and intelligent approach than this response you've made.If you can't change this attitude *may be* it is you who have trouble in the dating scene.You'll reap bad consequences. Then who knows may be you have to tale my words into consideration ? :p

Despite all being said, what I said is offensive to BF out there. I can sense your excessive anger. Accept my apology anyway I know there are plenty of other good BFs. By the way understand that my response is intended to target the statement by cali girl taht 'white women are mentally weak and black women are strong'. I meant to refute her claim but may be i've gone a little too far. it is not primarily meant to talk trash about BF.

White women are not sluts:

I think that perception may come from the reality that white folks take sex less seriouly while we asians are more uptight about it. Not necessarily a bad thing but i think there is a misunderstanding btw a modern white person and a traditional asian.

Korean man:

Excellent post!

NYC Asian guy:

if an AF who prefer WM and hates AM just feel lucky you get riddance of bad rubbish. However don't lump all AF as being sellout cos its' not a positive attitude at all. focus on white/ black/latino...wahtever and attractive asian ladies who would date men of their own kind. Because if you avoid AF exclusively you are no better than those whitewashed AF bro!


[I guess my life experiences have shown that a lot of asian women, even the ones that you think are OK, deep down think that all asian men are short, sexist, controlling, etc, and they have no real regret or remorse for going against their own blood. I feel sorry for their sons that will be half asian.]

Sound like asian women from 19th century. Cos modern Am are not short and controlling.
AM    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 20:16:32 (PDT)    []
I think you are incorrect in your assumption that latin (hispanic) women are more attracted to AMs than any other. According to US gov't stats more AMs are married to WFs than any other by far. And if you want to stop looking ignorant stop calling Hispanics "Spanish" for they are not Spanish, unless they came from Spain. Which is in europe!
basics    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 16:41:34 (PDT)    []
"white women are not sluts":

being white doesn't make them automatically sluts. But factually whites are the least rural of all races. Anti-social behaviour is tolerated in many cases if a slut lives in a city.

If you like women who are morally OK you must do research on rural areas which makes it more difficult to outmarry simply because you'll probably have to learn more about a different culture then.
rare stuff    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 15:29:53 (PDT)    []

I truly enjoyed reading your post. I think you just took the words out of my mouth. As far as I'm concerned there's all these losers that are calling AFs sell-outs. Yet it's ok for them to hate their own people. That's just sad and pathetic. I'm not saying there isn't any sell-out AFs but lets face it there's a lot of sell-out AMs as well from the looks of things.

IR dating is totally normal. I think it's great that both sides are doing it. However, putting down your culture and the people in your culture is sell-out!
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 15:27:26 (PDT)    []

"Quick question...what does her height have anything to do with what you are asking?? Just wondering."

The reason why I brought it up is because this is the first thing she told me when we first met. Her being over average. Not to mention she is hot; part German and Italian.

"You don't have a White fetish goin' on, do you? "


"well, for starters just be careful she doesn't have an Asian fetish."

Ya, your right. I really don't know if she does or not. Maybe I should ask her another question. lol

"She likes your skin and eyes? Hmmm...not sure what to make of that. I guess it's supposed to be a compliment."

Ya, I take it as a compliment. It's not only her that tells me that. As a matter of fact, I do have nice eyes. Many think so.

"I happen to date all races so if I don't like him, it's usually b/c of his approach or b/c I find him unattractive, not b/c of his race."

That's good to hear. Kool, if possible, introduce to me your hot female friends. lol, j/k

Now with that out of the way. Just the other day I was with a fine Russian women. We were on the train getting somewhat intimate and having a good laugh. The people that I find noticing and stare at us were the non-asain men and asain females. If your wondering, I've been with black females a well. And all [some] BM does is look, nothing more.
I'm 2 sexy 4 my I's    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 15:16:30 (PDT)    []
"You need to remember that. Have you ever stopped to think why so many WW do not find AM attractive???"

Stop it with the non-sense. Why do you assume such a thing.

"It's mainly because of the weak mentality and behavior steotypes that are attached to AM;"

You're saying such negative stuff about asian guy while saying all the good stuff about yourself, which is too much of an exergerration.
2 minus don't make a plus    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 14:42:04 (PDT)    []
korean man:

'MY main idea=====>please don't try to disparage white women because they don't give you a chance or have no interests. At least they have eyes to select their taste in men. '

I know it's your main idea. And i think it would be great to apply to any other women. Every AM should expose the atitude you display.
AF(18)    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 13:53:42 (PDT)    []