Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)
he Wen Ho Lee case poses a dilemma in Asian American minds. If Lee deliberately helped China steal classified weapons technology, one could hardly complain that he now faces 59 counts of mishandling classified information. But if Lee is having the book thrown at him -- with the possibility of a life sentence -- for commonplace security breaches only because his ethnicity had already made him the focus of a failed spying investigation, the prosecution triggers fears of a new wave of anti-Asian hysteria akin to the internment of 78,000 innocent Japanese Americans during World War II.
The so-called Chinese spying scandal exploded into the American consciousness in mid March heralded by media sensationalism. But it soon appeared that the allegations against China were founded on more conjecture than facts, especially with regard to any involvement by Wen Ho Lee.
Wen Ho Lee, 59, was born in the southern Taiwanese city of Pintung and became a naturalized U.S. citizen. He began working for the U.S. government in 1979. In the mid 80s he was assigned to Los Alamos National Laboratory, a nuclear-weapons research facility located in New Mexico. By the time the spying investigation was launched by the Energy Department, Lee was working in the deep-black X Division producing code for a parallel-processing supercomputer used to help design advanced nuclear warheads. He was also responsible for regularly updating the "legacy codes", the backbone data relating to U.S. nuclear warhead design and testing.
His wife Sylvia Lee was known to have injected herself into official gatherings for visiting delegations of Chinese scientists. She received an invitation to present a paper at a Beijing conference on parallel processing though her official title was secretary. Her husband, the real expert, secured authorization to join her on the trip which involved a stopover in Hong Kong. While in Beijing Wen Ho Lee was approached by Chinese agents, but he rebuffed their overtures, Lee told agents during questioning in February of 1999.
Suspicion of espionage was first aroused in 1995 after U.S. experts analyzed data on Chinese nuclear tests conducted between 1990 and 1995. They saw reason to believe the new Chinese devices were constructed along a design similar to that of the W-88, the most advanced miniature warhead in the U.S. arsenal. Until then the U.S. had assumed China to be a full generation behind in nuclear warhead technology and incapable of producing warheads small enough for use in missiles carrying multiple independent re-entry vehicles (MIRV). That suspicion led to the investigation, code-named "Kindred Spirit" launched in February of 1996.
After FBI and Energy Department investigators examined travel records and other data on Los Alamos employees occupying sensitive positions, they identified five suspects. They soon zeroed in on Lee. In June of 1996 the FBI opened a full-fledged secret investigation, but decided to keep Lee in place in hopes of catching him in the act of spying. By September of 1997 FBI Director Louis Freeh concluded it was unlikely that evidence would be produced to justify criminal prosecution and informed Energy Department officials that there was no further reason to keep Lee in place. The Energy Department took no immediate steps to move Lee out of his sensitive position.
At around that time the Clinton Administration cerfified China as a non-nuclear-proliferation nation, thereby allowing the lifting of the 12-year ban that had kept U.S. companies from selling nuclear power-plant equipment to China, a market that could be worth $50-$70 billion over the next decade. Some in Congress are now blaming Clinton for not having called their attention to the suspected theft of nuclear secrets prior to the certification.
As the Kindred Spirit investigation was winding up in 1997, Sylvia left her job at Los Alamos and became a full-time homemaker. She was never questioned in connection with the investigation.
By late 1998 the Clinton administration began feeling Congressional heat for having kept Lee in place despite suspicion of espionage. The investigation was re-opened and agents were sent in December of 1998 to give Lee a lie-detector test. The results were inconclusive. In February of 1999 they gave Lee a second test which found him "deceptive". Lee was then moved out to a less sensitive area of the Lab.
Agents began questioning Lee on Friday, March 12. He submitted to the questioning without asking to be represented by an attorney. After three days of questioning by FBI agents -- an ordeal beyond the experience of most people -- on Monday morning Lee was ordered fired from his position by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. As to why Lee was fired at that point, the government is hazy, even evasive. One statement claims Lee was fired because he "stonewalled" investigators. Another says it was because Lee admitted to having been approached by Chinese agents during his 1988 trip but had failed to report the incident sooner.
In yet another baffling statement, Secretary Richardson said Lee had been "co-operative with investigators, but he denied ever having passed classified information."
The case lurched ahead again on April 10 when investigators secured a court order and conducted a six-hour search of Lee's home. The search came as a surprise in light of the fact that investigators had earlier admitted that they had no grounds for charging Lee with spying and had been unable even to make a sufficient showing to obtain even an order permitting a wiretap of Lee's office and home phones. The fact that the raid coincided with the U.S. visit of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji raised suspicions that it had been orchestrated by elements of the U.S. government known to be hostile to the Clinton administration.
The case against Lee took a new twist in late April when the focus shifted to the allegation that in 1994 and 1995 Lee downloaded from the highly classified mainframe network millions of lines of computer code pertaining to U.S. nuclear warheads and saved it into his password-protected but non-classified personal computer. As an added security measure, said Lee, the transferred files were kept in folders bearing names that differed from their original names.
No evidence was produced to suggest that the downloaded files were actually accessed by the Chinese or any outside agents. But the investigators seemed to suggest that the mere transfers between the classified and non-classified areas of the Los Alamos computer network was tantamount to transferring it to the Chinese.
Anyone who has worked with computer files could understand possible innocent reasons for the downloading of the classified files into a more accessible part of the system. Since it was his job to update the archival "legacy" codes for five nuclear warheads, Lee needed to access those codes repeatedly and on a more or less constant basis. Rather than working on the original versions kept within the classified sections -- which would have entailed keeping open a connection to the secure areas -- he may have decided it was safer and more convenient to work on downloaded copies. Placing them in deliberately misnamed folders could have been an effort to disguise them for security reasons during the time he was working on them.
These downloaded files were discovered only in April, weeks after Lee was fired. The fact that Lee had kept them there since 1995 strongly suggests their downloading had been for innocent reasons. Else, he could have covered his tracks simply by erasing them after they were -- inferentially -- accessed by the Chinese.
After enduring two months of spying allegations in stoic silence, on May 6 Lee made his first effort at rebutting the allegations against him by issuing a 6-page statement through his attorney.
The statement alleges that both Lee and wife Sylvia had assisted the FBI in espionage investigations for the past 17 years and suggested that he ended up on a list of suspects compiled in 1996 only because investigators mistook his communications with Chinese agents and other Chinese American scientists at the FBI's behest for possible espionage activity.
"Dr. Lee will not be a scapegoat for alleged security problems at our country's nuclear laboratories," the statement declared. Lee is a loyal U.S. citizen and a dedicated weapons scientist who never provided "any classified information whatsoever to any representative of mainland China", it continued.
The statement also asserted that Lee "took steps" to safeguard the classified files he had downloaded into his personal computer. "Upon receipt of proper security clearances, Dr. Lee's lawyers will present specific evidence of his innocence confidentially to the United States Attorney's Office," said the statement. "We are confident that federal investigators will also conclude that no third party could have or did access his protected computer files."
Lee's protestations of innocence seemed to receive some vindication in mid August when the Energy Department's inspector general issued a report throwing into question the rationale for focusing the investigation on Lee. Former Los Alamos counter-intelligence chief Robert S Vrooman added to the questions about the validity of the focus on Lee, saying, "I've had a distinguished career and I'm not going to go down in history as the guy who screwed up this case, because I wasn't. This case was screwed up because there was nothing there -- it was built on thin air." Vrooman added that the Department of Energy focused on Lee spuriously after a cursory check of only Los Alamos and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory without considering 548 other sites, including various weapons fabricators, from which W-88 nuclear warhead data could have been leaked.
Vrooman further added that Lee was chosen as the primary target based on his ancestry and a trip to China despite the fact that 13 caucasian scientists had also paid the same visit to the same institute and same Chinese scientists. "It can be said at this time that Mr. Lee's ethnicity was a major factor," said Vrooman.
The government's contention that the Chinese had obtained W-88 miniature nuclear warheads for multiple-reentry vehicles by spying was based solely on the fact that a known Chinese agent had data about the U.S. W-88 warhead's external dimensions and explosive yields, contended Vrooman.
Adding to the perception that the case against Lee was rapidly crumbling, a week later Notra Trulock, the man who had initiated the so-called Chinese nuclear-spying investigation, quit his DOE intelligence post. Trulock had been the DOE's director of intelligence until being demoted in 1998. He had apparently tried to build an espionage case in hopes of having his departmental budget enlarged. Trulock denied having pointed the finger at Lee. Lee was only one of 12 scientists he had identified as possible espionage suspects, he said. Upon resigning Trulock immediately began working at TRW, a defense-contractor.
The case against Lee appeared to have become dormant until December 10 when Lee was arrested outside his home and charged with the 59 counts on the indictment returned by a Federal grand jury-- 29 counts of removing and tampering with restricted data, 10 counts of retaining restricted data, 10 counts of gathering national defense information and 10 counts of unlawful retention of national defense information. The magistrate found Lee to be a flight risk and denied bail, requiring him to spend the weekend in prison. On December 13 he was arraigned at the District Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Various Asian American groups, including the Asian American Manufacturers Association and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, have begun efforts to ensure that Lee will not be the victim of unfair treatment based on his Chinese ancestry even as they concede that they don't know whether he's guilty of wrongdoing. The concerns over fairness is based in part on the fact that others who have committed similar security breaches have never been charged have not had to face criminal charges.
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To the person who said Indians in HK not getting Chinese citizenship,
Long time Indians in HK are now holding British UK passports, something which many HK Chinese envy because they only have BNO (British National Overseas) passports.
With what you said, does that mean that if some lunatic in a different country started killing people of other races, does that justify you to do the same in the US?
Justifying one's injustice by quoting other's evil is the most laughable logic I have ever come across. If you think that you are better than the people overseas, in particular Asia, you should set an example to show them the way of life instead of getting down to the same level of mentality which you so despise.
Re: Indians in HK
RE Indians not getting Chinese citizenship in Hong Kong
HK has always been racist. Before 1997, people from the UK, Australia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Nigeria etc. could go to HK for a period between 1 to 3 years without applying. If they could find employment, they could stay there forever.
Before 1997, one from the above countries could go to HK without applying (was that colonial racism? HK Chinese could not reciprocate in that regard. Now these people can still migrate to there, provided they have family members there.
Indians in HK, like the rest of the population, are permanent residents of the place. Before 1997, the Indians were anxious in securing a British UK passport. Many succeeded. For HK Chinese, all they could get is a BNO (British National(Overseas)) passport.
Indians in HK would rather have a UK citizenship! Many HK Chinese would rather declare themselves citizens of their adopted country overseas.
The question of racism lies with whether a govt has an immigration policy. For HK, it was colonial racism before 1997, and Chinese racism after 1997. China, although multi-cultural, did not have an immigration policy.
Please compare apples to apples. Nations such as the US, Canada and Australia has an immigration polocy that actively encourages qualified people from all around the globe to be there.
You were comparing racism at the doorway of, say, China, with racism within a country in the case of Wen Ho Lee.
If one keeps another person at the door, the person who is treated that way is always an outsider.
Wen Ho Lee is a US citizens so he was treated badly by his fellow citizens, whether or not he should be found guilty.
How come people in the US never said HK was racist when the British were running the show? It was the case, it is and it may be in future if things don't change.
This "China is a threat" theory is not unfounded. Yet the Wen Ho Lee case triggered a lot of thoughts.
Would things have been different if China did what Japan did, i.e., westernised their government to one based on UK/Germany on a voluntray basis, instead of holding on to themselves in the 1800s?
Would things have been different if the US did not support the corrupt Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-Shek, hence would not have to face the humiliation of being defeated by the communists in China in 1949?
The same applied when the US supported the corrupt South Vietnamese regime. North Vietnamese at the time saw the US as a colonial foreign oppressor, while the US saw the North Vietnamese as a communist opponent to be knocked out. Both sides were not talking in the same wavelength.
More than 50 years ago the Chinese Communists and Nationalists were treated by the US in the same way the US treated N & S Vietnam in the Vietnam war.
The US had also supported Marcos in the Philippines as a defender against communism in Asia. Yet by 1986 the US was mature enough not to back Marcos during the People Power movement that saw Aquino coming to power.
I tend not to take side on global politics, but I think the US-China rivalry thing is a result of both sides not wanting to lose face. In China the communist system of running the economy has already vanished but the govt there still claims to be communist or else they will lose their legitimacy in ruling the country. If they admitted that they are no longer communists, they will face questions such as "why the hell did you kick the Nationalists out in the first place if you ended up being a market economy anyway?"
The US took side and backed the Nationalists during the Chinese civil war but they ended up on the losing side. Although the US only has diplomatic link with China only and not Taiwan, many politicians still felt emotionally responsible for the Nationalists' downfall, as if they could not see how corrupt the Nationalists were in the 1940s.
Another thing is the feeling of losing face because the communists, who did not befriend the US at the time, ended up in power after 1949.
The Wen Ho Lee case is only a reflection of the residual cold war mentality.
The key to undo the US-China hostility is two-fold - China must admit they are no longer communist because they no longer are, and the US must admit that they took the wrong side during the Chinese civil war before 1949.
Until then the US & China will still be fighting all sorts of non-bloody warfare at all levels because they are still speaking in different wavelengths.
Willing to face what actually happened on the world stage
Maybe he is a communist spy. We'll never know until the nukes hit us.
Why they would shackle a 59-year old man for as long as they did just blows me away!
Dear Sirs,
I invite you to look into the reprehensable reporting of the N.Y Times in the matter of Dr. Wen Ho Lee.
The results of your investigation will positively show Dr. Wen Ho Lee was made a scapegoat at the expense of all Asian Americans and more importantly, a free and unbiased press.
I welcome the idea to voice your outrage and to suggest a boycott of advertising of all Asian companies with the New York Times.
I'm afraid that only a boycott by Asian advertisers will help the New York Times reconsider the error of their ways, and their violation of the public trust.
Asian corporations must ban together to send strong signals to the New York Times that their "yellow journalism" will not be tolorated.
If we don't, I wonder who will be the next victim?
Michael Stephen McNulty
don't we just love being scrapgoats for being immagrants or being decendents of immagrants ? Here in America, we take other countries's brains and then turn around then scrapgoat them just because they can't speak english that well to defened themselves, when something gose wrong.... don't get me started on the media...
A Angry Little Neko from LA,Cailf
I'm shocked and dismayed that even when the flimsiness of the whole affair is exposed, and with so many weapons experts' ( as opposed to the decidely unexpert Cox) reports questioning the conspiracy theories of the Republicans, there are still so many who cling hopefully to a new and unfounded Cold War enemy as if treating China as an enemy is the right foreign policy.
No one should forget that the travesty of justice in Lee's case was oNLY possible because of the environment of hysteria whipped up by the Press (esp. New York Times) and the Republicans, this is the dawning of a new McCarty era. As long as the bogeyman (i.e. evil China and Chinese) exists, no Chinese-American is safe from discrimination and the fate of the Japanese-Americans during WWII
i think it is the most dumb f***ing case in the world
Why is it that the mainstream white media does not see the very different treatment that Wen Ho Lee gets versus whites such as Deutch and Indyt? --nebulafire@worldnet.att.net
A travesty of justice
Rick Taylor
According to the evidence, Wen Ho Lee took over 50 years of Nuclear weapons documents that can "seriously alter the global nuclear balance." This has nothing to do with his ethnic background. The media and Janet Reno should be ashamed of themselves for making light of one of the most serious security breaches that ever took place in this country. This act was a betrayal of all citizens as well as those of our allies. Clinton. at least according to the Cox report (available online) has a lot in common with Wen Ho Lee. Both gave critical, secret information to China. --Ida Tarbell
A lot of Asian Americans, particularly so-called Chinese-Americans, scream racism when a case like this comes up. What these same people fail to see is the institutionalized racism in their own countries: China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. For example, only Chinese are allowed residency in Taiwan. And what about those of Indian ancestry who live in Hong Kong, yet cannot get Chinese citizenship, even though they were born in Hong Kong and may have a parent who is Chinese? They cannot become citizens because they are not pure Chinese. Can you imagine if the United States suddenly adopted a policy whereby only blue-eyed, blond-haired people would be allowed to immigrate to the U.S.? But when the same thing happens in Taiwan, or China, or Hong Kong, it is not seen as racism: it is simply government policy. So, who is being racist? Think about it. The next time a Chinese-American cries foul, have him/her ask a Filippino laborer what it's like to work in (but be unable to immigrate to) Taiwan. Perhaps, then we shall begin to discuss discrimination based on ancestry.
It frightens me to think that in this day and age a man's ethnic background (never mind that he grew up in Taiwan, the PRC's mortal enemy) could be used as a legitimate factor in making him a suspect.
This is outright discrimination. This was proven by the judge publicly apologizing to Wen Ho Lee
The mistake Wen Ho Lee made was that he believed in our Federal Justice system to find out the truth. Solitary confinement for 9 months, seeing daylight for 1 hour a day, shackled in chains. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, or is this just reserved for Americans of European ancestry. He should of hired O.J.'s attorney, Billy Cochran
What ever happened to the tapes found behind the Xerox copier machine while Wen Ho Lee was in prison. Did they also blame him for that.
Hell yes! How soon do we forget about the relocation camps (concentration camps) of the Japanese. Mexican Americans being treated like second class citizens. African Americans being fooled into thinking that they are a integral part of our society. Human rights! Fuck that shit, what about peace of mind knowing that I have all the same rights of any other american. Man I wish I was white just for 1 day.
Come on, anyone downloading and mishandling the secrets that could lead to the destruction of the country ought to be handled in the most serious mannr. There is no way to downplay the trouble Lee got himself into. And why weren't wiretaps done? The government should've gone after him more vigorously, if anything. --jasonkrause@hotmail.com
The recent plea, which dropped 98% of the prosecutor's charges raises a dilemna: Is Lee a dangerous spy who is now free, or did an innocent man spend 9 months in solitary? An immigrant who has lived in (and survived) the Deep South, I'm guessing the latter?
Janet Reno and Bill Richardson should both be removed. The President owes Wen Ho Lee a pardon.
Unless asian-americans start forming
coalitions to influence the politic
system(as black did), this kind of
brutal-forcing racial profiling
will go on for ever.
If he had the guts to steal things, he needs to face the consequences. He should not put all asians to shame just because he wants to accept bribe of whatever it is he obviously got.
It is certainly paranoia and lack of faith in a minority's moral standards as well as cultural understanding. As it has been said, others who committed similar security breaches were not considered for trial but he did.
Would it have been different if China is not a Communist state? I doubt it.
It is clear that i and many would-be naturalized citizens will look elsewhere for hope and security. --Dismayed
I applaud the effort of this web page. I think there needs to be a focus on exactly who the culprits are though.
The singling out of Wen Ho Lee was a decision by Bill Richardson. Notra Trulock----who now finds himself persecuted by this administration---merely identified a problem of Chinese espionage---a problem which does exist, but probably moreso on the front of Satellite Launch contractors and corrupt Pentagon officials.
Wen Ho Lee has nothing to do with them, and in fact that was why this administration picked him. By Picking an Asian American they can then play the race card against the Republicans who have been rooting out the corrupt Clinton Administration who has explicitly sold our technology to Communist China's military in return for cash!!!
Indeed Janet Reno stopped the wiretap of Wen Ho Lee because it would acquit him, not incriminate him. --Big Chief Eddie Lightning Frog!
As a scholar himself, Dr Lee should know better...it is dangerous to get in volved in high level of governemental secrecy and esponiage (it seems he once work for FBI or CIA as a informant), where scapegoat is highly demanded on a regular basis. Being a chinese, he fits perfectly to the bill.
I, myself a PHD, want to share an encounter of mine with you. During my years of grad school, I needed a kind of super thin tubing which can only be bought from a southern state in the States. I called them up, tryed to make the order. The otherside heard my chinese accent and said not sell it to me. I asked why. The guy just said no particular reason and he just did not like to sell it to me. We have ordered this kind of tubing for last couple of years and never had a problem. And I asked some other causian guy to make the order, he happeily sell the tubings we needed.
There is a lesson can be learned in these. There is dark current under the superfical harmoney in this society. As the asian americans gains more financial and social stature. This conflict could be getting even worse. Dr Lee certainly has his side of stupidity. But he is in no way to be treated like that. For one there is not enough legal ground. Secondly similar situations once were overlooked.
As a community we have to be very careful, be united to protect ourselves and avoid this kind of trouble.
The case brought shame to the justice system of our country.
Charleston C. K. Wang
When Dr. Wen Ho Lee was first arrested on charges pertaining to the “crown jewels” of America, i.e. our nuclear weapons know-how, I felt little sympathy for this Taiwanese-born scientist. My reason was that Dr. Lee, necessarily a brilliant man, chose to apply himself to the creation of nuclear bombs intended not only to kill people, but kill them by the millions. I could not understand how a scientist, with all options of research open to him could give his intelligence to weapons of mass destruction. But, as it appeared that Dr. Lee had freely chosen to do this, and since such research was necessary for the national interest of America, I felt he is honor bound to do so with loyalty. If he indeed was a spy who could hurt the national security of America, he should be punished according to law. And I trusted the American government to proceed against him according to law.
Now as trial date approaches and as more of the facts surrounding Dr. Lee’s case are made public, it seems that Dr. Lee was subjected to unfair investigative tactics, if not misrepresentation by the government. Judge James Parker after hearing three days of testimony, ordered Dr. Lee released from jail on $1 million bail bond.
Dr. Lee has steadfastly insisted that he is innocent. His supporters suggest that the investigation is tainted by racial profiling and that Dr. Lee is a victim of racial bias. The government has denied that Dr. Lee’s race was a consideration. After all, the government is very concerned that Lee could help someone build a bomb or help a country bolster its nuclear program that could immolate millions.
I cannot but begin to feel sympathy for Dr. Lee’s plight. Until released by Judge Parker, he [CUT OFF due to packet-size limits]
As a criminal defense lawyer I was not surprised to learn that Federal agents lied under oath. They do it all the time! --Charles H Nadler, Outraged white man!
come on there is no excuse for what he did, stop with the race card!
Duh! Any serious student of asian-american history has got to appreciate the pervasive role that race has played in the ebb and flow of the majoritarian society's view of any group of color. Asian scientists of the present are politically no different from the railroad workers of the mid-nineteenth century! Don't think that a college degree is any protection against political expediency! --jjlee3dson@earthlink.net
This shows the racist nature of the white dominated's goverment
I can't think of any recent issue that has gotten me so angry as this one. (Well, Elian Gonzalez came close.) --Terry Gerritsen/Asian American/jogerrit@aol.com
He broke the law, and he should be severely punished. There is absolutely no excuse for compromising that type of information!
Cases like Dr. lee's will continue until ALL Americans [of whatever color] come to realize that this nation can survive only as a synergy of all people and reject the ideology of any race or nationality being inherently superior to another. Until that day we must be absolutely intracyable in our opposition to those who would benefit from sowing racial hatreds be they clothed in governmental or non-governmental [i.e., FBI/KKK]garb. --50 yr. old As-Am. professional, formerly active in student, anti-Vietnam war and community struggles of the 70's.
Poor guy, when will he get out of jail? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"
"I believe that Wen Ho Lee is prematurely being prosecuted, there is no evidence to suggests that he is guilty of any wrongdoing. If anyone has read the FBI transcripts from the lie detector test that he failed, there were a number of times that they had tried to fluster Wen Ho Lee. Number one, he repeatedly stated that his english was not good, they could have easily asked for a translater, but instead they grilled on questions that he did not fully understand. Surely, this is something that would increase your anxiety levels, therefore making you appear guilty. Also, the lies that the had told him, also must have interfered with the validity of the test. Who wouldn't be flustered by having all these lies yelled at you. I sure as hell know that I would be stressed. Besides, for this an many other reasons, lie detectors are not admissible in court. Wen Ho Lee is being brought up on trumped charges that he violated security protocols at Los Alamos, even though a number of NON-ASIAN SCIENTISTS ADMITTED THAT THEY TO HAD REMOVED CLASSIFIED FILES AT TIMES. I think they are clearly looking for a scapegoat. We as Asian-Americans and more importantly as AMERICANS must once again remind the government about the loyalty we have shown OUR COUNTRY. Remember the 442nd Regiment, and how they saved the Lost Regiment. They had fought to free the Jewish people, while their families were interned in AMERICAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS. After all this, I find it an outrage that the US Government would accuse Wen Ho Lee an AMERICAN CITIZEN, of being a spy without properly investigating all leads. WE ARE JUST BEING SINGLED OUT BECAUSE WE HAVE YET TO BE SEEN AS TRUE AMERICANS." --pholaphat@yahoo.com
"Yet Another Clinton Scapegoat -- People need to see the pattern here. Dr. Wen Ho Lee is the third completely innocent person Bill Clinton has tried to jail. The first was Billy Dale of the WH Travel Office, falsely prosecuted to cover up his patronage firing. The second was Richard Jewell, falsely investigated to prove that Bill Clinton was doing something about the Olympic bombing. Wen Ho Lee is the third, falsely charged to cover up Bill Clinton's tacit approval of PRC espionage (he needed a Chinese face to distract people from his own involvement). Nothing personal (or even racist for that matter)."
"A bit of both -- In my opinion, I figure they need to check all of the Non-Asian American Scientists who've had interactions with the Chinese. If I were the head of the Chinese spy agency, I would try to get a Caucasian or some non-Asian scientist to betray the country, especially knowing if there were Asians at the same lab. That way, their tracks would be covered! This strategy works well for the Triads and the Golden Dragons have a large, Caucasian group of enforcers and businessmen known as the "Pink Knights" whom they funnel a lot of illegal activity through since the cops won't give them a second look."