Industry vs AA Networking for Professionals
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)
he thought has crossed the mind of every ambitious young professional who has ever sipped a lime-laced Perrier in a napkin while eyeing the crowd at a reception, conference or industry function: Was it worth the time and money to come?
Networking dilemmas
Conventional wisdom and countless success stories say networking is an avenue for getting ahead. Regularly meeting industry and community colleagues keeps you abreast of trends and on the minds of those who may be able to offer a better job, a referral or at least a hot tip. And if you are already enjoying success, giving talks and sage counsel to youngsters on the move enhances your graybeard status and expands your power base -- not to mention providing the satisfaction of helping others.
Yet any true networker knows the costs. For heavyweights, the demand on time and energies can often add up to a second career. And once you've become a fixture on the reception/conference circuit, there's no graceful way to bow out of future commitments. The surge voltage from a sudden unplugging is sure to set the rumor mills spinning out of control. Before you know it, you've become the embodiment of failure and/or evil incarnate. How many tired souls find themselves trapped in the joyless task of defensive networking?
The costs and benefits must be weighed in the light of your personal style and professional needs before plugging in. And a networking strategy may not be a bad idea either.
Asian American professionals are confronted with what often seems like a Hobson's choice between jacking into industry networks or exploring the plethora of AA organizations that have sprung up over the past three decades to tap the energies of the swarms of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed young Asian Americans elbowing into the professional and corporate worlds.
In theory you should be able to do both, but reality poses complications when, as often happens, you are forced to choose one or the other on which to spend your limited spare energies. The typical AA brain snapshot reveals the following calculation: do I risk becoming ghettoized by going the AA route or do I risk being labeled a twinkie by going the whitebread route?
No doubt there are those who have managed to preserve job focus and a personal life while balancing the demands of AA and industry networks. To those, we ask: what's the secret to making networking a career boost instead of an energy sink? To others: what have been your networking experiences -- good bad and unspeakable?
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I agree with AAttorney that you gotta network like a madman if you're going to hang out a shingle. For the rest of uf I'm not sure networking is all it's cracked up to be. I think it's mainly for the younger people out to improve a bad lie out of college. Just going by the people in my own company, the front runners have their noses to the grindstone and aren't seen at too many happy hours. I'd say being tagged as a happy hour regular is almost the kiss of death for fast-trackers.
Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 08:38:27 (PDT)
Networking with other AA is mainly a social thing for me. From time to time I like sharing Asian meals with people who don't require culinary guided tours so we can just concentrate on more interesting topics.
Industry networking is the way to go if you want to give yourself a bit of polish and get a jump on openings or leads. I found my currrent job by networking and have gotten quite a few business referrals as well. I say you owe it to yourself to see and be seen. It's really an important part of your career development.
Soft Sell
Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 11:50:08 (PDT)
It's a matter of personal style and circumstance. Some people can spend a lot of time trying to network and it would be a total waste of time. It could even hurt them by taking focus away from work. Also, if you dont have a smooth style that makes others feel at ease, you could end up just getting yourself a bad rap as a worthless apple polisher.
Personally, I have found the most valuable networking to be the kind you do with people in your own department, the people you work with day in and day out. By getting to know them on an informal basis, you really help smooth over your dealings at work. It also makes you more of a trusted and known quantity, and that's a big plus in a corporate environment. I like to spend at least one evening or weekend afternoon every couple of weeks to watch games and/ or barbeque and drink beer, along with a friendly game of hoops or poker.
One thing to keep in mind for the youngsters: the time to do your networking is before you NEED the contacts. It's too late if you're on the lookout for some kind of immediate handout or break to save your career.
Friday, July 26, 2002 at 07:51:30 (PDT)
As a professional, sustained networking is the only way you will ever get your own practice off the ground. While I was working for a big firm, I spent many evenings getting to know a lot of other established lawyers, mostly Asian Americans. When I was ready to start my own office, they sent me a lot of referrals that got me off to a running start. Without all the schmoozing, it would have taken me at least a year to build up that kind of caseload.
But I have to say that now (four years later) that I am quite busy with my practice, I just don't have much time for networking. But now I feel a sense of obligation to try to keep the circle of life turning by helping out the new kids in the business. Payback is a bitch, so pay it forward.
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 22:42:32 (PDT)
I'll address one of the minor issues.
If I have a personal question, I would prefer to come to a message board like this and consult the wisdom of the participants at large.
I save time and generally get my issues resolved.
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 19:22:14 (PDT)