Asian American Clubs and Nightlife: The Highs & Lows
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)
our eyes lock and load across the crowded floor. The pounding in your chest cavity suggests love at first sight until you notice that it is just the dance beat pounding your skeletal system. Before you can squeeze off a killer smile, random bogeys obscure your target. The interference clears, but the target has disengaged.
Night magic or misery?
Somewhere out there is that dream bogey -- you know the one: mach-4 fuselage, heat-seeking ordinance, fueled for extended aerobatics. You are pumped for the possibilities of the wild strobed yonder.
Whether you're prowling solo, with a wingman or in close squadron formation, the night promises two kinds of dangers: a magical connection or a throbbing hangover. Which you end with depends on luck, skill and choice of air space. You can roll the dice at mass markets like Miyagis, Limelight, DNA Lounge, Kokomos. Or you can invest big bucks in cloak-and-dagger hideouts like Le Prive so numbered waiters can broker your action. Regardless of style, veterans know that magic rarely happens. A night of clubbing is more likely to end in an alcoholic haze laced with regret and a hangover. But once in a blue moon...
Either way, you've got war stories. Let's hear them. Here's the place to share your views on the highs and lows of Asian American clubs and nightlife.
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Check out Spundae (at Circus). Really tite DJs if you are out in L.A.
I heard Shark Club in Costa Mesa on Friday Nights is pretty hot too...
If you are in DC area, check out
GLOW (on Saturdays). Us Asians run the VIP room... or for the more raverlike crowd, check out Buzz at Nation on Fridays. Thursday nights check out Dream. Plenty of Asians.
Azn Clubber
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 08:41:05 (PDT)
Hey J,
Drop ma a line, draiconi@yahoo.com, swap some info.
My not so PC friends call me "Chink mutt."
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 00:22:51 (PDT)
i recently moved to north carolina from houston, texas. (big mistake!) there's nothin fun about nc. it's got messed up roads and lots of old people. i was just wondering if any of y'all know where i could go clubing and just meet people, esp. asians? i will be attending nc state university (located in raleigh, nc) this fall and so far i've only seen about 3-4 asians.
i wish i was in LA. it sounds much more fun than here.
Raleigh, NC
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 21:02:01 (PDT)
Does anyone go clubbing on Melrose or Sunset on a regular basis? I'm a 21 year old Asian guy who likes to go clubbing/bar-hopping. Unfortuantely I go to school out East, so when I'm back home for the summer I don't get to go clubbing much, because most of my highschool friends aren't into that kind of thing (also, I don't really have many college friends who are out here on the West Coast). Would anyone be interested in kicking it with a fun, friendly, (straight =P), non-dorky Asian brother? If anyone expresses their interest, I'll gladly give you my contact info. If not, oh well... it's back to beach for me.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 03:25:05 (PDT)
for all you people from frisco check out avaron. crowd is 16-24 most dont speak english and underage drinking is rampant no ID required. Its good to have deep pocket books though cause if you want a table its like 300 and if you want to get a good booking with some decent girls your gonna have to tip heavily the waiters. music is mostly fresh stuff from korea, dress is usually semi formal. girls usually dressed in skimply one pieces guys looks all the same complete with oversized retro shirt collars in bright colours with their gold bracelets. so if you looking for a good time check out avaron. oh the crowd hella discriminates if you're not young korean, and even if your korean you get hated on for not speaking korean indeed.
what is love
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 01:27:08 (PDT)
Hey, singleguy, you must have struck out at Miyagis and Le Prive. I've never been to Miyagis but I heard they get some celebs and beautiful people as well as a lot of tourists. I would never dream of going to a place like Prive tho I've heard a lot about it from my Korean pals. I like the Melrose scene. Less touristy, younger and hipper. Gabah and E420 are okay. Cool jungle beat and okay crowd.
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 23:17:44 (PDT)
Miyagi's? Pleeese. Total tourist trap. Crawlin with bald white guys looking for underage Asian chicks. I hear it wuz way better back in Roxbury days. The sushi sucks too. Met some hot eurotrash chicks though.
Le Prive? Pleeeeese! Thugz and amature hookers. Who wans to drop benjamins on bourbon and coke? Check out west end in Santa Monica for soem decent rock. The crowds kinda oldish with some biker types tho but its close to home.
Kokomos? Great if you're an OC teenybopper with a fake ID. Some hot Asian chicks though.
Limelight was pretty lame (and) light (weight) -get it?-when I was in nooyawk. Tunnel was better, but a lot of gays there. I think they wuz eyein me. *Shudder* just becuz I'm a shawp dresser.
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 02:26:03 (PDT)