Asian Air 


(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:57:25 PM)

ime was when we saw literary fame or Hollywood stardom as the final frontier for Asian acceptance in the U.S. More recently the frontier shifted to pro sports and national politics.
     A year into the 21st Century we see Asian lights going on in the literary world, Hollywood and pro sports. We even see Asian Americans in two cabinet posts. But one arena remains starkly devoid of Asian stars -- the pop music scene.
james iha
James Iha, Smashing Pumpkins guitarist/backup vocals & solo recording artist

     Classical stars like Yo-Yo Ma, Seiji Ozawa and Vanessa Mae are old news. We've noted Japanese imports like Shonen Knife, Keiko Matsui and Pizzicato Five. We've marveled at the unlikely hit "Sukiyaki". Many of us have spotted James Iha in Smashing Pumpkins and Jeff Lin in Harvey Danger, or maybe even heard of Asian American bands like Seam and Versus.
     But where is pop music's Chow Yun-Fat, Ichiro, Chang-rae Lee, Norman Mineta?
     One indication of our lack of presence in pop music is the fact that Ming-Na and husband Eric Zee have even financed a record label (Innovazian) in hopes of promoting an Asian American pop/R&B boy group -- a sort of private Head Start program for pop music. Few of us even know its name (At Last). Its first CD sold all of 3,000 copies.
     Those of a paranoid or cynical bent will postulate conspiracies among racist, short-sighted heads of major record labels. The sociologically inclined will see pop music as the inner sanctum of American culture and Asians as the perpetual outsiders.
     But for purposes of this page, put on your music critic/historian hat and prognosticate the most likely path by which an Asian star will ascend to the American pop firmament. Will it be a Canto-Pop, J-Pop or K-Pop star storming the U.S. via the import route? Will it be a surprise chart-topper by an AA artist (say James Iha with another, more successful solo album)? Or will there be a frontal assault by a wave of AA groups/artists currently playing the club and auditorium circuits?

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Hello, I stumbled across this page while doing a search on a totally unrelated topic, but figured that - while I'm here - I ought to mention that I'm in a Chicago-based, nationally touring electropop band called the Mystechs, and our lead singer is half Filipino. The website is Also, there's a band here in Chicago we occasionally play with called Triple Process (, the lead singer of which is - I believe - of Southeast Asian descent (his name is Namky Lim - which sounds to me like it would be Thai or Vietnamese or something? Apologies - nearly all of the Asians I know are Chinese, Korean, or Japanese, and I'm not very familiar with Southeast Asian names).

Anyhow, there are plenty of bands coming up in the underground with Asian members, even Asian front(wo)men. Just give it a bit of time.

-Emil Hyde-
Emil    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 11:14:16 (PST)    []
I am an aspiring singer/songwriter/actress looking to make it big... and I really think that America is ready.. but it's hard to get the right connections to get up there...
My Lee    Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:14:42 (PST)    []
Hopefully there will be some kind of movement of AA songwriters! I'm definitely keeping my eyes pand ears peeled for it!

I'm an AA singer/songwriter, not really expecting to compete w/the top 40 stuff, but I'd like to get out there and make my presence known!

Here is a site featuring my songs:

Goh Nakamura    Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 18:48:52 (PST)    [] opinion, EVERYONE should check out this group *At Last* singing group...because I think they are really really really awesome.....=) If there has to be ONE Asian American Group/Artist.....*AT LAST* is finally here.... Chelle
   Monday, November 11, 2002 at 21:41:38 (PST)    []
OMG! the US SHOULD be ready for asian american pop stars. asian americans are evrywhere CEPT fer the music industry..and maybe movie. i'm an asian american and i'm trying to look for some asian pop music. i can't find any because i don't know what's in style. unlike here in america, i know evrything that's going on. anyways..THE US needs to be ready for asian american pop stars! it's the only america doesn't have right now!
   Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 21:54:13 (PST)    []
Yes, Regine's voice is truly something. I would go as far as to say that she can probably outsing most of the Female Singers in the Asian Market. As far as the Asian American singers, I think prominently, it's been the Filipino Americans that have been in the forefront of this grouping. Groups and singers like Jocelyn Enriquez, Kai, Innerlude, Devotion, DNH, One Vo1ce, Pinay, have been "in the game" longer than a couple of years and some have even had some radio play in several markets. Some of these groups have had their time on major labels. Honestly, why are these singers overlooked? If anything, they'll be the ones you'll see first when it comes to Pop Music here in the States. One of the Filipino American's best kept secret? 6th
   Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 16:46:04 (PST)    []
Hirai Ken was on Apollo??? When was this because I don't remember seeing that! I think he has SOUL.

Hey, does anyone know of any Indian (Hindustani, I guess) artists that might have a shot in the US?
   Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 17:50:05 (PDT)    []
Black Man,

I remember watching Jerry Woo also, but he didn't exactly receive thundering applause. It was more of a subdued, respectful applause. I know it's nitpicking, but he didn't exactly have a huge stage presence. I also read somewhere that Ken Hirai performed at the Showtime and they kind of booed him a bit but later gave him some respect.
   Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 01:57:27 (PDT)    []
There was a young guy out of California who had a chart topping R&B hit in the early nineties or late eighties. His name was Jerry Woo. He appeared on "Showtime At The Apollo" and recieved a thunderous applause. His record did very well but he disappeared.

An Asian star hopeful should enter the next "American Idol" competition to show the world that Asians can sing (and hopefully win).
Black Man    Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 14:06:12 (PDT)    []
the rapper in Linkin Park is half Japanese and the DJ is Korean American. The group Hoobastank is fronted by a guy who is half Japanese half causasian. So there are groups coming up who have Asians in the mix. Look towards home ground for more Asian American artists to break into the limelight.
   Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:48:49 (PDT)    []
I remember them. I was, like, 8 or 9 years old back then (early 90's). Yeah I know the one you're talking about, but I can't remember his name. WOW, you went waaaay back in the day, man!
   Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 19:28:53 (PDT)    []
Wasn't a member of 2 Live Crew half black and half asian? They got a lot of attention back in the day. Doesn't anyone else remember?
   Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 19:52:53 (PDT)    []
What ever happened to Jecelyn Enriquez? She's Asian American, but Asian nonetheless!
Techno, rave, & dance forever
   Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 17:40:09 (PDT)    []
I didn't realize that I wrote "S.O.S"!!! My bad!!! I meant S.E.S!
   Friday, October 04, 2002 at 19:19:32 (PDT)    []
It seems like the Phillipines have many female singers with good, powerful voices. regine is one of them.Hopefully, she gets a chance to perform a duet with an R&B artiste from the US real soon, and expose her true talents to the american listeners.
   Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 07:17:07 (PDT)    []
i love Regine Velasquez and i do not have to convince everyone that she is one the best singers in the world. given the right break she could easily give other female artist a run for their money.
   Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 04:50:41 (PDT)    []
As far as Luna Sea goes, the one that could make a real name for himself over here is Sugizo. J's solo rock is waaaay too hard for these poppy U.S. bastards! Gackt wouldn't make it because he's too sexy & would pose a threat to WMs. DEG??? Kyo is cool in Japan, but he'd scare people over here.
I was watching cartoons & I saw a commerical that had Hikki's song "Hikari" in the background (of course it was in english & had a dance beat to it). If Utada Hikaru made a big splash here in the USA, then it would open some doors!
As for Korean & Chinese...
Koeans need to send S.O.S becuase they can't sing... THEY CAN SANG!!! Also we'd like to see Youjeen.
Chinses need to send Sandy Lam, Aaron Kwok, & A-mei Chang.
   Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 19:37:10 (PDT)    []
There should be an Asian-American version of teeny bop artists like the two Japanese young women that make up Puffy Ami-Yumi.
   Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 07:05:01 (PDT)    []
I agree with you all on the fact that there is a lack of Asian American representation in the US music industry. But what are we to do about? Well, as Asian Americans, we have the duty to support the AA groups who actually are trying to break the threshold. At Last, Ming-Na and Eric Zee’s group has been working very hard these past two years to reach their goal as the first AA group to make it into the mainstream music industry. This group definitely has the talent, but being Asian creates limitations. The only way they will make it is with the continuous support of people like us. Just last week, they released their second CD. For more information on getting a hold of a copy or to find out more about the group, go to . I encourage you all to follow talented groups like this one and support them as they pursue their dreams.
Asian American
   Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 15:44:42 (PDT)    []
What ever happened to Josephine Banig Roberto, the Filipina girl who won Star Search Grand Champion? Indirectly defeated Leanne Rhymes, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and Aaliyah. It's a waste of REAL talent. I hope she'll come back.
Star Search
   Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 13:27:24 (PDT)    []
Needless to say, Asian cultures are vastly different from western cultures. Music is a very important element of culture. Enable for an Asian artist to break into the western market, he or she must behave and think completely as a westerner (American), that which many Asians don't do. From what I've heard so far, Asian music is a lot more soft and poppish compared to American music. Also the mainstreanm trends changes drastically with the times. Glam rock will never be popular again in the US. Although bands like X-Japan are great, that kind of music will never be popular again in the US. There might be little pockets of people that dig it, but the majority of the people follow the mainstream trend. Enble for an Asian musician to
   Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 10:35:17 (PDT)    []
Dir En grey, Malice Mizer, Pierroth, GLay, Larc´En Ciel are greatest group in japan... and the disappeared group of Luna sea .. well is another story but they are great group .. it could be wonderful if US Introduce this kind of band, even of that i don't understand Japanese.. but who cares... the music are great...
it could be more easy for my to buy japanese music in the US, because i live in mexico..
Pyriel - Dark Angel    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 06:50:54 (PDT)    []
Regine Velasquez is more of an adult contemporary artiiste. Like celine dion, whitney houston.she's not the teeny boppy favourite who sings candy pop. She's more catered for the adult listeners who appreciate ballads and a powerful voice.
Filipina Sweetie
   Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 19:46:14 (PDT)    []