Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)
n late July 2001 the world's two top martial arts stars announced a deal to co-produce and co-star in an action flick to be filmed in late 2002 for a 2003 release. The question naturally arises: what kind of movie could do justice to two such divergent types? Jackie Chan is a highly acrobatic clown who has built his following on a self-effacing counry bumpkin image. Jet Li is a deadly serious warrior who finds it easier to crack a man's neck than a smile.
Now that both global megastars are releasing big-budget Hollywood films at a breakneck pace for seven-figure salaries, they are the most visible Asians in the American filmgoing consciousness. Whether we Asian Americans like it or not, our image is shaped more by the screen exploits and antics of these two broken-English speaking foreigners than by any dozen Asian American actors. In the filmgoing psyche the sober, chaste and deadly-efficient Chinese cop in Kiss of the Dragon is pitted against the nimble goofball in Rush Hour 2.
Which Hong Kong star is better for the image of Asian Americans?
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JOSH, check Kiss of the Dragon, no cables in that flick, check also Fist of legend, I dont care what anyone says, I love jet li and chan but bruce lee is the real original deal, he proved it in life and in movies, his speed and the art of wing chun, I dont think Jackie chan would have touched him with his gymnastics.......I dont care who would beat who I'm just glad they're doing movies (or did in bruce lee's case) it's all past down anyway from master to student, so without the past masters passing on the knowledge there would be nothing for us now, it's all good for the asian image anyhow, because even if not a martial art the person still admires the skill and dedication it all takes.
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 05:16:54 (PST)
In response to the comment by Rob Gman about Bruce Lee's moves being "dull" ... yes, compared with today's advanced fighting choreography and cinematic techniques, Bruce Lee movies may seem a little bit mundane compared with today's modern chop-socky flics. However, the real genius you see in Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies, really lies in inventive fighting choreography/cinematography - particularly of "Yeun (Cory) Wo Ping". I mean, if he can make Keanu Reeves look good in The Matrix, then it's no surprise at how awesome he can make Chan and Li appear in their movies (e.g. "Legend of the Drunken Master", "Fist of Legend", etc...), especially with the addition of modern-day "wire", "compositing" and "speed-ramping" CG techniques (to speed up/accelerate particular segments of a film). Not taking anything from Jet or Jackie (who are magnificant martial-artists), but if you are comparing "martial-arts prowess", Bruce is the hands-down winner. Sure, Jet won tournaments when he was ten, but that was against other small, thin, Asian kids. He should try competing in East LA for some reall competition! It's like bragging I was an A+ student in grade five, but flunked university. If you're using this argument, then none of these guys really can prove anything, since none competed in any real full-contact, all-out tournaments in their prime (e.g. Kumite, Ultimate-Fighting, etc...). In this sense, they're really all merely "actors who do martial-arts on the side" - nothing more, nothing less. But back to Bruce ... Rob, what you need to understand about Bruce Lee, is he did it ALL - he did the fighting AND the fight choreography, and developed the progression of martial-arts as well. Everything in our world progresses - i.e. gets better through time, including movie fighting cinematography. Jackie Chan and Jet Li (lead by Wo Ping) had Bruce Lee and other films and accumlated martial-arts knowledge (of the *70's* for crying out loud!), to use and compare against, to look back at and out-do ... Bruce Lee had nobody. He was a true innovator - a self-made, inventive original, who had single-handedly accomplished much more for martial-arts and martial-art films than any other one person in history. You have to understand, that before him, there was nothing of this sort (not much, at least). He kind of did for martial-arts/Asians what "The Beatles" did for music/Britain. And given that it took 20 (that's TWENTY) years after his death (starting with "Rumble in the Bronx" in the early 90's), for Asian martial-arts films to re-emerge in pop culture again, and the fact that Lee's name is still mentioned today (30+ years after his death), shows he's certainly stood the test of time. And one more thing about being "dull" - "REAL" fighting IS *DULL*! Those lovely "kung-fu ballads" you see in modern-day chop-socky flicks simply shall never exist in reality. Bruce tried to be more honest and true, and tried to convey a fighting martial-arts for film that was truer (though still not 100% true) to a real-life situation. Watch those Bruce Lee movies again, and realize that there are no camera tricks or special FX to help him out ... with that in mind, you may realize that this guy is inhumanly quick (to this day, I have NEVER seen - even real prefessional martial artist - through kicks/punches as sharp and quick as Bruce Lee)! Think of the response this gave to audiences in the 70's, who've never seen this stuff before! Bruce *invented* the genre, Yeun Wo Ping took it to another level with Chan and Li merely being his puppets. But even up until today, no one in martial-arts cinema has yet even come close to Bruce Lee's on-screen electric presence, nor have matched his grace, style and charisma. Rob, I'm guessing you're probably born after 1980, but anyone born before then remembers the legendary mystique and aura carried by Bruce Lee, from the ghettos of Brooklyn to suburban Beverly Hills, from street punks to lawyers of all races and nations, even several years after his death. THAT is why still the "hype".
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 05:09:18 (PST)
I really couldn't tell you who is the better image as they both just beat people for the sake of entertainment. I will say this though. They are both very entertaining and both act as honorable characters. A few differences are definitely between them, however.
1.) Jackie Chan plays the happy-go-lucky fighter
2.) Jet-Li plays the more serious/ honorable fighter
3.) Jackie Chan performs his own stunts and is a very impressive performer. He is incredibly entertaining and I personally get more fun and shock vallue from his movies
4.) I doesn't appear that Jet-Li is performing his own stunds and probably uses camera tricks and wires. Regardless, it is entertaining.
5.) Jackie Chan doesn't kill, or break the bones of his apponents. He simply fights when he must. He fights to win, but not to kill.
6.) Jet-Li seems to kill or maim everyone he fights.
Overall, I guess that I believe that Chan is better overall. I enjoy both, but knowing that chan is actually doing everything that he is doing really impresses me. And for the most part, all the things that he is doing are utterly incredible by their own rights. This often leaves me wondering how he pulls off what seems to be nearly impossible feats. If you want to be wowed, watch chan.
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 13:11:25 (PST)
It amazes me how every one assumes how great of a fighter people are....Watch ultimate fighting championship if your looking for "fighters" ..We're talking about movie "actors" here...Seriously, they are actors .There are thousands of guys who would destroy them both at the same time. It's not about them being great warriors it's about them being great people.And great role models for asian youth. And I do prefer Jackie because I can relate to him more. If your looking for real great asian fighter look up the following names ...
Kazushi Sakuraba
Caol Uno
Genki Sudo
Takanori Gomi
Cung Li
Hayato Sakurai
Rumina Sato
These guys prove their good by actually fighting..
And as far as fighting goes just training doesn't prepare you for the mental anxiety and nerves before the real thing.
MMA Fighter
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 18:22:45 (PST)
Jackie Chan is better than Jet Li. Thats not a matter of opinion, that's FACT! Jackie Chan really fights in his movies. Jet Li flies around on strings. If Jackie needs to get from one building to another in a movie he really jumps, Jet Li flies on a string. Jet Li may be really fast but jackie is more resourcefull in a fight and just flat out kicks butt. Jet Li wouldnt have a chance, nore any of the following Steven Seaguel (he sucks), jean claude van damme, Arnold schwarzenegger, any other movie star or martial artists. ( He could beat Brandon and Bruce Lee at the same time if they were still alive) The bottom line is that jackie chan is the bomb cause I said so, And the truth is I really don't got to say all of this because if you have ever seen a Jackie Chan movie you now what I mean, even if you don't say it you know deep down inside. And he doesnt act like somthing or someone he isn't.
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 19:57:20 (PST)
Jet Li is way better than JAckie Chan because he knows more kung fu and he is much quicker.
Friday, November 29, 2002 at 10:00:35 (PST)
good image for children???? so who let's children watch Kiss of the Dragon or thunderbolt??????
Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 06:39:41 (PST)
I think jet li is better because jackie chan is already getting old and jet li is still young.
Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 09:31:05 (PST)
I dont care who is better for the image to be honest, they are both an inspiration to better oneself through discipline and control, no-one will ever replace Bruce Lee's speed and abilities but Chan and Li give it a damn good go, thank God they are around!!!! I love both their movies and positive images, can't wait for their movie together....woo hoo!
Monday, November 25, 2002 at 01:38:08 (PST)
Image should not be based on their Martial Arts Ability.
its about what they have done for society!
Remember Jackie Chan invests in alot of charities and does all he can for children? (what does Jet Li Do?!)surely Chan is a better image if only for that.
Also Jet Li goes around killing people in his movies! (Not a good image for the children!?) Right
About Martial Arts Ability! (hahahaha)
(Ready for the comeback now!!! email me with your replies :-)
Jet Li Studied Wu Shu which is a miss mash of Martial Arts and any true martial arts would tell you that its not really a fighting style but more of a demonstration art like Drunken Boxing!
Remember its a art formed by the chinese government to combine the reach of Shaolin! (Its man use is for Competitions! - Fighting under rules!)
which is why its the number one sport in chinese (remember sport!!!)
jackie chan studied in the opera for many years studying many different types of self defense styles (look, sport vs self defense)
jet li uses alot of camera and wires in his movies to make his moves look good (very fake! - is this good for the chinese image - fake action star)
Jackie Chan didnt use Wire work in "The Tuxedo".
So if its a question of Image then i would have to say that Jackie Chan is better.
I've studied Wing Chun for over a decade so i have some knowledge of Martial Arts but never claim to know it all.
In my opinion they are both great fighters in their own right. But as mentioned earlier i do prefer Jackie Chan because he has his own style. U see a Chan movie and you know its a chan movie!
U see a Jet Li movie and you just think another Top notch Martial Artists (i.e Donnnie Yuen, Bruce Lee)
You can replace Jet Li with any other Martial ARtist in his movies and not know the difference.
But you could never replacement Jackie Chan with someone else in his movies!
Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 13:29:06 (PST)
I like Jackie Better. He doesnt seem to try to be something hes not. While to me
Jet tries to be Bruce Lee. Bruce is a legend hands down but he should not be copied (Brandon was his son so he did it). I have always been a fan of "Big Brother" Jackie so maybe im a bit partial. But as far as image is concerned I like the fact that Jackie Doesnt Kill his enemies in Movies rather he just beats them up. Jet on the hand kills everyone! Cross Jet you die. I'm not a fan of that, Jackie once said in a Documentary that once the enemy is beat Walking away shows the strengh of the Fighter. Jet would walk away then come back to kill the guy.
The Exalted
Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 10:32:40 (PST)
Why do you all mention better for the image of Hong Kong this Hong Kong that??? Jet Li is a mainlander he is not from Hong Kong and his mother tongue is Mandarian..........Hong Kong is Chan and where the movies are made primarily....the question was the "Asian Image" not the Hong Kong image.....
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 05:43:35 (PST)
This is an example of the differences between western and eastern outlook on life, the east are pround of the talented exponents of the martial arts, chan from hong kong and li from the mainland........but what do the west do, they say yeah I like him but dont like him and he would beat the s*** out of him etc etc....what a lot of balls..........the chinese learn from and respect their lineage and present masters, the west would have them beat the cr*p out of each other to prove their own induvidual point...no wonder the chinese call westerners barbarians and devils. And p.s. the rumors are true li and chan are going to make a movie together, but I doubt if they will entertain your bloodlust for the sake of entertainment.
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 02:28:39 (PST)
Jet Li is No question the better image for Asian American. He provokes dedication, seriousness, and pure determination. Altho He's not a better actor than Jackie Chan, that does not mean jackie chan is better. Remember, they both have studied martial for many years and they both train everyday, but Jet Li posses the ability to kill someone. He study in the shao lin temple in his previous years. Rememeber Shao Lin Kung Fu is rated the number one martial art in the world U wonder why. Jackie was being notice for his films, and in those films he shows martial arts. But to me he performs more stunts than martial arts. Where as Jet Li was being notice from many martial art championship he has won. To Jackie Li who said that their only actors. If I See U And Know Who U are i will beat u...cuz jet li and jackie chan both are true martial artists who have self control and will defend themselves if they have to...
Ur Master
Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 14:45:20 (PST)