Asian Air 


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Suffering a Sushi-Bar Bore

especially agree with you about some of these white guys who prey on asian foreign students. Sheeyit, I was at a sushi joint sitting at a table next to two Japanese foreign students who hardly spoke English, but were being courted by some dorky white guy, who reminded me of an inbred cross between John Goodman and Woody Allen. He was trying to act all confident and outgoing. I mean here we were in a small restaurant where everybody was talking quietly and he had to talk so loud so that everyone could hear him like he was f***ing Jay Leno. I overheard him going on about how americans love asian girls, because they were so smart, hardworking and womenly. He went to to brag about how American men (meaning white guys) are the open and friendly, and that "you probably are not used to being with people who know how to have fun" like us. I was getting nauseous listening to this. I didn't really want all that expensive sushi to be wasted as vomit so I decided to go up say hi to this good ol' all-american boy when he left the table to get more drinks and food. As I walked over to him he saw me and looked down, pretending to get be looking at his watch. I stood right next to him and said, "How are are you doing?" He kinda shrugged, so I asked him "so you like the stuff here or what?". He muttered, "it's okay.", as he paid the and went back to the table probably to seek solace from his Japanese maidens. The funny part is that the server behind the bar called this guys back midway to his table, because he had forgotten both his change and his food, oops. What do you think, was my sushi breath bad? Or was it another case of that type of white guy who was only acting like a confident gentleman around asian women who they perceive to be sexually available?
Tom Ho

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