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Born-Again ABC Man Comes Home

don't know about you guys, but I'm keeping it Real. I'm Chinese (not mixed). My girlfriend is Chinese (she's not mixed either). I prefer it that way.

     Am I the "stereotypical" Asian guy who "dominates" his girlfriend? Hell no!!! It's probably the other way around, if you ask her friends and my friends.

     I cook for her. I clean her apartment (floors, walls, kitchen, shower and toilet). I do her laundry. I separate the colors the way she wants it. I fold her clothes the way she wants it. I tune up her car. Having spent 10 years in the Boy Scouts and 4 years as a Company Grade Officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, I taught her all that I know about living and surviving in the outdoors. I taught her how to shoot a weapon safely and properly. Piss-ass drunk from girls-night-out? I give her a piggy-back ride home...when she's puking all over me. When it's late, I go pick her up from work. When she's sick, if it's western medicine that she wants, I go buy it. If she wants a Chinese medicine, I make it. Hole in the wall? I patch it up. Broken light? Busted fuse? Who does she call? Me, Ah Bun, the ABC!! Do I complain? Hell no!!! I LIKE to do those things for her.

     Amy Tan and the "Joy Luck Club"? Please!!! That woman needs to get a clue! When my girlfriend needs cash, I quietly stuff money into her pockets before she sets out on her day!

     My views on sell-outs? I used to care, but I don't anymore. Do some non-Asians have an Asian fetish? Hell yes!!! I was walking with my friend Mary once in Manhattan. As we were exciting the subway station, we noticed a White guy's eyes pop open and his jaw drop upon sight of her (yes, my friend is all that). Right behind this White guy, who was gawking at Mary, was his Asian wife struggling with their 3 kids and an arm-full of grocery. No, her jaw didn't drop and her eyes didn't pop out. She looked miserable. She was too busy struggling with the 3 kids and the grocery to notice that her husband was in lust and Asian fetish heaven. Well, to each their own. You wanted it, you got it. Don't complain, live with the decisions you've made in your life. That poor woman "became" the sterotypical Asian woman. Think about that.

     BTW, in case you're wondering, "Oh, maybe it's because you're ABC." Yes, I am. But, I tend to prefer Fobby girls. I love to watch Chinese movies (both the soaps and the regular films). I love to bust out in Cantonese with my friends. I love karaoke. I love Aaron. I love Andy. I love Kelly. I love Jay. I love Richie. I absolutely love Sammi!!! And, I love Ekin's style! I love Asian food...particularly my parent's cooking.

     One more thing, I was a sell-out myself...until I got to my Mid-20s and realized that I was missing out on something. You see, I realized that I could love a girl with ALL of my heart but if you don't share a similar background/culture/ upbringing, you're really missing out on the final piece of the puzzle. Trust me, I was there once. I was engaged to an Italian woman (she asked me to marry her). Looking back, I'm glad I said "no." Even though I loved her deeply, it was not the time for me. Fast forward to the present. I'm with my current girlfriend...soon to be fiancee (I asked her to marry me). She's me. You never realize that there's a glass wall between two people in love until you have a relationship with someone from your own culture/background/upbringing. All of a sudden, to find out that, "Wow, how is that possible? How can I love someone more than what I had previously?" That glass wall suddenly disappeared. I don't have the answer to that. You just have to experience it for yourself to find out.

     I've finally come full-circle and I've come "home." It was a pleasant surprise. :)
Born Again Chinese (BAC)
   Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 01:00:34 (PST)    []

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To Got A Brother,

What is with the guys telling other guys that they are "WHIPPED" when he is doing something nice for the GF? So is the GF "WHIPPED" if she does something nice for their BF? Maybe the GFs shouldn't do anything for the BFs and let them be? Is not about being "WHIPPED", it's part of the love that they have each other and they are willing to do for each other. It shows how much the BF loves his GF by using his hand squeeze organge juice for her, instead of taking the easy way out and just buy the orange juice from the store. It's the meaning of "LOVE" he has for her and he is willing to take care of her when she is sick. Are you willing to take care of your GF when she is sick or what happen is you are sick? Lie in bed and call MOM??
Cutie Pie    Friday, December 20, 2002 at 13:52:55 (PST)    []
#1 and #2 on your list might lead you to a good psychologist, but the rest of your list sounds like you are quite smitten with your GF. Good luck with your relationship, sounds like you are very lucky to find your true love.
Hannybunbun    Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 07:13:49 (PST)    []
Hannybunbun needs to get a grip.

BAC's only talking of his personal life. No one else's.

No need to be judgmental simply because he loves his girlfriend....and she's also Asian.

Why do non-Asian women always jump on this kind of stuff?

Her posts reek of insecurity. Of course she'll deny it. But then why the need to go on and on about her own life?
No one asked    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 21:43:47 (PST)    []
"I read you mentioned numerous times that she is Chinese like you, however I did not hear you mention any of the characteristics of how she is so great or wonderful to be with..except that she is Chinese."

Let me count the ways:

1) My gf farts in my face
2) My gf burps in my face
3) My gf likes to play with bugs and frogs
4) My gf is a total football fanatic...I can't stand it
5) My gf is cute and adorable
6) My gf is smart
7) My gf is considerate
8) My gf understands me, my family, and our culture
9) I can speak to my gf in either Cantonese or English
10) I love waking up and see her drooling all over the pillow
11) I love the funny faces that she makes
12) Even though she's a bit chubby, it just makes her more adorable (I tend to prefer the typical skinny Chinese girl)
13) I love when she tries to speak Cantonese and it comes out weird (with a slight "Toi Shan" dialect)
14) I love her sense of humour
15) Heck, I love everything about her!!!
Born Again Chinese (BAC)    Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:16:18 (PST)    []
I agree with Hannybunbun.

No one is more preachy than a Born Again.

When I think of Born Again Christians, no offense but I think of random strangers on the street trying to convert me and get me to join their church.
By calling yourself
you're too preachy    Monday, December 16, 2002 at 10:03:45 (PST)    []
Glad your enjoying your life, but your one example on the street of seeing a white man with a Asian wife and him lusting after your girlfriend does not account for the many happy interracial unions. Hell, there are always lots of CHINESE guys looking at me, I have had them flirt and I am married to a Chinese man. What does that say? That all Chinese men have weird fetishes for white women and that I should have stuck with a white guy because they are so pure and would be better marriage material because they happen to be my race?
Good for you dating who you want, too bad it comes down so much to the fact that she is the same race as you. I read you mentioned numerous times that she is Chinese like you, however I did not hear you mention any of the characteristics of how she is so great or wonderful to be with..except that she is Chinese.
I was born in America also. My fathers family is Dutch. Does that mean I should only eat Dutch foods, search for a Dutch husband and suddenly be "reborn" as Dutch? Wow, and if I don't then I am not "keeping it real?" So am I a sell-out for embracing the culture that I was born into and loving it, and also bringing in my father's culture too? I will never be Holland born. I can go through all kinds of "rebirth" ceremonies, eat all of the Rusk in the world and I still will always be American born. Can't change that.
Speaking of Asian fetishes, you seem to have one yourself, the fact that a Chinese born girl turns you off the moment she does not have a "Chinese" accent, what is the difference between that and lets say a white guy that only likes Chinese women with a Chinese accent?

If your letter was to be happy about your relationship, that is nice, but it is full of double standard comments. I think you could have written a better way to express your happiness of celebrating your rediscovered heritage.
Hannybunbun    Monday, December 16, 2002 at 06:17:59 (PST)    []
I hear you guys...glad to see others out there like me. :)

I would've never known that there was a "glass wall" in interracial relationships until I experienced it for myself.

It's strange, but it does exist.

"Bo Joong!"
Born Again Chinese (BAC)    Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 18:35:23 (PST)    []
So what, you buy your girlfriend medicine and all that - I do that too - big deal. :) No, just kidding - I do everything you do except for stuffing money into her pockets secretly. I would do that for my children, yes, but for my wife, I'd probably just give the money to her - if I had money to give.

Yes, I too grew up without realizing how much much we had in common with our sisters. Glad I saw the light a few years ago - I too was in my mid twenties when that happened. This might not be everyone's opinion, but it is mine - for me - I would only want to marry someone who is of the same descent. IF I don't marry someone who is of the same descent, that is OK too, but I would strongly try to marry someone who is of the same descent.
K Dude    Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 17:43:20 (PST)    []
"BTW, in case you're wondering, "Oh, maybe it's because you're ABC." Yes, I am. But, I tend to prefer Fobby girls. I love to watch Chinese movies (both the soaps and the regular films). I love to bust out in Cantonese with my friends. I love karaoke. I love Aaron. I love Andy. I love Kelly. I love Jay. I love Richie. I absolutely love Sammi!!! And, I love Ekin's style! I love Asian food...particularly my parent's cooking."

YES!!! HK girls rock! Taiwanese girls are good too, but they have too much attitude. Anyways, I feel you, bro. I'm ABC too, and never again will I go out with an ABC girl. If I see a girl I like, if I hear a perfect American accent come out of her mouth, it is such a turn off! I used to sport the steretypical ABC style spike hairdo, but now I'm growing it out, "Nic Tse" style (before he shaved it).

Growing up, I never knew any Chinese girls myself. It wasn't until college that I met a few. I still like the girls I lusted for when I was a wee lad (blondies and Pinays), but now I have learned to appreciate my fine Chinese sisters as well. I don't know if I'll ever get married, but if I do, most likely it will be with a Chinese girl.
TSJ Friday, December 13, 2002 at 01:20:32 (PST)    []

Reading your story reminds me of my boyfriend and I. Yes, we are both Chinese and yes, we love all things HK!

I love Chinese men.
sweet chinadoll    Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 19:57:14 (PST)    []
That's nothing new to me.

When my best friend's girlfriend had a cold, he went to go get orange juice for her. Did he get Tropicana? Nope, not good enough for his girl. He went to the grocery store and bought 2 bags of oranges.

Since he didn't have a juicer, he hand squeezed a pitcher of OJ for her. He was like,
Born Again Chinese (BAC)    Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 19:09:24 (PST)    []

Honey, sounds more like you're whipped.
Good for her!!!
Got a brother ?    Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 18:58:02 (PST)    []
Oh my Gosh!!!!
Why Can't I find a guy like this...?

That's is a girl's dream come true...a cook...janitor...maid...electrician...
boyscout...all rolled into one...

Way to go...

I very zongyi lei...haha....

YL    Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 19:36:06 (PST)    []