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"We rehearse from May to January, all the way up to the Super-Bowl, three times a week, in three-hour intervals."

     "We sign one-year contracts," says Tanaka. "We rehearse from May to January, all the way up to the Super-Bowl, three times a week, in three-hour intervals." Time during the rest of the year is blocked for public appearances, charity events, press conferences, fundraising efforts or foreign tours to promote America's unique version of football to the rest of the world.
     The opportunity for travel, Tanaka admits, is one of the most rewarding aspects of the job. Venturing outside North America is to enter a world where the word football is used interchangeably with soccer, and the NFL expends great quantities of energy to familiarize the rest of the globe with one of America's great home-grown pasttimes. This year NFL preseason games were played in Tokyo, Berlin, London and Barcelona, testament enough to the fact that these efforts are producing results.
     Tanaka has been a regular, avid participant on several tours to Europe and Asia "promoting American footbal, American cheerleading, and ultimately the American image." The Raiders weren't among the teams selected to play abroad this year, but the team has done a great deal to enhance the image of football; the sheer quantity of Raiders paraphernalia that permeates every segment of society is nearly mind-boggling. That mystique has been a boon to the Raiderette organization as well, making it one of the most recognized group of supporters in the world of professional sports. PAGE 4

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