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Your nasty comments never cease to amaze me!
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 13:35:54 (PDT)
Eurasian babies are not all cute they range from looking like Bjork to a space alien. And they are not even 100% Asian they are mixed!!!
Tired also of people saying that if you come with me you will have nice asian babies with my white bloodline. There not Asians, you idiots! They are Hapas and get the facts straight.
To say that you have to be mixed blood to be a nice looking Asian is a insult to everyone who is asian including your sellout asian girlfriend.
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 11:51:46 (PDT)
you are a complete twat!....who says that you couldn't learn a little from someone with a different perspective
AD Eurasian girl
why do those who won't date their own type bug you....isn't it down to individual preference?....what about those who only date their own type?...does that bug you
maybe you shouldn't be the arbitrator of other people's morals because of your one bad experience
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 09:40:59 (PDT)
Everyone plays up the good looking white/asian kids. There are ALOT of hideous looking ones as well. There are also a lot of psychologically messed up ones. No one talks about these.
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 08:54:41 (PDT)
Since I am a EurAsian man, I could be considered an Asian Man or a White man, depending upon which circle of people I'm in. Believe me, it's something I live with ALL THE TIME.
I, my 2 brothers and my 3 sisters are the RESULT of a relationship between an Asian woman and a White man. If that is not related to this topic, I don't know what is.
I've read your other posts, and man, you've got ISSUES!!!
Andrew Xiaoliang Campbell   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 06:08:10 (PDT)
AN AF curious about AM
Thanks everyone for the replies.
To MAXDACAT- whereabouts in Sydney you from? Me, Paddington, parents from out west near Parramatta. Went to UNSW,and spent a year in London, I just came back from UK 7 weeks ago. Pity we missed each other.
I find white guys who are complete white, pretty boring and I dont have much,in comon with them (beer drinking, footie types) generally i like the ones who are cultured, like learning second languages SNAG types etc and/ or Asian guys who are pretty Aussified/westernised.
TO the rest of the people, I appreciate the feedback. I grew up in UK and the rest of the time been in Sydney Aus. Theresa big Asian community here but for some reason I never had much luck with the ASian guys. Maybe its because im 5'7 tall, maybe its because im pretty Westernised who knows? I also have a cynical sense of humour and i hate FOBS. I had a crush on an Asian guy for about 3 years at highschool, He ended up choosing a FOB over me, and that scarred me for life. I dont conciously go after white guys however, my two only boyfriends have been white.
Ive also had a thing for BM (especially mixed ones) and had one encounter with a mixed black/white guy and that was a good experience (just a make out session, but he knew what he was doing and pushed the right buttons ;)) and as for Hispanics, never had the chance but wouldnt say no, once again.
As for my experiences with Asian guys they have been limited to: kissing and nothing else. Im 24 yo, only kissed two Asian guys, one in high school, one last year (he was Eurasian anyway) and even kissing felt pretty weird, almost unnatural, almost like "incest" - i dont know.
Anyways, now that Im single and just come back from the Canada and the States, i have been thinking about experimenting, and hooking up with an AM just to see what its like. I have nothing in common with this guy but he has been harassing me for weeks and i have just been thinking about whether Am are better/worse in bed, what certain things look like ;) ....you know what i mean
Anyway the reason why im so feeling guilty about this is because isnt this similar to a white guy saying "i wantto sleep with an AF just to feel what it is like, PURELY for the experience only"? I have heard plenty of WM say that about AF,HF and BF and i think its pretty degrading.
So now im starting to feel like im just the same as them and i cant help but feel pretty ashamed about myself. Or maybe i should just go for it and come back with a class report?!
Anyway, feedback apreciated, either to me or my email address
AF curious about AM leigh@mail2citizen.com   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 17:51:40 (PDT)