

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian female, which of the following most attracts you to Caucasian males?
Their facial features | 56%
Their physique | 11%
Their attitude and personality | 29%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an Asian female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Caucasian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 13%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 13%
Assuming you are a Caucasian male, which of the following most attracts you to Asian females?
Their facial features | 66%
Their physique | 14%
Their attitude and personality | 17%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are a Caucasian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 76%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
As far as "acceptability" in "White society," very often White-Asian mixes are considered "more acceptable" by many White folks than other transethnic combinations. That doesn't mean that they are "accepted" by all Whites by any stretch of the imagnination by far. It's just a RELATIVE level of acceptance.

I have heard some stupid comments made by White WOMEN to the effect that "At least he didn't get with a Black woman" and stupid garbage like that not addressed directly to me, but said in a fashion so that I hear it. I have been directly asked by White, Black and Latin men this stupid question: "So, is it TRUE what THEY SAY about ASIAN women? huh huh huh!" This stuff doesn't happen often, but it is annoying when it happens.

The truth of the matter is that going into a transethnic relationship brings some of this stuff on all sides--both Asian and White, as well as some of the other ethnicities. Some of it is stuff you ignore, some of it is stuff you have to respond to with humor, some of it is stuff you have to respond to with a vengeance--just choose your battles carefully.

As far as my marriage goes, the benefits and the love far outweigh any of this stuff that has happened occasionally.
Hank Lewis    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 06:23:21 (PDT)    []
It's a little strange that the Indian-white relationships are not accepted. Almost every Indian girl I know only date white men. By the way, I didn't catch that particular episode (I don't watch TV much). Could someone tell me what happened?

From the Indian girls I've encountered, they've always pride themselves being of Caucasian race. They've told me countless times that they're white, not asian. That's why it was natural for them to be attracted to white men. I don't care one way or another. In fact what I found ironic was that Indian girls would move in on my boyfriend as soon as they found out that he's dating an East Asian. As if their theory was if he goes for an East Asian then he'll definitely go for an Indian over her.

It's all good though, my boyfriend is still with me and all their efforts just make themselves look stupid. Besides, it's not only Indian girls who do that, white women, latinas, and other East Asian women do the same too. I just chuck it up to women being b*tches and stab each other in the back.
petite Chinese girl    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 06:09:46 (PDT)    []
Big Sister,

Glad you enjoyed the read.....i guess it's an interesting question you girl i just spent some time with over the weekend said that she gets the most attention from white guys, either in sydney or london so as a consequence she's only really gone out with white guys.....which is fine by me!

I think most WM's in Australia are on the lookout for a busty blonde so someone who is cute, petite with lustrous black hair (just let me wipe the drool from my mouth) wouldn't even register on their radar.

I guess at one end of the WM who like AF spectrum are those mail-order bride types who will chase any AF so long as she is ready to spread her legs at a moment's notice.....these types of guys will end of with some visa-chasing gold-digger who'll make them sorry they ever strayed from white girls in the first place.....(Todd is a fine example of this type!!!)

At the other end of the sprectrum are guys who have good education, good jobs and a good head on their shoulders and aspire to the finer things in life, an asian gf being one of them.

anyway.....what kind of crowd are you hanging with? and at what sort of places....ditch the RnB joints and go upmarket.

PS - dude in london - i guess 95% white is a bit of an exaggeration and there certainly are a lot of "Asian" people in london but this is using the very loose British definition of Asia which includes former colonies like India and those girls don't really light my fire.
maxdacat    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 02:14:37 (PDT)    []

funny, when I think about it, I'm sort of in the same position as you (however looking from the WM perspective). Every time I'm out or just with friends or being introduced to new people, I'd get more looks/attention/whatever from the girls I wouldn't always be interested in. It would be either some middle eastern/indian/latino/white chick showing some interest, but not the classy/cool/pretty asian chick (btw, this is happening in Canada, not Australia, but it's kinda similar over here). I dunno, maybe it's just about being unlucky. There are definitely quite a number of WM who would like to meet/date an AF. I'm not totally sure about the reverse though. I find the AFs from Asia are quite friendly but too afraid to do anything because of family pressure, while the North American AFs are more into their own kind, even though their mentality is quite Western. Hmmmm... maybe these are just stereotypes but generally speaking, that's just from my observations so far..
Jorg    Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 23:35:10 (PDT)    []

"I do like Indian women's submissivness to their men. I do give them a thumbs up on that one. Other than that, neh. I don't think their attractive whatsoever man."

Man, why dont you like them? Most of them too dark for you...the same reason many of us do not like black women? What kind of sexist statement is that?
White Male    Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 13:34:54 (PDT)    []
bigsister: i hear u!!!
baffled    Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 12:07:33 (PDT)    []
HAHHAHAHAAH maxdacat your story was hilarious

Kate (af)    Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 09:23:18 (PDT)    []
Hello maxdacat,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your little story. I'm an Australian female of Asian background (living in Sydney).
Anyway I always wonder how people just happen to 'meet' or 'bump into' ppl. I thought it only happened in movies and books, but no, it happens to many people but not to me!
Your story had me wondering about my own experiences about what would've happened if I had the guts to talk to a total stranger... but no! I have always chickened out at the last minute. And by the time I wanted to do something about it it was of course too late.

Now I have a question for all the WM's out there. I consider myself fairly attractive (not to sound conceited, but everyone tells me and not just my parents haha) but whenever I'm out and about the only guys that look at me are asian or indian or middle eastern. which is kind of weird because I'm only attracted to WM's and they never look at me.

Is this because Sydney doesn't have many WM's that are interested in AFs?

I mean, if I had someone mildly interesting and attractive look at me (instead of the other way around), then maybe I would have the courage to talk to them!! If I felt there was some kind of 'connection', however small.. I'd appreciate your thoughts..
BigSister    Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 05:09:32 (PDT)    []
hey im from london myself [south east] and there are loads of asian females abt! i think several of the westend clubs have days exclusively [kinda anyway, theres the random nonasian abt]for asians. anyway its strange u reckon 95% of london is white cos ive always thought it to be such a multicultural city, which is what i love abt it, altho i jus might be confusin the tourists

ps. u gave up channel 5 for clubbin. *wow*
**    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 15:01:21 (PDT)    []
Asian Woman,

I think your right about the WM-AW relations. I still don't think its that much accepted in society. Maybe to some extent, but still not completely. Especially with Indian women. I don't think their attractive or graceful as Chinese women at all. Indian women just don't have that lovely natural and sweet appeal to them. I do like Indian women's submissivness to their men. I do give them a thumbs up on that one. Other than that, neh. I don't think their attractive whatsoever man. The hottest, sexiest and finest? Petite Chinese women. Oh yea! Damn I love em! Korean women can be extremely pretty too, but they can be too feisty.
Todd    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 10:54:15 (PDT)    []
The recent events in the Bachelor Show (ABC) involving an Indian Woman (Ms. Dutta) and the white bachelor makes it very clear with me that despite general perceptions, Asian female/White Male relationships are not as widely accepted among the whites in America as one might think.
Asian Woman    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 09:35:17 (PDT)    []

thought I might relate a few anecdotes from last weekend.....i'm an australian WM living in London who isn't averse to hitting on the odd AF....not that there's very many over here

anyway it was friday night and my two flatmates were going to a club and I was tossing up whether to go or not coz if it was just the three of us i wasn't really they were walking out the door i dragged myself away from the soft porn movie starting on channel 5 and threw on some clothes and joined them for the tube ride to Farringdon.

The crowd (as is always the case in London) is like 95% white (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

anyway AF 1 was some japanese student.....but the combination of really loud music and her limited english made converstaion pretty difficult so i left her to the wolves.....there were plenty of creepy looking guys circling round ready for the kill

AF 2 was sitting with a friend (let's call her AF 3) and there was some space next to her so i sat down and introduced talking and found out we were both aussies.....about 10 minutes later i mention this to my flatmate (who is korean australian) and say that i have a feeling they might know the same people so i drag her over and introduce her and they are both doing that hands over the mouth thing......turns out my flatmate went on a ski trip with AF 2 about 5 years ago in australia (let's call that coincidence number 1)

anyway AF 2 introduces my flatmate to AF 3 who proceeds to call over her boyfriend for another round of introductions....hands over the mouth again.....turns out bf and my flatmate went to the same school, same year (let's call this coincidence number 2)

later i'm chilling and see another AF who caught my eye earlier (let's call her AF 4)....we get talking and she's really friendly.....she's over here from malaysia doing university.....i get her number......she has to go home with some friends so we kiss goodbye.....about an hour later i send a text saying i hope she got home OK......i didn't hear back until about 7.30 that morning when i was just settling into bed.....she replies that she doesn't know who i am coz she gave her number out to so many people!.....i can see the funny side so i don't lose too much sleep over it.
that sat afternoon i had arranged to go and see a play with my flatmates and another friend at 3 pm.....i was up at 12.30 and started making breakfast.....i had to go up to the shops for some bread & milk so i walked up feeling very worse for wear.....i spot a really cute AF in the frozen food aisle (let's call her AF number 5) and i'm like trying to get up the guts to go and speak to her but can't go through with the deal......anyway i go through the checkout and out the door glancing over my shoulder at her, cursing my lack of courage

anyway i walk halfway back home, stop, take a few deep breaths and turn around....i go back near the shop and see her on the street corner about to cross the road....i totally don't know what too say so the conversation goes something like this:

me - "uummm would you mind helping me out"
her - "ok what is it?"
me - "well...i have these tickets to the theatre and me and my friend have had a really late night and they don't' feel like going and you're like really cute and i can tell you're would you like to come?"
her - "what are you going to see?"
me - "On an average day, starring Woody Harrelson and Kyle McClaughlin"
her - "oh..i've heard that's really good....but i'm kind of looking for somewhere to stay around here this afternoon"
me - "you from Australia right?"
her - "yeah and you?"
me - "yes, sydney"
her - "me too"

so we are kind of hiting it off on this street corner and i say if she can't come this afternoon maybe i could get her number and call later and she says her bf prolly wouldn't like that....i'm not fussed and say he's a really lucky guy and see ya later.....i walk away and don't even look back (which is unusual for me)

anyway - i drag my friends out of bed and we get going to the play which wasn't bad.....not that i'm much of a theatre flatmates and i then have a BBQ to go to afterwards in another part of london which i'm looking forward to as it will have a strong asian contingent

we get on the tube (ie train) and sitting opposite us is you guessed it a really cute AF.....i swagger over all confident like and say to her "you wanna come to a BBQ".....she says "sorry i'm already going to one" and i'm like "maybe we're going to the same one".....and sh'e like "is it in Canary Wharf?" and i'm like "yah - are you going to so and so's" and she's like "yeah" (let's call this coincidence number 3).....anyway we get talking and she is visiting london from australia and was invited along to the same BBQ as us and we just happened to bump into each other......i got hell for it later but it was worth it

so to wrap up i just thought y'all might appreciate hearing what one guy will put himself through in the name of chasing skirt!
maxdacat    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 01:07:26 (PDT)    []
Not all tall women are like what you describe. For Asians, i'm quite tall and I don't look down on men who are shorter than me. Same goes with my friends.
Malaysian Chinese Girl??    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:35:59 (PDT)    []