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Hi everyone im a first time visitor here and my thought is that i respect my family and friends but if i want to be with an asian girl i will no matter what they think it might be the wrong way of thinking but if they disaproved because the race i think that they are wrong and should let you decide if that is what you want for your life. i know it is hard for the asian women because of the same problem with there parents and friends but if they really care they wil let you choose the life you want to live. i dont know much about asian women but i hope one day to find one to love and who can love me back without the worry of loseing there friends or parents.one more thing if i had an asian girlfriend or wife i would be as proud to take here out as much as any girl of any race because the way i see it is if someone doesnt approve then look the other way. thanks for reading this i hope some people could learn something from what i said. if any one wants to contact me please feel free to email me at (SHUJIN18@YAHOO.COM) thanks bye
shujin18 shujin18@yahoo.com   
Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 01:55:36 (PST)
Hey Tai bai,
Confucius say racist daddy of your lady is best ignored lest you end up axe-murdering the old coot for getting under your skin.
Well, that's what he would say if he were alive and kicking and and not rolling in his grave.
Anywho, your girlfriend's father is stupid. Drive that point home by ignoring him and giving him dirty looks on the sly. Y'know, just to show him that you're no punk. Grr.
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 23:18:26 (PST)
My GF is a beautiful wonderful Taiwanese-American, whom I wouldn't trade for anyone. I know that it is hard for her though. Her father is extremely disaproving, and her vision of Prince Charming is still an Asian man. Other than this, our relationship is wonderful. We constantly express our love for one another, and talk seriously about whether we can form a future together. If I were Asian though, I wager we'd be engaged by now. I understand her reservations though. Holding so much value and reverence for ones culture makes interethnic relationships difficult. Though I wish that I could be more the picture of her dreams, it simply isn't so. Here's to hoping that love can be blind. Good Luck to any others experiencing this. It's a rough but wonderful road for only the most committed.
Tai bai kkopani@hotmail.com   
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 21:49:10 (PST)
date whatever race you want, just make sure that you are the one that is happy.
chineseamericangirl grlpwr7@juno.com   
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 14:40:37 (PST)
Hey guys, here's an idea: Maybe the guy shoved her into the corner because he didn't find her all that attractive? Not be cruel or anything, but I'd still "do" a girl if she was will, even if she looked like someone slapped her in the face with a hammer.
Get yourselves a new scapegoat and stop demonizing those so-called "fratboys".
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 01:11:51 (PST)
i was married to a wonderful lady from the Republic of Korea for 25 yrs. until she passed away in 1998. What I have always found most difficult is actually getting to know a asian / asian american lady. I seems to take forever to find out what they like and what they don't like. But it is pleasant.
James A. from TX refatx@netzero.com   
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 15:57:31 (PST)
Hey everybody,
thanks for your inputs. Special thanks to Lannie. That was a mistake to ask for an advice here. You, guys, except Lannie, did not understand what I was trying to say. It's not about playing with one race or another. It's not about playing with white guys and have intensions to marry only an Asian guy. The race is not important if you find a person who treats you well and with whom you feel yourself confident and secure. I am sorry if I mislead you, guys. Thanx anyway.
Friday, November 01, 2002 at 09:57:03 (PST)
Asian Longhorn:
Anyone who dates someone transethnically, has a committment to them but doesn't bring their significant other to a party or social function for fear of how the opposite gender of their ethnic group behaves is very lame, weak-spirited and is thinking too much about the approval of their own ethnicity, and not caring about whose approval matters the most (their signficant others'.)
I went to UT for undergrad (a God-Blessed Independent by the way) and saw some dabblers acting that way. It made me want to puke. If I'm in love with someone, I don't care what others think. I dated some Asian, Latin and Black girls when I went to UT and I never put them in the corner or kept them in the closet. Unless it was a "night out with my boys," when I went out to a social function, my girlfriend went with me and my head was held high because I was damn proud to be with her and be seen with her. I didn't give a rat's patootie what some "disapproving White bitch" thought.
All I can say is that you may have just dated the wrong Caucasian guys by hanging with the Frat-types. Just keep an open mind about men in general and I'm sure you'll eventually meet and date a guy, White, Asian or whatever else who doesn't care what others think because what you think matters more.
Hook 'em horns!!!
Hank Lewis   
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 06:39:07 (PST)
Hank Lewis:
Mostly the fraternity kinds behave that way. They would not take you along with them even if you are his girlfriend. They say that the white women would find it unacceptable. The rest have varied.
Asian Longhorn   
Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 10:57:06 (PST)
Asian Longhorn:
Sorry to hear you've met "dabblers"--3rd degree bigots who'll date, have sex, even move in transethnically but save the serious commitment of marriage for "one of their own." I find such behavior and thoughts distasteful and, at best, intimately dishonest/unethical, and at worst, smacking of fetishism. It sounds sort of like Eric Hammer's story on the "Your True Stories" section, but in his case, he wanted to marry the girl but was fearful of his family.
Anyway, don't judge all Caucasian guys based upon them--they don't know what their missing out on with you. Hook 'em horns!!!
Hank Lewis   
Monday, October 28, 2002 at 12:12:38 (PST)
"How would you like it if the white guys you dated said "Yeah I like dating Asian girls for fun but I would never marry one, I will definitely date a white girl"."
Majority of the white guys I have encountered think this way, though by no means all...a significant minority has good intentions..I am saying this from personal experience.
Asian Longhorn   
Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:34:13 (PST)
Jollygirl - Pick the one who you know is going to make you happy. Sharing race and culture can be good feature of a relationship, its nothing to build your whole relationship on.
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 17:12:06 (PDT)
Jollygirl, so white guys are good enough to date but not good enough to marry? What if you fell in love with a wonderful white man, would you dump him "Sorry I'm going to marry an Asian man". You're just playing the field for kicks and then settling down with an Asian guy to make Mommy and Daddy happy and because it seems right to you. How would you like it if the white guys you dated said "Yeah I like dating Asian girls for fun but I would never marry one, I will definitely date a white girl".
you're pathetic   
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 12:15:48 (PDT)
Your a bit too imature for my taste. Why don't you go ask mommy and daddy for some advice. Why can't you just make your own decisions instead of asking everyone to help you make em? GEEZE ya little dork!
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 11:03:22 (PDT)
free your body and your mind will follow!....anyway i don't think this is the best place to ask for advice......i think the question of race is irrelevant unless you have a strong preference but it sounds like you could go either way.....if this asian guy isn't all that then i'm sure there are plenty of AM around who are or give this WM a go...simple!
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 00:14:50 (PDT)
Hey Guys,
I need advice! I am AF and for all my life i dated WM. That's because of the society I grew up in. But I always wanted to find someone special to build serious relationship. The guy I wanted to marry was supposed to be Asian. So I found one not long ago. He is a nice guy, but still there is something missing in our relationship. He doesn't completely understands me, he doesn't appreciate everything I do for him and honestly from time to time I get the feeling that he uses me. Well, at the same time, I met this really nive WM guy. We are friends, but he wants me to be more than just a friend. And he treats me so so well. There is definitely some invisible connection between us. Should i stick to my dream and keep on dating the Asian guy, only because he is Asian; or should I be with the guy who treats me well, but whom only "disadvantage" is that he is not Asian.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 13:31:04 (PDT)
I did notice one episode on tail daters where a white guy was set up with a very cute asian bird. The two white girls who were his ex's didn't seem to have anything against him getting with an AF.....in fact they were saying that she was probably too classy for a schmuck like him.
Let's give credit where it's due but on the downside when i was watching these kind of shows over a 2 week period when i was visiting there's like one asian to every 20 white/black/hispanic entrant.....are asians any less eager than the average person to appear on these shows?
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 01:28:54 (PDT)
I think on Elimidate, the trash talking isn't the fact that the "winner" is Asian, it's that the woman who usually wins is the one who throws herself at the guy. Suggestive behavior doesn't mean the girl will automatically win, but when you have what they normally have ("I'm a Mormon!" then "I'm a 60-hour/week business woman!" then "I'm ready to settle down and get married RIGHT NOW!" next to "Hi, I'm Cindy and I'm a student and an exotic dancer...would you like me to dance for you? tee-hee!" you can usually see which way the guy will go, 80% of the time.
And, of course, when the "losers" get voted off the show, the girl who wins was "a slut," and "I'm glad I didn't have to do xxx to stay on this silly show like she did...I have morals!" I haven't seen a particularly vituperous response to Asian women in particular when they win.
Sad. We can't help it. It's genetic. Sorry.
Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 12:21:40 (PDT)