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ICan'tWrite said:
>>>I couldn't be more confused by Krishnamurti. It's the most random thing.
Just to draw more discussion. What do you mean? :-)
I too find some, if not most, of his details confusing. Yet, have you ever read someone's words, and have them reverberate with you, to the point where they made you feel compelled to listen? I just like the way he encourages people to question all authority, including himself. That appeals to me a lot.
>>>ha! well you had to have been smoking your bong when you found that place its the strangest thing.<<<
Actually, I ingested a packet of the cheap ramen noodle seasonings (not the good ones). The first time I did that I found Goldsea, and this time I found the Krishnamurti site. God knows what I'll find next. :-)
>>>>anyhow, to draw more discussion.... hopefully..I'm going to post a question. for asian girls with latino boyfriends or the other way around men to women. it seems like most of the people here are especially attracted to asian women/latino men more so than any other ethnicity. to narrow it down a little bit more, if you werent as attracted to either ethnicities as you now than you were back then...what made you change. excuse me if this doesnt make much sense its really early in morning.<<<<
After licking some really old stamps and standing on my head, I think I finally got your question straight. :-) You mean that if I wasn't attracted to Asian women before, you'd like to know what made me change my mind.
My answer would be that while I've never sought them out exclusively, I was never not attracted to Asian women. My earliest memory of me being hot for a woman was when I was about five to this woman that used to work with my mom. I used to call her "La India" because she had long black hair and cinnamon skin. I remember that I gathered seashells, gave them to her, and told her "Tu eres mi novia, ok?" Well, all that proves is that I probably was born a horndog. :-p
I can't imagine how something so raw as attraction might change all of a sudden. To me, you either are attracted, and are aware of that attraction, or you're not aware and need something to awaken that desire inside you.
-Notty Boy orgazm_donor@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 12:53:59 (PST)
I couldn't be more confused by Krishnamurti. It's the most random thing.
I love some of the flames there when people lose their "enlightened" cool. It's better than smoking a bong.
ha! well you had to have been smoking your bong when you found that place its the strangest thing.
anyhow, to draw more discussion.... hopefully..I'm going to post a question. for asian girls with latino boyfriends or the other way around men to women. it seems like most of the people here are especially attracted to asian women/latino men more so than any other ethnicity. to narrow it down a little bit more, if you werent as attracted to either ethnicities as you now than you were back then...what made you change. excuse me if this doesnt make much sense its really early in morning.
I Can Read!!   
Friday, December 13, 2002 at 01:47:39 (PST)
Since I have been re-appreciating my Latin roots I have heard "morenos" complain about not being accepted by certain Asians. I would hate to think that the darker persuassion Latinos were snobbed because people have this idea that Latinos were of the lighter persuassion. Somehow I know there is more to this. I have tried to tell him Latino is Latino in any color. Dominican or no he should be able to find a Asian lady. Ladies tell me I'm right so I can tell him. I should box him up and ship him to the Phillipines ;-)
Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 05:56:23 (PST)
>and oh notty boy i dont know if you
>post anymore but you are definitely
>cute. i like the things you say. your
>posts are always really entertaining
>and if i didn't already have a
>boyfriend you'd be in some trouble. :o)
Hey, that's no problem. I can be your booty call when you visit Boston. It'd be our secret, lol. :-)
-Notty Boy orgazm_donor@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 10:56:11 (PST)
Hi everyone,
>Just wanted to say that I've been
>reading the posts these past few weeks
>and I love it. I can't tell you how
>much time i spend reading the past
>posts and stuff. I wish people would
>post more often then I could frequent
>this thing more reguarly.
Lol. Ok, then, back by popular demand. :-p
I kinda read the stuff in here once in a while, but there's not much new that makes me wanna post. Plus I'm spacing out reading posts on a J. Krishnamurti site. I love some of the flames there when people lose their "enlightened" cool. It's better than smoking a bong. :-P
Check it out if the hosts let me post it, lol:
I do like Krishnaji's message though. :-D
-Notty Boy orgazm_donor@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 10:53:40 (PST)
Mil besos a todas las Chinitas. I do enjoy Asian women. They are very appealing to me. Especially the way their eyes get even smaller when they laugh. Ay como me gusta eso. Asian females are very smart and provide me with a different light of the world and people. Hey but this is just one guys observations.... Peace out! Viva Zapata! Y la Causa..............
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 00:30:28 (PST)
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to say that I've been reading the posts these past few weeks and I love it. I can't tell you how much time i spend reading the past posts and stuff. I wish people would post more often then I could frequent this thing more reguarly. and oh notty boy i dont know if you post anymore but you are definitely cute. i like the things you say. your posts are always really entertaining and if i didn't already have a boyfriend you'd be in some trouble. :o)
I can read   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 21:54:50 (PST)
I have always admired the asian culture and way of life, having been once engaged to a chinese girl I can fully respect and appreciate them as women. But have never been approved by their famialy and they have such a strong tie to their family. What mostly attracts me to them is their strong sense of culture and family as well as a strong emphasis on education and success (unlike other cultures)
Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 12:40:24 (PST)
Gurl X,
Yes, yes the old "I want you" tactic. That doesn't mean he's lying. He just wants you in the physical sense... well... he still want you ;-) Indeed, protect yourself from that. Take a page from Cindy's book, Jiujitsu their behind.
Speaking of whom... Cindy,
Break any men in half lately? My word... a flirt that can kill.
Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 06:32:50 (PST)
Hey Everyone,
I finally came back from Mexico. It was the best trip of my life. The only annoying thing was that all the Mexican men would call me Japonesa....but I'm chinese. I actually went to a Puerto Rican festival recently and I had so much fun and now I am all about the guys from around the carribean...they are so sexy! Recently, I met a guy from Mexico, he had a girlfriend in Mexico, but boy was he a sweet talker...well.....it ended up that he told me that he is never going to break up with his girlfriend but he really really likes me.....me dijo que me quiere mucho. que mentiros! Pero la culpa fue mía tambien...se que ya tiene novia...Girls you should watch out for the sweet talking latinos that tell you what you want to hear just to experience something different ......while they are out of the country. I still love latin men though, one bad seed is not going to ruin it for me! I still have hope that most latin men are wonderful! muchos besos...gosh I feel like I need to move to a latin country soon :)
Monday, November 25, 2002 at 14:50:47 (PST)
"I didn't realize my ex-boyfriend was hitting on me until he ask me out. I guess I just didn't want to assume."
Yeah...I know what you mean...
I am like that too...
Guys are always innocent until proven guilty...
Oh...about latinos...I used to secretly like this guy from Venezuela back in the 6th grade...
Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 20:15:24 (PST)
Stop it! With all this erotism behind your jijitsu I even feel like telling my girlfriend that we should join a martial arts organization. Well, at least you've given me the idea as to which one to pick!
LatinoMan buen_latino@hotmail.com   
Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 08:29:12 (PST)
Thanks for the advice. I'm a flirt by nature, which I guess is part of my problem, I don't single out individuals to flirt. But then again my whole class is very flirtatious since most of them are latin.
That's funny that your brother in law aren't aware that the girl was hitting on him. But I am guilty of the same too, I didn't realize my ex-boyfriend was hitting on me until he ask me out. I guess I just didn't want to assume. I do a lot of things that may seem flirty but really are not, so I don't assume others have intentions toward me when they do something nice. Or maybe I just don't assume so I won't look like an ass if I was wrong.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 11:01:06 (PST)