

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian female, what most attracts you to Latinos?
Their facial features | 58%
Their physique | 7%
Their attitude and personality | 18%
Their education & cultural values | 17%

Assuming you are an Asian female, what most dissuades you from relations with Latinos?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 21%
Assuming you are a Latino, what most attracts you to Asian females?
Their facial features | 70%
Their physique | 13%
Their attitude and personality | 12%
Their education & cultural values | 5%

Assuming you are a Latino, what most dissuades you from relations with Asian females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 8%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 76%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 16%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
You are a saint, whoever you are. Thank you. But I have to know more about this dude and what is making him boil over at Latinos, at least I hope "money rules" is a guy. You are a guy right, "money rules?" Thanks for the nice comments and I hope you win the lottery.
Latino to AA who does care    Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 19:08:55 (PDT)
You're an idiot and can't even answer a few basic questions I’ve asked you so I refuse to deal with you unless you fess up. No sh*t Hispanics are behind Asians, when did I say they were not? Hell, Hispanics are at the bottom of the barrel right now, too many poor uneducated immigrants from Mexico making us look bad but what can you do? I'm kidding, or not! Imagine if China were bordering right under the United States and we let the average poor sap over from the mainland to the United States. The whole Asian model minority thing would go poof in an instant but that's beside the point.

What do you do for a living and what nationality are you "money rules"? I'm Mexican-American and am in management, why can't you just say a simple thing like that to let us know who you really are? You seem very hesitant to answer. Are you afraid of being exposed for the phony and not so grandiose individual you truly are "money rules"?

As far as resentment goes, Asians get just as much resentment as Hispanics in the United States so I don't know what planet you've been living on. BTW, I know plenty of elder Asians whose kids bring them over to the United States where they immediately receive medical benefits without ever having paid into the system. So don't talk to me about your freakin' tax dollars, moron. I know many Asian illegals as well. I once offered my college buddy, an Asian guy, a place to stay for a while when he couldn't find a company to sponsor his visa after he graduated from college. I didn't care if he was here legally or illegally because he was my friend. You wouldn't understand though. I guess you would have avoided him like the plague because he didn't meet your income requirements to socialize with.

And dummy, we Hispanics were here, particularly in the American Southwest first, before anyone else aside from the Indians and those filthy Catholic Spanish explorers. The US Southwest used to be part of Mexico and we beaners have the numbers to prove it so like an old radio talk show host used to say "shut up and eat your beans." You better get used to Hispanics because we are slowly becoming the new majority in the United States, Puerto Ricans and all so nah, nah, nah, lol. I'm learning Chinese and I'd suggest you learn some Spanish.

I do agree with you however that there should be an English only rule. Every time another Hispanic expects me to speak Spanish to them and gets mad at me for not speaking Spanish I stare at them like they are from Mars and feel like choking them. You say I have a pretentious attitude "money rules", well you're the a**hole that came in here bashing Latinos so BITE ME!

As far as me disliking Asians, here’s what you know about me: Mexican-American, learning Chinese but I suck badly, have always had Asian friends male and female, married an AF a very long time ago, love the family values and culture and all that jazz. Now, what do we know about you “money rules”: big mouth, too chicken to talk about yourself due to you being an insecure phony, bad grammar, bad attitude, anti-Latino probably anti-everyone, materialistic, possibly anti-immigrant and self-hating. Correct me if I am wrong here.

Oh yeah, I am glad we are having a healthy and candid discussion here lol. This chat room has dried up since it doesn’t look like Latino guys are a hot commodity for Asian females and vice versa. So anyways, no sense in dancing around our differences and disagreements, let's get them out in the open and work on them.

I have never interacted with an Asian or Asian American person quite like you before. You are an anomaly to me. All of the Asian people I have interacted with have been really nice, a little bit quiet at times, but pretty damn friendly. So what the hell’s biting you in the ass anyways “money rules?” I think the recession has everyone on edge including you and me both. Do you even know any Hispanics, come on man be truthful? Maybe it's where you are from. I live in California, where are you from, back east or something?

Latino Guy to Money Rules    Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 18:54:47 (PDT)
"Money Rules",

All joking aside, what is your nationality? Gender? Age? Social status, etc? I'm just curious.

-Notty Boy    Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 14:53:07 (PDT)
why is there all this fighting????? I am engaged to a Mexican American man and we are so in love. We are getting married this July. I have always loved Latino men. They are sexy, smart, and sweet. My favorite food is Mexican. My favorite singer is Ricky Martin (but don't tell my finace that). Please Lets all get along okay?
Asian Female Who Loves Latino Men    Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 14:40:32 (PDT)
"AA who does care",

I know. I just like to feed the trolls when I'm bored. ;-)

My own intuition tells me that "Money Rules" probably feels inadequate about some part of himself/herself and thus needs to cut other people down to his/her size. IMHO, a person who feels good about himself/herself never has the need to put others down in order to feel adequate.

Well, either that, or "Money Rules" is just trolling, and providing me with entertainment. The more "Money Rules" posts in this board, the more he/she admits to being my personal bitch. "Money Rules" can whine to the contrary, but everyone will know that his/her actions speak louder than any words. ;-)
-Notty Boy    Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 14:40:15 (PDT)
Latino Guy
YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS. I already told you what I do, weren't you paying attention?
And Cuban Americans?
Yeah, they are the only Hispanics who as a whole are doing ok but I've been to Miami and it a stinking hellhole except for few strips. Besides Cuban American numbers are so small compared to all other groups.
As a whole Hispanics are so far behind Asian Americans, get over it. Actually in recent studies some Hispanics like Puerto ricans are even less successful, higher drop out rate and have higher pregnacy rate than blacks in America.
Keep denying. I don't hate Hispanics just hate your pretentious attitude.
Also I think we NEED to make English as our OFFICIAL language of this great land.
I'm tired of all these Hispanics demanding we cater to you. You people should be grateful this country is giving you an opportunity and contribute instead of taking all the time. Coming right out of my damn taxes.
Ever think why non Hispanic Americans have this resentment toward you people? Take take take...
Money Rules    Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 17:37:54 (PDT)
Notty Boy and Latino Guy don't worry about money rules. There is always a person like this who likes to go around causing problems due to their failures in life. Try to look beyond this person. You two have contributed to this website numerous times and I have enjoyed your posts and efforts to learn more about Asian-American culture. Do not engage this poster anymore because they are a waist of time. For your information my experiences with Latino people have been that they are honest, fun and hard working.
AA who does care    Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 11:44:23 (PDT)