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So, there are no Latino males at universities or in the work place? Come on ...what kind of a statement is that? Thanks a lot!
There are a lot more Latino Male/Asian Female couples than you think. We don't really hear about them because no one thinks it's a big deal. Besides, Latino men seldom obsess over Asian women and Asian women don't really care that much for Latino men on average. Ok by me, as long as we respect each other.
.... No Latinos in universities or the work place ...COME ON MAN lol!!! Give a brotha a break hehehe.
College Educated Latino in the Workplace
to just an opinion   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 09:03:50 (PDT)
I think one barrier between Asian women and Latino Men (as well as black men) is that the white boys who date and marry Asian girls usually met either at university or the workplace.
just an opinion   
Friday, July 26, 2002 at 23:01:11 (PDT)
"It is just like a job"
by Having a fetish is not good
Since when has loving someone become a job? I think its pretty sad. You have poor self esteem.
love is easy, not some job   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 12:07:14 (PDT)
I have a Mexican American boyfriend. He's great. I will admit here - at first I wasn't attracted to him because he's simply Mexican. How ignorant I was. He turned out to be an unique individual and definitely doesn't fit the 'Mexican stereotype' (gangsta, that kind of thing). As a result, he's the best boyfriend I ever had out of all boyfriends, who were white. I'm totally crazy about him and we've been going out for more than 2 years. He's loyal and all of that plus more.
However, it doesn't mean I will be attracted to all Mexicans because each person is different personality-wise. Goes true for any race.
My friends told me that it's rare to see Asian (Korean, to be specific) with Mexican, not often see much of that but pretty common amongst South Asians (Filipina, Vietnamese, Thai) except Japanese with Latinos. But according to a census of the future (next 50 years), Latino and Asian populations will outgrow much faster than either Blacks and Whites. It'd be wise to hook up with Latinos, they may end up ruling the world. Just kidding.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 00:53:32 (PDT)
It is not racism. Love cannot be explained scientifically or sociologically. It is a preference. Nothing you can do to change someone's mind.
Did you appear too desperate when approaching them? That is a big no-no with Asian women.
In my opinion, Filipina, Japanese and maybe some Vietnamese girls are most open to dating Latinos. Most Latino-Asian couples I see are Mexican American guys with Japanese American girls.
Chinese and Koreans are more ethnocentric, because they are still majority immigrants.
But, then again, I have seen Latina women who reject Asian men like the way you describe it, but do those Asian guys blame it on racism and negative stereotypes?
It is just like a job. If they did not initially hire you but later offered you a job because of you complaining, you still would not feel comfortable getting that job, right?
Having a fetish is not good...   
Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 18:02:19 (PDT)
I would not even consider having friends (or even be interested romantically) like that if they think anything of my culture is stupid. True, you do not have to agree or like everything, but you have to at least respect the person. No offense, I have a lot of Mexican American friends, but I never think of their culture as inferior to mine. And honestly, I do not think Keiko Harada did something so special that you would fall in love with her. She seems like an elitist person who thinks she or her culture is better than everybody else. And who necessarily are those people who think that your culture is stupid, I might ask? Is it your so-called friends? Then I suggest you find new friends, my dear. And as for your asian female friends, you can do everything for them, but I think they do not appreciate you as a friend. You cannot make anybody to fall in love with you, even if you try hard enough. Believe me, I have been there...
I love my mexican american friends   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 13:04:51 (PDT)