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I'm Mestizo Mexican(Native American w/ some degrees of European blood) but still consider myself 100% Native American. I find alot of Asian women to be beautiful but doubt that I'd ever be in a relationship w/ one because for one I live in East L.A. where there are virtually no Asian women and I'm just too used to my Mexican/Central American females. Out of the topic... most Mexican/Central American Mestizos are racially majority Native American which probably draws the attraction in the first place. 16/m/East L.A., California. ~Xicano~
Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 02:00:01 (PDT)
Well I do have to say that I have to agree w/ those politically correct labels, its been so common to refer to asians as "CHINOS" (spanish for chinese) but it is unfair and disrespectful to do that. Vice Versa, I wouldnt want to be referred to as "MEXICAN" or "SPANISH" if I wasnt that particular nationality. I am Mexican and am referred to as Latino or Hispanic, that is fine if someone doesnt know what country Im from.
On a side note, I guess things are all about opportunities, as some people on this forum have said it would be nice to know where AF and LM could meet up, lol like the AF for LM site or club or something? But I guess we all have to keep an eye out for that cute latin guy that is giving you the eye (ladies, cuz we are looking) and guys, we have to be confident and respectful when that gal is playing shy (or maybe not so shy!)
I will have to say that I got lucky on a last post, and someone really sweet and kind and interesting replied. Since then we found out we lived just about 2 hours away and have been emailing daily! Life is funny like that. But I guess make friends, enjoy life and each other!
SanDiegoLatino mayoc@yahoo.com   
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 18:04:08 (PDT)
are you kidding? I love Native American men. I think they have a rich history and their respect for nature fascinates me. Not to mention I love their jewelry (ok, that was just a stupid superficial thing but I do love those necklaces). But I have never met any Native American men. The only ones I've seen are on TV or through some form of the media. In fact, I know many asian girls who find Native American men very sexy. When we were watching the Last of the Mohicans we were rooting for the Indian brother versus Daniel Day Lewis.
The real question is, are there still Native Americans around? If so, where have you been all my life?
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 13:53:41 (PDT)
I am a latino living in San Francisco bay area and I agree with the 2-question poll completely. I have tried dating asians here but seems that they just like caucasians...
If there is any cool asian girl in her twenties (I am 27, with a degree) who would like to become my friend please send me an email!
Good luck to all you!
latin guy urobles@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 19:09:52 (PDT)
AF doesn't have to refrain from using any Terms. She was not being rude or derogatory in anyway. You are not the editors and have no authority to tell her how to write.
to tango   
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 12:03:00 (PDT)
I have a question for all the AF's here,
Why don't Asian women seem to be attracted to, or even remotely interested in Native-American males???
Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 19:07:17 (PDT)
From what I understand Hispanic is a culture, not a race. I think the proper term is "Latino".
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 01:11:57 (PDT)
Please refrain from using the term "Spanish" to describe Hispanic guys. You're use of the term Spanish is incorrect. Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicians, Columbians, whatever are Hispanics. Spanish or Spaniard refers to people from Spain. Besides educated people would assume you're ignorant by calling Hispanics Spanish. It's like calling all Asians "Chinese."
Take care
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 19:05:55 (PDT)
There's this hot Mexican guy in my class, he's full Mexican. I could've sworn that he's meztizo, mixed white, but he's not. Anyway, he's cute, so it doesn't matter.
I wouldn't mind dating hispanic guys. Some of the Spanish guys are very hot. I.E., obviously Enrique Iglesias. Spanish guys with a chiseled face, square jaws, deep eyes, tan, well-built are very hot.
I'd consider dating them, not only because of their looks, but for the most part, they are very down to earth & not as demanding as some AM that I know.
However, you do get the bad ones that scare you away every so often, like the scandelous ones that you hear on the news, but they're not all like that.
AF Who Digs Spanish Bulls   
Friday, September 20, 2002 at 22:06:46 (PDT)
Do you believe in fate and destiny?.
You know, I've never thought/imagined gonna married with Latino. My Fiance also Puerto Rican. We met at the beautiful place. Under Cherry blossom tree. :D My dad also don't like him at first, keeps saying how it'll be so much better if my bf was Chinese. I listened my dad and started to date Asian again. But he was always in my mind. Then I was seeing him again. My Dad was mad at first but when already got to know him better and he saw how he(my fiance) treat me beatifully and respect my family also the warm natural charm that he born with it. Without 2nd thought My dad blessed our relationship. Our matrimonial will be held on this coming November.
So get your Dad a chance to know Ur Latino bf much better. Who knows he's ur Mr. Right.
Friday, September 13, 2002 at 11:00:19 (PDT)
There is this Chinese female in my Spanish 4 class and I am so impressed by her efforts to have reached such a high level and she seems to enjoy it very much (though she seems to experience some difficulty). I find it extremely attractive when a girl makes such a big effort to learn the Spanish language or culture (even if they learn to speak just a phrase or two); though her looks are average, it is her sincere interest for the language and her sweet laugh that won my complete attention. She was surprised when she learned that I am fond of Asian cultures as well(I have taken a couple of Asian studies courses and have been learning Mandarin on my own for several years now.) We have talked ever since we first met and I am very glad to have her as a dear friend. So far things are going well and I hope our friendship matures...I believe it is best to learn about other cultures and learn the language to better understand the uniqueness of the individual becuase it is by this that our perceptions of each other's culture would improve and lead to better friendships.
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 22:42:48 (PDT)
I like LM :)
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 13:18:01 (PDT)
Mamasita! waz wrong with Puertorican men? We luv Azn girls 2! Haha! Sike! Haha! Nah, I'm chicano. I'm just kidding mami. I think we got more mad luv for yall! I still luv the chicanas though!
El Padrino   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 11:55:53 (PDT)
I'm a korean female living in Los Angeles California. I have been in a relationship with my mexican bf for 2years. I have always been alot more attracted to mexican men than any other hispanic. They really treat women so good and are very sensitive deep down inside. At least this is how they have treated me. I also think mexican babies are so cute! He has a 2 year old niece that has stolen my heart away! His mother is teaching me how to cook mexican food. I think korean and mexican food are both spicy. I hope we get married one day because I really care about him alot.
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 15:28:11 (PDT)
I don't know. Before I used to think that love conquers all, but...you know, I just think there's more to relationships than just love.
So your dad says that if your bf was Chinese things would be better. Maybe that would be true, maybe not, who knows. Think about what having a Chinese partner could add to your life, and then think about what your current boyfriend adds to your life. Could you live without that? There might be your answer.
Notty Boy orgazm_donor@hotmail.com   
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 07:13:01 (PDT)
>>>If you are an AF or LM in a relationship with a AF/LM right now or before, do you get any stares from any AM?
Just Asking<<<<<
I did when we used to walk around the city. I think might just be curiosity with most guys. For all I know, they might just be checking the girl out, and not minding me at all.
The only times I've gotten any hostile looks has been from insecure guys, and these run the racial spectrum. If you're walking around with a girl that's not a troll, you're bound to get competing looks from guys who think they should be in your place. Sometimes even I get righteous anger when I see a guy who looks geekier than me with a girl who has bang appeal. ;-)
Notty Boy orgazm_donor@hotmail.com   
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 07:00:51 (PDT)
I love asian women when I see them I cant stop staring at them. I am from Fresno California U.S.A. and there is a lot of asian eye candy.
latino who digs asian women   
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 21:18:16 (PDT)
Well, I'm an American-Born-Chinese who's been dating Asians from Chinese to Koreans ever since I was 13. Now I'm in love with my botfriend of 9 months who happnes to be Puerto Rican. I don't know why I like him sOOoo much. I've never imagined myself in love with a non-asian guy. I guess it's 'cause he's cute, sweet,and funny. My mom is alrite with him and so is his mom. But my dad keeps saying how it'll be so much better if my bf was chinese. It really annoys me. Although I know it's not his decision whether or not I'm with a Puerto Rican, I'm thinking maybe my dad IS right. I don't know. This sh*t's been drivin me nuts da past few weeks. Tell me what you think about this situation through Email.
BaByTeaRz AznQtEmz516@aol.com   
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 15:26:32 (PDT)
Don't worry I know the difference between the Portuguese and Spanish. I think if u reread my post you'll see I was saying that Portuguese are *not* Hispanic and therefore *not* Spanish
I don't think there's any reason to be rude and as I stated before, in the UK the term Latino means something different. It refers to those with Latin backgrounds thus also including Italians.
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 02:47:44 (PDT)
If you are an AF or LM in a relationship with a AF/LM right now or before, do you get any stares from any AM?
Just Asking   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:37:55 (PDT)