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"I didn't realize my ex-boyfriend was hitting on me until he ask me out. I guess I just didn't want to assume."
Yeah...I know what you mean...
I am like that too...
Guys are always innocent until proven guilty...
Oh...about latinos...I used to secretly like this guy from Venezuela back in the 6th grade...
Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 20:15:24 (PST)
Stop it! With all this erotism behind your jijitsu I even feel like telling my girlfriend that we should join a martial arts organization. Well, at least you've given me the idea as to which one to pick!
LatinoMan buen_latino@hotmail.com   
Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 08:29:12 (PST)
Thanks for the advice. I'm a flirt by nature, which I guess is part of my problem, I don't single out individuals to flirt. But then again my whole class is very flirtatious since most of them are latin.
That's funny that your brother in law aren't aware that the girl was hitting on him. But I am guilty of the same too, I didn't realize my ex-boyfriend was hitting on me until he ask me out. I guess I just didn't want to assume. I do a lot of things that may seem flirty but really are not, so I don't assume others have intentions toward me when they do something nice. Or maybe I just don't assume so I won't look like an ass if I was wrong.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 11:01:06 (PST)
The way you convey yourself you sound like you are very attractive, however give men a chance. At least wink to the nice guys so they know that you're interested. They may have determined that a pretty women such as yourself already has a boyfriend.
My brother in law has a Korean "friend" and I had to tell him that she was interested in him because he had no idea. Seriously she made Oragami cranes, shirts and everything. So give guys a STRONG hint.
Yes, Jiujitsu is good for ground fighting, you can't have your way with a women if she's stand up. You should threaten the nice guy that if he doesn't take you out you'll dislocate his hip in your next take-down ;-) That would get my attention.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 06:43:04 (PST)
you sure put things in perspective. I guess I never thought of the guy coming off perverted if he ask me out. I must admit though, the two guys that did ask me out in jiujitsu class were real a-holes. The decent ones never made a move. Even to this day I wonder if some of them had crushes on me.
Actually that's not true, there was one that was different and so very sweet. But he was moving down to Miami and I don't intend to move away from Maryland. We dated a few times and that was it. But our sparring sessions sure got hot and heavy:-)
There were a few guys I'd like to date in that gym, but too few of them made a move. And now I'm switching gyms, so too bad for them. Hopefully the new gym would have some real gentlemen who are interested AND willing to make a move.
By the way, I dig kung fu too but I think for a girl jiujitsu is the way to go because most of our attacks will be on the ground. But I'll be studying stand up combat as well in the new gym.
Well, too bad for the boys, if you don't ask, you'll never get what you want.
Monday, November 11, 2002 at 08:58:18 (PST)
In the San Gabriel area, I have occasionally seen some young Latinos with Asian, Chinese girls even those FOB ones. It is still not the norm, but I have seen some now compared to none in the past. Funny thing is that in Chinatown, I have seen it the other way around. More Chinese boys with Latinas in Chinatown compared to Monterey Park, why is that? In East L.A. I have seen some Japanese American men with Latinas too.
how common is it?   
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 21:49:26 (PST)
I tend to be attracted to Asian women more than other types of women. My first crush was in 3rd grade; I fell for a Chinese-American girl. I am a Mexican-American male, born in Los Angeles. I don't know why I am attracted to Asian women. I don't fight it. It just is. I should hope I do not have a fetish since my first crush, at the innocent age of eight, was not due to social conditioning, television, etc.
Los Angeles Latin Male dhmolina@altavista.net   
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 00:56:46 (PST)
dear curious:
you were close...pretty close..but no i am not from costa rica....why do u wanna know anyways...just curoius...ah hhh asians + latinos make very beautifull exotic children...sincerely ....from what i have seen here in my country...
ahhh and i have been in los angeles before...mostly monterey park and san gabriel area...i notice that everyone has their asian group already and no one bothers to mingle around with any other type of asians...i don{t know...it will be nice if everyone will just get along...well cuidense mucho con cariņo...
chinese/latin cute girl   
Friday, November 01, 2002 at 19:49:26 (PST)
i have been intrigued by asian women, their beautiful skin, eyes, their whole features, but recently I've been getting the nerve to asked them out so the way look at it. love is color blind!
carlos orlando   
Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 12:28:00 (PST)
chinese/latin cute girl,
Are you Costa Rican?
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 16:17:28 (PST)
Hi Jorge,
It sounds like you have a crush on someone. Please just go for her and let us know the outcome. The worst thing she can say is no. So do it.
LatinoMan buen_latino@hotmail.com   
Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 08:17:00 (PDT)
Hi, I'm very surprised, glady surprised by this poll. I like a vietnamese girl, she is so cute, small, funny,with all the features I like and specially with that I don't know what that drives me crazy. I know that she likes me, I consider myself an attractive latin guy. I have mostly dated latin and white girls. never an asian and that is my problem. I like that natural touch of shyness that these girls have and more of them are kind of conservative girls. The problem seem to be that they (as i see them) do not express their feelings as openly as a latina or a white girl would do it. And that is my problem, I have no idea what to do to go right to her heart.I just don't want to do anything stupid that she could thing is wrong or against her customs...The physical atraction is right there but if she would be more open with her feelings would help a lot. I'm also worried to scare her, because I'm used to do things to my speed and I know that asian girls like to take their time , or I am wrong? please help me girls! what asian girls like in guys. latino guys...what do yo expect? I just guess the same than any other girl, but nthere are differences in values and beliefs, that's the point that worries me about..But her smile melts my heart everytime I see her and just imaging her with me as my girl and making love with me drives me more than crazy...:)
Jorge jorl13per@yahoo.com   
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 18:18:48 (PDT)
dear interested asian female:
i am half latino and half asian , people do tend to ask me if i am mixed or something and sometimes even stare...i live in central america and can speak spanish, english and cantonese fluently, however in my own country chinese girls are not that popular...you see too many around...over here they looooove blonde american girls, because we never see that type of girls over here...however i know by experience..please where you can meet hot latino guys who go gaga for asian girls are in puerto rico, chile, argentina, espaņa, new orleans and even in new york city ahhh and also italy!!!!mama mia they just love asian girls...( go to latino clubs or placees..) but always be carefull , latino guys tend to two time all the women...any race..so good luch and have fun...
chinese/latin cute girl   
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 22:01:11 (PDT)
Ohhhhhh kay, now why is it that Ive never had such a cute and attractive and obviously talented woman in MY classes?? I always get paired w/ the usual riff raff of guys! Uh so where do you practice Ju jistu?
As for Interested Asian Fem, there are latin guys from the southern edge of California right at the border(san Ysidro) to the most northern edge of the state and any place in between! I guess it depends on where you live and the places you are hanging out in! haha you can always try joinging MECHA or some other 'pro hispanic' organization!I know we'd love to have some cute asian gals near by!
Looking SoCal Latin   
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 20:15:27 (PDT)
Granted you are right about the mind wondering. I would be saying "so close yet so far..." however there is that voice in the back of a REAL gentlemen's mind that she's gonna think I'm a pervert if I ask her out after getting so close to her. I've studied a little Gracie Jiujitsu, but Kung-fu is my thing. I'm sure the other students want to "grind" a little harder when you're legs are around them ;-) And they might talk about it the showers, but we need more of a sign. Hmmm.... I should re-think going back to Jiujitsu class. Some guys liked to be spanked although I can't see why :-)
Friday, October 18, 2002 at 13:11:26 (PDT)
LOL, ok, I admit I'm stereotyping a bit. Hey the only exposure I have about native americans is TV and movies.
Now as for the brazillian jiujitsu, it's not as bad as you think. If you go with an experience jiujitsu player you won't be in pain at all. And some of the techniques sure put two people in compromising positions. You mean to tell me guys don't let their mind wonder when they're in a cute girl's "guard" (it's a term used when your opponent has her legs wrap aroun your waist and doing the anaconda squeeze)or when she's on the "mount" (her straddling the opponent). Granted the guard or the mount will usually end up getting your arms broken or neck strained in the most unpleasant manner, but hey if you have an experience partner you won't feel a thing. Just be sure to tap when you feel pressure.
I guess the problem is most guys in my class hate getting beat up by a 5'0 cute asian girl who wears red lipstick to class. But if they put aside that ego I'm actually a very nice person to date.:-P just don't piss me off;-)
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:22:22 (PDT)
Brazilian Jiujitsu and cute girls... I would find it hard to ask a woman out if she's has me in a submission hold in shearing pain. Freeing myself would be the first thing on my mind and put some distance between her and myself ;-) Now wear something sexy and walk around East LA THEN your luck will change. "Que linda mamiiii" everywhere.
Native American men are out there it's just the areas that AF and NAM live in tends to differ. My grandmother told me that most of our people moved to places like Arizona. The Asian population is probably low there to.
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 06:25:35 (PDT)
Jewelry and Nature?,Someone has been watching a little too much TV. (just kidding) But seriously, NDN's are just like any other modern American, we watch movies, eat hot-dogs, and play sports. And I can under-stand why in L.A. you would never meet a Native-American , becuase in CA the native population is practically nil. However in the South-west and Mid-west populations are very good. ( Both the East and West coasts hardly have any natives, due to colonial history reasons.)
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 20:43:23 (PDT)
don't you know asians already took over the world population wise;-) we count as over 1/4 of the world population, and that's just counting the Chinese! LOL.
To be honest I don't recall being hit on by any Latin males. My work place has ZERO hispanics, and while going to college I don't recall having many Latin friends. It could be that I went to a predominately white school, live in a white area, and work in a very white bread corporate world.
Where do one go to meet a hot Latin guy?
interested asian female   
Monday, October 14, 2002 at 08:32:22 (PDT)
you live in East LA and you say there's no asians? Are you kidding? They're every where.
I think the attraction between Asians and Latinos/Native Americans are that we're culturally very similar. It was very easy to communicate with my Latin friends b/c we're very family oriented and we are bound by similar cultural expectations. Also Latins are more warm and open than the asian culture, so it's like a friendlier version of us.
Funny thing is, I don't recall having Latin guys make advances towards me. And I do Brazillian Jiujitsu, you'd think rolling around on the floor with a bunch of half naked Latin men would give them some ideas. And FYI, I'm quite attractive, never had problem with any other men hitting on me.
Monday, October 14, 2002 at 06:18:45 (PDT)