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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I don't understand why there arent more AM/BF couples! I for one, being a lovely black female myself, am in LOVE with Asian men, and would not hesitate to date one if the minute chance presented itself. What's up? I see Asian guys look at me, but none approach! I really wish that the stereotypes and misconceptions between the two races would break down and we could "get together"! Are there any asian men who are willing to approach a black female? If so, let a sista know! Luv to all of you.
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 17:37:07 (PST)
i love asain guys yo fo real im a afro american girl livin in florida and all i have dated since 7th grade is asain guys black als out there alot of asain boys like black girls dont worry!~! And asain guys why wouldnt a black girl like you guys you are soooooo sexy!~! All them asain bois lookin for a black gurl click tha email and hollah at me!~
Lil miss know it all poeticcrys@aol.com   
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 15:55:19 (PST)
Naomi Campell is not mixed! Please stop saying that because it's not the truth at all. It sadden me that when a black person "makes it" then all of a sudden they proclaim to be mixed, like that something to do with their success.(perhaps she wishes that). But, she's just another woman that just happens to be both black and successful. Both her parents are also black. Didn't you ever hear about comestic surgery? I'm more than sure that she along with everyone else in that industry has had their share. Find some early pictures of her and you'll see for yourselves. Sorry, but that's not the truth.
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 13:48:25 (PST)
what cities have it more?
I live in CA and I have to say that I'm seeing it more. But perhaps it's because before I was in a mixed relationship, I didn't really pay too much attention to it. But I am seeing this pairing more and more. That's good b/c then it makes it more comfortable for the others when they see couples like them.
What I observed.   
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 21:59:31 (PST)
Thick and fat are 2 different things. when someone says that they are thick that means they got meat on there bones but they aint fat nor are they skinny. they are right in the middle.
sexay green eyed caramel   
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 13:35:33 (PST)