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guy in the south,
I wouold tell her your feelings...and how you understand what she has been through with other men. Tell her that you have nothing but respect and love for her, and that you are not like those other men.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 06:13:43 (PDT)
Here's my problme. I have been involved in a VERY complicated on again off again abusive relationship with an Asain man for a couple of years. Luckily, I have not had any problems with his family anymore. At first I did have problems because they told him not to date me because of my illigetimate children. However it never escapes me when we're out together the type of attention we get, and I always have to wonder to myself what they must be thinking. Its usually from Asian women, I have had women stop what they were doing to stare at us with their mouthsopen.....literally!!! It hurts me to think that when people see us they must think he took a "step down" because of my color. Or maybe it's the way I dress. I like wearing short minis, lowcut blouses and high heels. I've been mistaken for a hooker many times. I think I just dress sexy. I am never so aware of my dark ebony color as I am when I am in public with him and that's painful. I sometimes feel that maybe I should make it all go away by finding an African American man. People don't seem to think twice when they see an Asian man and a white woman, whats so wrong with an African American woman? Society... (TO EXCUSE SLAVERY) has put so little value on people of African descent until it sometimes makes me sick to my stomach! But.....they, white people, want to act like us......dress like us.......literally kill themselves lying out in the sun to have our color....they put fat in their lips so that they can have full lips like ours....they put fat in their butts to have butts like ours. My boyfriend once shared with me some of the things he had been told about African Americans after his family immigrated here from the Phillipines and they were hard to listen to, luckily he could see through the lies and we had a good relationship until he got into it with one of my babies daddies. I just wish others could see through the lies and remember how African Americans came to be here, we haven't done anything wrong. We just happen to live in a society that refuses to come to terms with its past, and just like in a lot of rape cases they choose to blame the victims. I wish this would stop.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 05:01:14 (PDT)
I have only been involved with one Asian. He was very nice looking and his physique was very nice also. His family was mainly around African American people so therefore we had no problem hooking up. I think he was an exception though, because of that. Most Asians hardly look my way. For me to be attracted to an Asian guy he has to be tall and has to have meat on his body or in very nice shape or just not too small bodied. I fee there are very few that are interested in African American females though.
JuicyLips Method4171@hotmail,com   
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 19:32:45 (PDT)
I love poetry. I think it is very beautiful.
perpetual bloom...   
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 15:56:56 (PDT)
Asian male,
So far things have been fine. We have been staying in the city for now but we go out of the city a lot. But we don't really pay much attention to other people anyway. Three years ago we spent the summer with his parents in a small town in Arkansas so I am sure it can't get any more conservative than that. Acutally we had no problems there either. Although we knew what towns not to go in to especially after dark.
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 12:52:49 (PDT)
This appears to be the least frequent pairing in regards to interracial trends.
Perhaps it is due to African American women being the least favored in the eurocentered beauty heirarchy.
It is a shame since both pairings have many physically alluring charactertistics (especially African American women, since we come in so many intersting colors, shapes, and sizes) as well as some fascinating cultural and social dynamics that would only enrich both parties for the better.
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 11:44:54 (PDT)
Black girl on east coast,
I think Asian men are on average, a bit more shy or reserved than other races of men. I met my man because when he smiled at me, I smiled back...and batted my eyes :), letting him know there was an interest there.
From my experience, they need stronger cues and clues that you are interested. Whereas most times a Black guy or even a White guy will approach without hesitation... even if you are clearly trying to IGNORE THEM! AM aren't like that. So, the best advice I can give is, make sure your signals are super strong!
Sian BlasianLove@jazzandjava.com   
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 10:14:11 (PDT)
I am still learning to speak taglog. I am beginning to understand it alot more than I used to. He comes from a pretty big family. I met them a year before we got married. Before that I was so worried that his mom and I would not get along. He made it seem like she was very picky picky. It turned out that shes a really nice lady.
Lynnwood, Mill Creek are really cool. You are gonna be just fine. Yea, I don't like living too close to the city either. Its alot more quiet and relaxed in the outskirt.
Happily married to Filipino man :)   
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 08:20:25 (PDT)