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Genetics are funny. I wonder what my kids will like like too. A distant cousin of my mine has a black father and korean mother and the kids look black with korean facial features. But on the other hand if you have seen real world new orleans, melissa had a black father and filipino mother and to me she looked filipino.
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 12:35:03 (PDT)
just an opinion,
You tend to see what you are looking for. If you have someone on the lookout for a trend you will tend to see this more often as well. You're a little naive due to what appears to be somewhat of a sheltered life. It is nice you are trying to break out however in your own kind of way.
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 08:44:25 (PDT)
I need ladies opinions on this situation. My boyfriend came over and used my computer. He was on some site that looked pretty cool. I asked him about it, and he didn't tell me too much. When he left the link was still on my computer. Out of curiousity I checked it out. It was a site that had to do with his country, so I was very inerested. I am always trying to find out more about his background and everything. I found out that its really some club. He has a profile on there saying that hes single. He even had a photo of himself on there, taken before we even met. But the updated is back in March. I wanted to leave it alone. But I was a little pissed off by that. So I emailed him and said "Hi, you are a jerk." and "You Jerk". I didn't go into detail, I just called him that. My friend says I am being immature for doing that. But I couldn't believe hes saying hes a single man. I know we are in a long distant relationship right now. But still. He tells me he doesn't want me talking to other men and telling them I am single. Hes supposed to be getting us an apartment very soon, and we are moving in together. But I don't know about that now. Maybe I can't really trust him like I thought I could. I have been faithful to this man for a very very long time, because I only love him and noone else. He moved away not too long ago, and he calls me almost every single day. Am I being a total fool here?
Alot of other men have expressed some intrests in me. I have turned them down, not giving it a second thought...because I thought I was in a serious relationship with this man. How do you know when a man is bullshitting you? We have been through so much together, and it has made our relationship grow stronger. But at the same time, why is he saying hes single? If I confront him, hes going to say that I was snooping maybe. I don't know. He already thinks I am jealous. But hes a very very jealous man.
I don't want to be naive about it   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 06:33:57 (PDT)
I've seen some pretty fine looking half asian/hald black ladies and some pretty handsome men as well. They have the sexy asian eyes with the full lips. Some are dark and some aren't.
Hines Ward of the steelers is half black/ half korean, not a bad looking guy.
Tiger woods, even though he is 1/3 white, 1/3 asian, 1/3 black
Tyson Beckford is a 1/4 asian, ladies of all races love him.
Naomi Campbell, is part chinese
Russell Simmon's wife is half black/half asian
Big DAve   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 00:53:14 (PDT)
Cali princess why are you so upset? i thought your respons was probably the most truthful one here, tho a little blunt ;)
whoa nellie!   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 21:57:35 (PDT)
Amenyes, these things are hard to guess Really, they are. Our oldest has dad's Asian features/mom's brown skin, and the youngest has mom's features/dad's complexion and everyone thinks she's Hispanic!
Just be prepared for a happy surprise, whatever it may be.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 21:53:18 (PDT)
To mynix23
The only problem I see you having is your decision to stay in a relationship that you characterize as "abusive." Why do you feel you have to put up with a man who doesn't treat you well?
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 13:40:46 (PDT)
What I have an interest in is how my children are going to look. I'm marrying the love of my life next summer and he's half Asian. I will love and accept my kids even if they are handicapped, but I find myself trying to figure out what they will look like physically, especially since my man is half White and my genes are nowhere near pure. Has anyone seen this new singer Amerie? She's half Korean Half Black. She literally looks like a Black Asian. Seems that the Asian facial features are normally dominate (because they are more likely to be pure and stronger than an African American's genes, which typically have other races mixed in), but we know that a darker color is usually more powerful, so they end up looking like Black Asians.
Any other opinions on this?? I haven't seen too many mixed Black/Asian people...
Sian BlasianLove@jazzandjava.com   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 12:49:42 (PDT)
Thanks. I kinda guessed that they were a bit more shy. But you are right about Black and White men...sometimes they don't get it. *lol*
E-mail me sometime. Maybe we can chat!
Black Girl on the East Coast Bluebutterfly60@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 18:22:37 (PDT)
I don't think Asian Male/Black Female pairings are the "least frequent pairings." I live in Southern California, so I've seen just about every pairing. I would have to say Latino/Asian pairings are less common or are around the same as Asian/Black pairings. But,from what I've seen and what others have seen.... Asian/Black couples are seen all over and increasing. Well, at least in California. I have a friend that works at Disneyland and she always calls me to tell me how many Asian Male/Black female couples she saw. I was quite surprised at the numbers. At least two or three couples a day.
just my opinion   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 15:20:01 (PDT)
Do females like poetry?
In general the answer's yes. When I hear some good verses (I mean GOOD) it's like a mental/emotional warmth that caresses the brain and leaves me smiling with the thoughts of what poem has said and of what those words could entail,but that's just my opinion.
Cards/stuffed animals are very sweet of course because it shows affection and that you're thinking of her. That's all good but poetry is so surprising from a guy that it just stops me cold. It's much more personal. In daily life I'm constantly assulted by weak one-liners and tired a$$ game:( so guy that can write poetry has got an edge . Sadly some men know this and misuse this gift(although it would take more than poetry to win ME over)however, a poem is one of the greatest compliments you could give. Poetry is unique because: it's individual expression, it's free, and when it's sincere it can be a very powerful thing.
I remember my father once read a poem that he said was inspired by me when I was a baby asleep in my crib. It was one of the most endearing moments in my life.
I understand that everybody can't express themseleves this way. But even so...it's a nice extra, don't ya think?
sunflower child   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 14:04:28 (PDT)