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I met a lady at the state fair this weekend. She was very pretty. When I very first saw her, I thought she was a mexican woman but found out later that she is african american. I think her background may have some racial mixture down the line in her family.
She was very soft spoken and well mannered. I have never met a woman like this before. Before I moved here I lived in New York for many years, and rarely saw this type of woman. She is originally from Trinidad. I would like to see where this can lead to. I do not know about her family yet, and if they are accepting to these sort of relationships. I am hoping that my family will be open to it. I guess I'll find out very soon. Wish me luck.
love at first sight   
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 15:06:25 (PDT)
You shouldn't worry about the color of your baby. If your gf is not that dark, and neither are you there is nothing to worry about. Most important, hope for a healthy happy baby boy/or girl.
There are a variety of beutiful people of mixed races. Many people mixed with asian and african american, as well as other mixtures.
cool site! =)   
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 12:02:58 (PDT)
So much has been on my mind lately.
I am trying to work things out with my ex. My parents suggested that maybe he and I should see a counselor, if this is really going to work. He says he doesn't want some outside influence all in our business. He didn't exactly say yes or no though. So the issue is up in the air. I think a relationship counselor could maybe help him deal with his anger and obsessive compulsive behavior. I do still care for him alot, and find myself thinking about him night and day. Hes the father of my child, and there is a deep bond with him that is hard to describe. I did feel that I had to leave Japan to get away from the major stress with him. Now he is talking about coming to the states on August 25th to try and work things out. But he says if things get resolved, he still wants me to move back to Japan and have a wedding. Does anyone know if relationship counseling really works? I read about it on the internet, and some people were saying that it really helped them. These were married couples though. And some of them were going through divorce therapy.
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 11:41:40 (PDT)
"I have seen children, usually from African American men and Asian American women on those rare occasions, and their colors are frankly quite lovely and harmonious."
I'm totally with you on the part about Blasian children, but perhaps we could dispense with the tired political correctness. I mean, come on. I feel that Asians and blacks should be able to call each other that without walking on eggshells around eat other. Asian-American? African American? Ugh. What a mouthful. One cannot possibly use that in a casual conversation w/o feel like a geek. I feel that those titles are for using around white people, because that is a marker for their respect toward us. Otherwise, that would just make it sound like they are calling us 'unamerican' (as in the case for AAs) and 'negroes' (in the case of black folks) to them.
Everytime I hear a white dude or girl say "Asian American" in a conversation with me I cringe. I"ve heard that some black people feel weird when whites keep sayin African American a thousand times to them, like they're afraid to be real. Both words are clumsy and awkward. I say we should all be more casual (but respectful) toward each other on this forum. We're all family, right?
Love and Peace, but lets be REAL too.   
Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 19:57:13 (PDT)
pot calling the kettle black,
Black men (good or bad) are hardly ever mentioned here on this forum. So what are you talking about?
You are talking garbage.   
Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 13:50:09 (PDT)
Genuine Azn,
You sound like an incredible guy and a great catch for any woman. I can't say whether or not your girlfriend is hiding something from you. But you seem very intuitive and are bound to realize whether or not she is before too long.
I totally understand what you mean about people's attitudes toward relationships these days. It's really quite sad. Best of luck and I hope that you continue to blossom in the way that you currently seem to be.
Sian BlasianLove@jazzandjava.com   
Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 12:48:24 (PDT)
When I began to truly discover the love I felt for Hiro.. I admit that I was so enamored and mesmerized that I was floating on cloud 9. It had opened my heart up so much that I began to see so many things differently. I thought that everyone deep down inside had love inside them and room to share. I did have to eventually wake up and realize that not all asian and black people were open to relationships such as ours. It was a rude awakening. When you are young and inexperienced with life, and only living for happiness and love .. you tend to see things much differently. This is what happened to me. I realized the man I am with is very unique. I cannot say that all asian men are wonderful, and I cannot say that all black women are wonderful either. I do think we as humans are all our own persons .. some of us have accepting caring hearts and some of us don't. When I see people saying ("I like black women because they")
or ("Asian men are wonderful because")
I have learned that it is not all, it is only the special people in this world that are full of love and life, that keep love manifesting.
---->>@ Naturalist/botanist @<<-----   
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 15:21:47 (PDT)
Response to Genuine Azn:
How deeply and eloquently put...
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 13:04:25 (PDT)