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This post is for all the *Asian Men* on this forum...whom look and
never post,or the ones that do post..but never say to much...
I want honesty, and truthfulness, this is a personal getting to know
you list of questions. and I want some posts...please...
(In no particular order) Questions:
Why did you join this forum, or others?
Have you found what you are looking for, online, or off?
How long have you been interested in other races? Is this something
new to you?
What are your hobbies and Interests? What do you do in your free time?
What defines who you are?
What types of Food do you like, what is your fav Food?
Do you work-out? Are you concerned about your health?
What do you do for a living? Do you like your life/and what you do
for work?
What qualities are you looking for in a potential Mate?
What have others said, your personality is like?
What have others said, is sexy, or fun about you?
What drives you wild about a women's body, or skin, or smell? What
are your attractions?
What is your Idea of a good evening spent with a mate, or what is
your idea of a perfect date?
Do you have any pick-up lines, and which ones have worked?
Do you have a particular why of dress, or Style? Do you think it
makes you more appealing to yourself or others?
What types of music do you like? Can you sing or play and instrument?
How many Siblings do you have, and how did it make you feel? Are you
and only Child, and if so how did it make you feel?
Do you consider yourself, a Smooth Talker/Mac, a Nerd, a Shy, a
Do you think your Freaky, Sexual/Sexy, Sensual,
Romantic,Clingy,Cuddly, Sappy..etc.?
Do you consider yourself Religious, spiritual..etc..?
If I forgot anything you would like to add...... please do so ...
Mynix Mynix@adelphia.net   
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 12:31:30 (PDT)
Has females tried the new perfume by Erox called Realm? My friend Tiffany was bragging about it when she and I were getting seaweed wraps at the spa. I thought she was just being silly. She said that it has human phermones in it, and she wore it out to the mall she attracted so many guys. I didn't really believe it until today! Oh my! When I was at her apartment I put a little bit on before we went out to do some shopping. I noticed the men /no joking! I swear! various ages and races;white,black,asian/ would stop and sorta stand next to me. I was so shocked!!! LOLz! I could not believe that stuff. Later on we went to Koreatown to see my boyfriend. He kept getting super close to me and like, sniffing! LOL! He was like,"What is that smell? What is it?" That stuff is so cool! But its so darn expensive. Its like $60 bux! Damn! But its worth it. Its funny to watch the men react to the phermones!
I want you to know that your comments are encouraging, and I appreciate them. I really like hearing successful stories on Asian men and Black women relationships. I wish you the very best of luck. I tried to email you, but couldn't get through. I know its probably because people were being so mean and unkind to you. Please feel free to email me sometime! I would like to keep in touch with you. You seem like a very cool person.
Kala spectralprisma@yahoo.com   
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 14:52:22 (PDT)
To Get your head out of your ass, give it some air. It's dark and dank in there:
There is no need to resort to such abuse. Since this is a public forum I was simply stating my personal preference for the term, especially when in a previous post, my term was signaled out an attacked.
If we cannot discuss these kinds of multicultural issues in an intelligence and peaceable manner then what is the point of this forum for African and Asian American people to come together to promote understanding instead of resorting to tired name calling and attacks? Can't we treat each other with respect and courtesy?
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 10:42:12 (PDT)
I read experiences of people say that their interracial relationship causes staring and all sorts of things when they are in public. I kept thinking in my head that I wonder why my girl and I haven't experienced that stuff really. I couldn't really understand it. Especially with there being almost no AM/BW couples here in this city. And then it really dawned on me yesterday. My girl and I went shopping for groceries at the Abrigo Market. The owner's wife casually told me, "Your wife is very pretty. You two make a cutest couple. You are both the same height and same face shape." When she said that I kinda laughed it off and told her,"Thankyou." Then I looked over at her while she was picking out stuff. I noticed that she was right. My girlfriend and I are exactly the same exact height, face shape, skin color and face feature. Does anyone notice this with their partner? Of course I knew what my girlfriend looked like all along, and I am not saying I just noticed what she looked like. I have always loved her, and thought she was a beutiful woman. I only never looked at it in the way the store owner's wife said to me. I hope noone gets offended by what I have said. There seems to be some people that get very easily offended on the forum, and attack people when they talk about their experiences.
FilipinoGuy in love   
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 02:05:55 (PDT)
To Sian and XLee:
Agreed. You did not post your works in the community, therefore you let a lot us to believe that you rejected your own culture outright.
Still, I wish you luck on your relationship and wish you many days of happiness.
Maybe there will be more positive stories from these relationships who will post here...
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 13:35:14 (PDT)
That is awful that some Asian men will reject you outright because of your African heritage.
That was why I have stated in my previous posts that Asian men will reject African Americans because we are considered vasatly inferior, physically to Whites, and lighter Hispanics.
This attitude is very disheartening...
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 13:33:14 (PDT)
To CaliGirl:
Thanks Caligirl! No, I am not Asian. If you look back on my posts dated 7/29 and on I have stated that I am an African American female.
Anyway, I also like some of what you have stated on some of your previous posts and agree that maybe some Asian men should take the plunge and ask African American out, of course to those they find attractive. Many of us are interested...
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 13:31:06 (PDT)