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What I like about BW????
I like the light brown ones with the biG soft asseS, soft fat breastS and nice hipS that I can grab Onto. I like putting my arms around such a soft sexy body, with a pretty face to match. Don't get it twisted, I don't dig fat chicks at all. I do like those curveS in all the right placeS. I also like the ones who have HaiR. It doesn't have to be down to their hips, but it has to at least be long enough to look feminine. There are some BW I see wearing their hair super short like a dude. I am not attracted to that Butch stuff. I think its ugly. Anwyayz, thats how I see it. If there happens to be a girl on here doesn't have hair and they get mad at my comment, oh well. I'm not trying to put anybody down. I'm just saying this is how I see it.
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 13:03:39 (PDT)
Response to XLee:
If my previous post gave you any discomfort or pain. That is the last thing I wanted to cause.
As your later posts have suggested, you were only seeking like minds to help you understand the unique dynamic that goes with a rare pairing like African and Asian American.
All in all, I think it is admirable that you are taking the time to learn about your significant others heritage and also appreciate that you have not forgotten your own heritage and hope that he will learn from you as much as learn from him and his culture.
I wish you every success and happiness on your relationship and hope that it is a long and fruitful union.
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 12:56:22 (PDT)
You asked if anyone on here was dating Chinese. My boyfriend is Chinese... you asked if we experienced any prejudice from anyone. No, not that I'm aware of. But I am a very strong person. He is too. I think in that category, I may be a bit stronger but only b/c I've ALWAYS dated men of all races and prior to me, he's only dated Asian females. So I am used to looks and don't really pay any attention to them at this point. There have only been a couple of times where someone has actually said something and from what I can remember, both times it was comments from black men. My friends have had comments but would never make them in front of the guys I was dating. They would only ask me about it privately. What else would you like to know? I can't really speak for the families b/c we haven't met each other's families yet. We haven't been dating that long and aren't ready for that. He has already warned me that his family are FOBs and will have an issue w/us. His mom freaked when he dated a Japanese girl. She only wants him to date Chinese. My parents could care less. They are of the mindset that as long as the guy treats me right, his race is irrelevant.
Anon...Thanks again! Sorry for mistaking your identity. You seem really hellacool!! :-)
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 22:23:05 (PDT)
Mynix, you wrote=<<>>
The reason why I join this forum or others is to learn more about non-asains and have better understanding about them. I believe there is the barrier between asains and non-asains and this site reduces it.
In terms of view and opinion, I have.
new to you?>>
I've been interested in other races since I was in elementry school. It's never something new.
sports, shoot pool, computer, martial arts occasionally and excersise.
way I dress, look and personality.
I like Mc Donald, pizza and chinese food as well.
Yes, I do work-out and are concerned with my health.
for work?>>
I am in college right now and work part-time. What I plan to do is something in the business sector.
caring and loving.
out-going and funny
I think what others will find sexy about me is my face, eyes and body. What others will find fun about me is my joke.
This depends, but for me that drives me wild are body, skin, and smell. Personality and face is what attracts me.
your idea of a perfect date?>>
Idea of a perfect romantic date is a candle light dinner just for two; with the light being dim and playing some soft music while enjoying it.
I wish I do, but I heard a few. ex; You must be tired? Because you been running in my mind all day. =)
Yes, I do. And I think it sorta does make an impression to others. I think it does make me more appealing as well. But other factor also contribute to a person's appeal in the eyes of others.
All music that is good to the ear. I did trying singing.
I have a brother, and two sister. we'll I never thought of how it'd makes me feel any different that if I were the only child. But I think it's more social than if I were the only child.
Smooth Talker /mac, yes. But have stumble a couple of times. And sometimes I can be reserve and shy in different situation. Yes, I'm buff too [not body builder thou].
Romantic,Clingy,Cuddly, Sappy..etc.?>>
Freaky, sexual, sexy, romatic, cuddly, depends on situation.
Religious, hmm don't really know about this one. But I do go to church and I like it.
Good question!! Glad you ask. I hope you can share with us on all these you ask b/c I would definetly be interested in learning more about you.
Another View   
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 21:27:38 (PDT)