

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
This is intresting it seems from the poll that the problem of dateing between asins and blacks is they don't think the other is attracted to them.
elowin    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 10:33:19 (PDT)
Thanks CaliGirl: And that is OK about mixed identities.

You can email me anytime: my address was on the previous post.

Good luck with your relationship! Hope it works out for the best
Anon    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 05:27:39 (PDT)
Another View (<-->)

This post was..and is still for all the *Asian Men* on this forum...whom look and never post,or the ones that do post..but never say to much...

But since *Another View*, you asked me to answer some of my own questions..I thought it was only fair..

But please I would encourage all the males to look for the original post and answer the questions.. Thank

As I have said before I want honesty, and truthfulness, the earlier post ... is a personal getting to know you list of questions....and I want some posts form you ...please... :)~


(In no particular order) Questions:

Why did you join this forum, or others?
Because, I have a natural attraction to Asian men and I hoping to have my first relationship with an Asian men Someday.


Have you found what you are looking for, online, or off?
(online) I am not sure yet ....but when I am I will let you know.
(Off line) :)

How long have you been interested in other races? Is this something
new to you?
I have been interested in and have dated other races,except Asian men. So Dating Asian Men is and wil be new to me.

What are your hobbies and Interests? What do you do in your free time?
I play the Piano and Bass, I sing/write music, love to cook and bake, work-out, play pc/video games,love sci-Fi, action, and fantasy movies, and anime.
I love to write, read;(Philosophy, non-fiction, and Sci-fi/Fantasy), paint miniatures, on... and on. the list goes..

What defines who you are?
My family, my soul, my heart, etc..

What types of Food do you like, what is your fav Food?
Anything that make me "Wiggly my hips 7 butt, smile allot * usually a big beaming smile*, Humm a sweet tune..and swing my feet.. then I know I like it..
What makes me practically have an orgasm at the table.. is anything having to do with Gourmet chocolate type dessert or mochachino, with Kailuha and whipped cream..hummmmmmm.... hehehehe

Do you work-out? Are you concerned about your health?
I work out all the time, and yes Iam concerned about my health since I do have allot of health issues.

What do you do for a living? Do you like your life/and what you do
for work?
I am an owner of a start-up adult pc/video game & multi media studio.
At this stage in mylife..I can't answer.. but I do like what I do for work..yes. :)

What qualities are you looking for in a potential Mate?
I would like my mate to have some good qualities passionate, independent, understanding, good listener, Conversationalist, kind, caring, fun loving, sweet, stern, patient, responsible, mature, sensual, romantic, serious, charming etc...

What have others said, your personality is like?
They have said I was a strong willed in my person, but yet soft and caring.

What have others said, is sexy, or fun about you?
They Say my Smile and My Voice tend to be the most sexy things about me.. They say my funside.. is that I am creative and love to throw get together that are fun and cool and they love my cooking so they never say no..

What drives you wild about a **men's body, or skin, or smell? What are your attractions?
I love his cute Ass and Legs.. his whole phyquie can be any shape as long as his personality blends with it.. that drives me wild.. WHoo Hoo baby..don't get me started here.. I'll just get excited..

What is your Idea of a good evening spent with a mate, or what is
your idea of a perfect date?
Me and him spending a candle light late night dinner on the lake beach front..
If the water is calm ..then we skinny dipp....if the water is rough....we just put are feet in.. hold hands and talk..

If I were a first date.. same thing LOL depends on the sparks.. LOL


Do you have any pick-up lines, and which ones have worked?
LOL I wish I did maybe I would get me a man....LOL...

Do you have a particular why of dress, or Style? Do you think it makes you more appealing to yourself or others?
Yes.. I like to dress in any style I like, and still comfortable and sexy.. I am Libra..I can interchange with many styles and have many looks..that bring out all sorts of attractive sides to me :) I also only wear it is attractive and appealing on my body..I like things that make me feel wonderful,Comfortable, beautiful and sexy... and will catch the eye of a man..I also only wear silver jewelry...

I also tend to like to spoil the man I am with... to shop and look good too,( that goes along with my many cards, and flowers..I get him hehe), I would buy him gifts.. especially silver (looking I.e white gold..etc..) .. as I think it looks good on a man..

What types of music do you like? Can you sing or play and instrument?
I listen to allsorts of Music.. and I play the Bass and Piano, and sing :)
I used to have my own professional band for 5 yrs :)

How many Siblings do you have, and how did it make you feel? Are you and only Child, and if so how did it make you feel?

I have two older sister, and one older brother. I am a Fraternal one more sister my age :) how dose it make me feel ....I am one of the babies in the family.. not that I got spoiled as a kid..but now I am as an Adult.. ..Strange I know..

Do you consider yourself, a Smooth Talker/Mac, a Nerd, a Shy, a Buff..etc?
This questions I can't answer... LOL

Do you think your Freaky, Sexual/Sexy, Sensual, Romantic,Clingy,Cuddly, Sappy..etc.?
I am everything and then some.. :)
Freaky, kinky, Soft and sensual, Sexy Cuddly, romantic.. etc..

Do you consider yourself Religious, spiritual..etc..?

Yes I consider my self some what religious and Spiritual..
Mynix    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 02:45:20 (PDT)
Yesterday I was walking downtown by the offices and a BM coming from Hilliard Lyons approached me. He asked me,"Do you have a boyfriend?"
I told him,"Yes, I have a fiancee."
He then asked me,"Well do you mind having a friend?" I told him that I am very flattered, but my fiancee is all the friend I need. He continued to ask a bunch of questions and flirt. I finally said to him,"Listen, I am very happy in my relationship." (he was asking if I am sure that I'm really happy with my fiancee)
Then he asked me,"What ethnicity is he?" I was sort of wondering why he asked me that question, and it puzzled me. I have heard that question before so many times, and still didn't understand the relevance of it. I told him,"Hes Korean American." He started laughing! I was even more insulted when he had the audacity to say with disgust in his voice,"No way! What? I can't believe your with an Asian dude! You have gotta be kidding me? You are wayyy toooo beautiful looking to be with THAT! That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard all day. A dogeater? An Asian? LOL! What can HE, an ASIAN dude do for you?"
I was so MAD and hurt. I really love my man and he was putting him down. I told him,"No hes not a DOGEATER! And apparently he IS doing SOMETHING for me because I happen to be VERY in love with him, no matter how ridiculous it may SEEM to YOU! I need to get back to the office." I walked back to work feeling a little hurt. I don't think I really overeacted. I didn't get loud with that guy or anything, I was civil. I wish I had said more or something. I was so upset. I was standing in the elevator, and I felt a few tears. I couldn't understand why the hurt felt so strong like it did. I guess when you really are in love with someone it puts you through such emotions, especially if someone else is trying to put them down.
Elisabeth    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 02:15:15 (PDT)
Hey CaliGirl,
What sort of questions did your friends have about you dating Asian men?
Naki    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 18:36:46 (PDT)

Why did you join this forum, or others?

I wanted to chat with asian/non-asian people about experiences in life, dating, etc.

Have you found what you are looking for, online, or off?

Yes. Both

How long have you been interested in other races? Is this something
new to you?

I've always been fairly open to other races. I've dated different types of girls from all over the world.

What are your hobbies and Interests? What do you do in your free time?

I'm a avid film buff, actor, model, martial artist. I also like to run, lift weights. Big fan of all types of music. Love going out to the bars and clubs, or just chilling with my friends and watch a movie, or b.s.

What defines who you are?

I'd have to say the balance I have between my american culture and my chinese culture. I'm full blooded chinese, but born in the U.S. And my love of martial arts, film and acting.

What types of Food do you like, what is your fav Food?

I love all types of food. Chinese, Thai, Italian, Mexican, Lebanese, Meditteranean. The list goes on. I don't really have a favorite.

Do you work-out? Are you concerned about your health?

I'm a big believer in fitness. I do martial arts, lift weights and run.

What do you do for a living? Do you like your life/and what you do
for work?

I just graduated college, and I'm working for a software company. I double majored in marketing and advertising mangagement. I'm an actor/model as well. You can see my pic at Click on the talent link, then the men link and I'm #215.

What qualities are you looking for in a potential Mate?

Attractive, driven, loyal, good sense of humor, friendly, respectful, knows how to take care of their boyfriend.

What have others said, your personality is like?

Very driven, respectful, outgoing and confident.

What have others said, is sexy, or fun about you?

I've gotten alot of compliments about my eyes. Some girls have told me there's an aura of mystery about them. Cause they can never tell what I'm thinking.

What drives you wild about a women's body, or skin, or smell? What are your attractions?

My favorite part of the female body is the "ass". I love a woman with a nice round booty. I also like women who really know how to dress.

What is your Idea of a good evening spent with a mate, or what is
your idea of a perfect date?

Have a nice romantic dinner, walk on the waterfront, go home drink some wine, and have passionate sex with candles lit.

Do you have any pick-up lines, and which ones have worked?

I don't believe in cheesy-ass pick up lines.

Do you have a particular why of dress, or Style? Do you think it makes you more appealing to yourself or others?

My fasion motto is simplicity and elegance. And I've found out that all of my female friends say I'm the best dressed guy they know. I'm not into all that loud and funky stuff. It just doesn't look good on guys.

What types of music do you like? Can you sing or play and instrument?

I like all types of music from all over the world. I have one of the most eclectic collections of music you'll ever see.

How many Siblings do you have, and how did it make you feel? Are you and only Child, and if so how did it make you feel?

I have 2 step brothers who are 10, and 3. I love them both very much.

Do you consider yourself, a Smooth Talker/Mac, a Nerd, a Shy, a Buff..etc?

All of the above. If you really want to know why, ask me later, or email me.

Do you think your Freaky, Sexual/Sexy, Sensual,
Romantic,Clingy,Cuddly, Sappy..etc.?

Sexual, sensual, romantic, cuddly, and dare I think it? Maybe even a little sexy.

Do you consider yourself Religious, spiritual..etc..?

A bit of both.

If I forgot anything you would like to add...... please do so ...

I hope this helps you out a bit.


Max    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 17:07:23 (PDT)