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Those who insult you and your love have nothing to do but sit around all day and wonder off into the sunset. Those people have no life. Black men envy Asian men in a way because of the stereotype that all Asian men are smart and are better parents and can provide a better life. So whenever they see a beautiful black woman with an Asian man, they feel cheated and feel that they have less black women to have. That has been the attitude I've experienced whenever I walk with a good-looking black friend of mine. And we're just friends not like we're lovers. We talk about class work and all the other important things, you know. Black men just assume that I am stealing their women away or something. I must admit that I am very much attracted to her, but she is a different world of her own. It's not what you think. What I meant was that she has many things to worry about like work for many hours and getting enough time to sleep. She's a very busy young woman, trying to kick off a singing career. I support her all the way.
All women are beautiful.
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 10:41:30 (PDT)
Why did you join this forum, or others?
So I can find a Asian lover.
Have you found what you are looking for, online, or off? Not yet and I don't know why men are not interested in me.
How long have you been interested in other races? Is this something
new to you? I'm mixed, one of those pretty black asian girls you hear about, so it's not new to me.
What are your hobbies and Interests? What do you do in your free time?
What defines who you are?
My looks. I'm very sexy looking and get alot of compliments. I like that.
What types of Food do you like, what is your fav Food? Asian. I don't like soul foods.
Do you work-out? Are you concerned about your health? No, but I should be since I'm overweight and need to lose a few pounds.
What do you do for a living? Do you like your life/and what you do
for work? I hate my job. I never went to college so my job options are very limited.
What qualities are you looking for in a potential Mate? Good looks. A well paying job. Someone who likes to have fun.
What have others said, is sexy, or fun about you? Everything.
What drives you wild about a women's body, or skin, or smell? What are your attractions? I've never been with a woman, but I'll try it, but only if the other woman looked like Beyonce'.
What is your Idea of a good evening spent with a mate, or what is
your idea of a perfect date? A dozen roses, a date at a expensive restaurant, going to a club here in Hawaii where I live.
Do you have a particular why of dress, or Style? Do you think it makes you more appealing to yourself or others? I dress sexy. Low cut blouses to show off my small but perky chest. Mini skirts and high heels.
Do you think your Freaky, Sexual/Sexy, Sensual, Romantic,Clingy,Cuddly, Sappy..etc.? Sexual/Sexy and Sensual.
Do you consider yourself Religious, spiritual..etc..? No I hate religion. I'm an aethist.
KokoJapanese KokoJapanese@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 21:37:02 (PDT)
I play the piano and bass too like you Mynix, but I could never bring home a black female who is in the porn industry. If I were to bring you home to meet my parents, they would kill me.
Any non-porn ladies in the house?   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 21:24:24 (PDT)
you're absolutly right. I visit the BF/AM forum like every other day because I enjoy rading the posts. I've never dated anyone black but I've always been curious about black woman. I've seen quite a few good-looking african queens in my days here in boston. I've been temtped to to make conversation with a few. But never actually took the iniative to. Its really hard making the first iniative, especially if she a hot young african quueen. chances are, she gets alot of attention from all sorts of guys. So she's likely to have a chip on her shoulder...but yea, I wouldnt mind meeting my chocolate love.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 18:12:28 (PDT)
What do the women on here find appealing about AM? I am curious. Do any of you have photos of yourselves?
Martial Arts Instructor   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 17:47:10 (PDT)
EKU has a point. There is a big difference in a woman who has curves in the right places and a woman who is just fat. I like women with curves too, but I don't like them fat. I think Quincy Jones's daughters Kidada and Rashida are real sexy! Especially Rashida, shes got those sexy bedroom eyes. I think Vanessa Williams has eyes that are sexy like that too. For some reason I'm just not into real dark skin bw.
in love with Rashida   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 14:53:57 (PDT)
Oh, Elisabeth,
Let me tell you girl, *some* BM will do absolutely anything to stroke their egos. The exact SAME thing has happened to me on a number of occasions. When they continuously ask you if you want a friend, if they can call you, if they can just have a few minutes of your time... even though you've already explained that you have a man, I have found that they quite reliably always end up saying something like.."Your man must be White".
In this case, our men are Asian, but it's like they think a woman who is dedicated, carries herself with class, and won't disrespect the man she's dating, must be dating out of her race. I really wonder why they always assume the woman must be dating out of her race. Even though, in our situations it is true, but why, why, why do they think this?
It makes me wonder, if they are used to their behavior being accepted by most BW, but when it is not accepted, they normally find out that she prefers to date outside of her race... It's like they think, that the only BW who would not want them, is one who would never date him anyway, because he is Black and she does not prefer BM. I'm not saying you or I would not date a BM; I know that I would and I have, but I believe this is an assumption they often make.
You have to understand that so many BM have become so very very arrogant about their dating options. They have come to believe that not only do many other races of women want them, but that every single BW must certainly want them, simply because they are BM. I cannot tell you how tired I am of BM hitting on me and looking like his world was just turned upside down when I reject him... looking at me as if "What do you mean... I cannot call you!!??"
Please don't let him make you cry. You have to understand the game he is playing. I have had BM treat my relationship as a JOKE, simply because my man is Asian. By doing this, they are trying to make themselves feel better by putting down the AM. This does not work with me, don't let it work with you. All I know is, many BM sure do love to date outside of their race, but it's almost like it kills them inside to see a beautiful Black woman date outside of her race.
Believe it or not A beautiful BW is the pride and joy of the BM and he would like to think that the most beautiful of BW would prefer him any day, over any other race. But this is not always the case, and some of them have a really hard time dealing with that fact. Don't let his inability to handle it well, affect you... please don't.
Sian BlasianLove@jazzandjava.com   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 14:35:26 (PDT)
I really know what you mean. I feel the same way when my stepmom refers to my boyfriend as Jackie Chan. I think its so rude and I don't like it. Granted, I think Jackie Chan is cute. My boyfriend is attractive but he doesn't look like Jackie Chan though. I also heard her refer to the waiters at the August Moon resteraunt as Jackie Chan too. I am sick of it. I have told her how I feel when she says things like that, but she pretends to be sorry. Then she just ends up doing it again. She doesn't do it when my boyfriend is around. People that are insensitive make me sick.
pisces prettypisces27@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 13:13:11 (PDT)
FilipinoGuy in love,
I'm not offended by your story. You must understand that those who keep saying that they are stared at by strangers, or who get rude comments from strangers tend to be walking around with a chip on their shoulders in the first place. This is why they attract so much negativity when they go out in public.
I'm glad you and your lady are doing so well.   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 11:58:53 (PDT)
the dominican republic is a poor, poverty stricken country with civil unrest. it would be difficult to find an asian man from a nation of high standards willing to date women from a poverished environment like that. he would be lowering his standards and asking for alot of trouble.
this is what i have learned   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 11:54:00 (PDT)
One minute you're saying all life started in Africa, then you said that you have no ties to Africa. If you believe that all life started in Africa then you would have ties to Africa.
So, you think the usage of African American is dumb and that whites don't go around calling themselves other names like Euro-American. You must have your head up your @ss, because most whites call themselves other things besides white. They call themselves Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Russian-American and have never been to Ireland, Italy or Russia.
"But then again, I'm mixed anyway so I wouldn't call myself black anyhow..."
If you don't see yourself as Black, then why are you here at the Asian Men/BLACK Female Relationship?
You said that African-Americans who go to Africa are poor deluded people. I think you are the one who are poor and deluded.
Whites won't have you and you think you're over blacks.   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 11:47:52 (PDT)
Aaliyah lover,
How do you know that boy was Chinese? I'm sure that he and his black girlfriend got alot of attention from passerbys because she was sitting in his lap with her arms around his neck at the damn bus stop. They should have gotten a room instead of getting their freak on in public.
Petting in Public   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 11:36:53 (PDT)
I would like to see what some of the women on here look like. I bet there are some real cuties.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:33:50 (PDT)
Thank you for responding and allowing us to know a little bit about you. I think it is very interesting.
Another View   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 05:36:13 (PDT)