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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Do you believe in second chances? How about third, fourth, and fifth chances? For some unknown reason I have been granted at least 20 chances over the passed 5 years to hook in with a fly BF. Then I think to myself, why didn't work out the first time? I'm torn. Fate just keeps us coming back to each other, like our souls, our lives are forever intertwined. Ever get that feeling that person is the one? Despite the odds, things always work out. I don't know if I'm blessed or if I'm cursed. The sweet ecstacy and the bitter agony. I love having her around, pure magic. She knows how I feel, I know how she feels, we're just missing some integral part. We'll see.
Azn Romeo   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 10:51:54 (PDT)
Martial Arts Instructor:
I have met some Asians men who are intellectually curious and have a good grasp on worldly affairs. In addition, those that I have met, however briefly, show an appreciation of art with a touch of delicate sensibility that I find intriguing.
Perhaps, because they do not have to deal with as much prejudice as black people, I have found them to be very calming, especially Filipinos and Vietnamese, who often display an equilibrium and point of view that is appealing.
This is not a generalization of all Asian men, just the ones that I have met, even though it has only been a few of them.
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 09:26:55 (PDT)
I am KokoJapanese and hardly come here to post so I hope those that know me no that I did not post the other post but I have a feeling I know who did. I think that it is very sad ehen people are do twisted, bored and lack originality that they have to take on the identity of others instead of using their own IDs to cause problems.
Who ever you are you are twisted and in desperate need of therapy and no good at all will come to you for doing this. What ever ditches you are digging for others you are sure to bury yourself into.
The real Kokojapanese   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 19:56:35 (PDT)
Why did you join this forum, or others?
To meet attractive black women for discreet fun and see if more can be there.
Have you found what you are looking for, online, or off?
yes,online nothing serious some cybersexin. bw are the best at that. :X
How long have you been interested in other races? Is this something new to you?
5 yrs for black women. it might be a stage I'm in I usually prefer blondes.
What are your hobbies and Interests? What do you do in your free time?
real estate investing is an interest, chat, IM, videogames, being a bum
What defines who you are?
my personality and interests.
What types of Food do you like, what is your fav Food?
health food, favorite is unhealthy fare like asian bbq ribs, pizza. i like hair burgers do that count?
Do you work-out? Are you concerned about your health?
no, yes. i'm a happy slob.
What do you do for a living? Do you like your life/and what you do for work?
no job. anybody here want to support me.
What qualities are you looking for in a potential Mate?
honesty, open communication, mature, goal-oriented, nurturing, laid
back, like getting laid, sexy, uninhibited, likes to try new things, open minded, women who like bi-men like myself, similar views and interests.
What have others said, your personality is like?
silly and nice.
What have others said, is sexy, or fun about you?
my small dark eyes, dark black shiny hair, smooth hairless body,
small butt. i'm a bottom. typical asian features.
What drives you wild about a women's body, or skin, or smell? What are your attractions?
big breasts C D DD, big booty but not fat like most bw, smooth skin. Silky, long hair to run my fingers through too bad though most black women don't have that.
What is your Idea of a good evening spent with a mate, or what is your idea of a perfect date?
staying home and making it a blockbuster night, picnic, playing on
the beach. i'm a cheap dater.
Do you have any pick-up lines, and which ones have worked?
Did you know if you rub my head, it grows 10 times bigger? Why don't
we try that? Black women I meet fall for it everytime ha ha.
Do you have a particular why of dress, or Style? Do you think it makes you more appealing to yourself or others?
nope, casual and basic, old jeans, khakis, polo shirts, smelly t-shirts, sweats. the bum look.
What types of music do you like? Can you sing or play and instrument?
Any music a BF can shake her big booty to, Country or Pop. no
How many Siblings do you have, and how did it make you feel? Are you and only Child, and if so how did it make you feel?
6,It didn't make me feel jealous.
Do you consider yourself, a Smooth Talker/Mac, a Nerd, a Shy, a Buff..etc?
shy nerd.
Do you think your Freaky, Sexual/Sexy, Sensual, Romantic,Clingy,Cuddly, Sappy..etc.?
Moderately freaky, kinky I experiment alot in the bedroom, very sensual, cuddly, overly affectionate,
sappy at times, not romantic. A giver and a taker. You give it up and I'll take it.
Do you consider yourself Religious, spiritual..etc..?
no all that stuff is wack
mordoshtx mordoshtx@yahoo.com   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 17:00:35 (PDT)
[That's it for survey type posts. They make crummy discussions. --Ed]
to : in love with Rashida
good for you that you don't find dark skin bw attractive and you find half white females attractive. if that's your preference good for you. is this what you wanted to hear because i know your words were meant to start a flame war but, we're too smart to fall for it.
beautiful dark bf   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 16:29:16 (PDT)
Martial Arts Instructor,
Why should the women here show you a photo of themselves. I don't see a photo of you, so why you're asking?
No Pic   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 16:25:02 (PDT)
To-This is what I have learned,
How rude. So because someone comes from a certain place, all of the people fall into that category? So does that make my german immigrant mom a nazi? And perhaps my grandparents too? And does that make her unworthy of my dad? Or perhaps my dad is shiftless and lazy, because we all know that is what stereotypes have been spread about black men over the centuries. FYI My dad is a professor at a well known university, and my mother is a happy lil homemaker. So who is lowering standards in my situation? You are making yourself sound a tad bit racist. Are you aware of that? I understand it if you are just misinformed, and just honestly did not know about caribegirl's country. But if that was really the case, then you could have politely asked instead of being so blatantly rude to her.
words that are like honey are ever so sweet.   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 15:51:56 (PDT)
TO; *Any non-porn ladies in the house?*
FROM; Mynix
I am not here for your approval..believe me.... I don't need to be liked by everyone....I don't expect that:)~ Besides....allot of people miss out on wonderful friendships, and relationships...when, assuming and not getting facts or judging .
I encourage you to find out more about what we are doing, before you assume you already know.. what Nest Egg Studios is all about.
(If you have 56k you can't get in.. you must have a higher connection and need the flash plugging 6.0)
But lets get some things in perspective.. here
Aren't you jumping the gun?
"Do you think *Adult* means Porn?
"Isn't that a Western way of thinking?
"Do you have an understanding, of the thinking behind Bishoujo Gaming?
*Do you know what the rating systems are for different types of Media, and what there meanings are?
*Do you know what a specialty target markets is?*
*Did you know that the largest Gaming market is between the ages of 18-35?*
*Did you know out of that market 50% are women?*
I could go on about different types of entertainment fields.. But I don't want to get into business here on this board...
The bottom line is, you think *Adult*, only means porn.
Where at Nest Egg Studios, *Adult* means, our target market, contents, and the substance of a games we provided, and products & services.
Not only is Nest Egg Studios making the first Adult Massive Mutli Player Game, Nest Egg Studios also makes a few Anime Series, and is currently making a Cyber Game Cafe, and working on an Educational & Internship program.
I think if you didn't want to bring me to your parents, it is because I am an unusually female/// I have to much creativity and am way to self sufficient. Every day, there would be something new you would find exciting in me, or that you couldn't believe... that you would want to keep me.... all to yourself ...and not even share me with your peeps..LOL
The only reason I wouldn't bring you to my parents is because my mother has a bad habit of showing my baby pictures, and embarrassing the hell out of me. And if she thinks you are a really great guy... she will spoils you rotten. Which means you better have an active healthy life style, she will feed you healthy food, run you ragged by bringing you horse back riding, bowling, playing pool, going to the movies, hiking, on day trips to fun places, and to the gym, not includinga few presents.. and then some.
My father on the other hand intimidates the guys I bring home ..but not by action.. he is really resevered, quite, nice and extremely intelligent/intellectual. He is just very muscular and huge....so it makes them scared, or afraid to talk to him. Don't get my wrong, every one loves my parents, because they are cool.
Plus another thing ..when guys find out that my parents are pastors/ministers..They can't believe it..And they look at me and say "OH a daughter of Preachers!!'.. Uh !Oh!..she has to be wild.. LOL.
:) ~ ~(:
To; "Lionheart"
I grew up 45 mintues out of Boston..
My family still Lives down there begging me to visit..
Now I live 3 hours away (thank god/fomr Boston)
Wish I would have meet you then :) Hehe
To; *Another View*
Your welcome :)
Mynix Mynix@adelphia.net   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 13:57:42 (PDT)
this is what I have learned,
Why is he lower his standard with me? He is not better than me y I live in the United State! I no longer live in there! I have college degree and my parents raise me very good. It is so funny you say that. Do you know why this? Because many Domincan y other hispanic feel I lower myself to be with Asian man. It all depend really on the frame of mind. Are you really so ignorant to say your comment? So sorry for you.
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 13:04:23 (PDT)