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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Greetings everyone!
I am an indian male. I must say the prettiest dark black woman I have ever seen is Stacy Dash the actress. Only dark black women with her looks are the best looking. For some reason the dark ones seem to make themselves unavailable and are antisocial. They are not as friendly and warm when a man approaches them. I have learned this from my own observation of on campus for the past year. I don't think color should necessarily be an issue. In my home country dark skin is frowned upon. So I understand that it is wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color.
Batchu Praveen   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 06:40:53 (PDT)
To Caribe Girl:
I did not post that message labeled "Anon", dated 8/23/02, in which they denigrated your response to a previous post that stated how poor the Dominican Republic is.
I don't see what purpose posting on this site serves anymore since people will maliciously use other people's tags to cause dissent and confusion.
I wish you luck Caribe girl, and all others on whatever they are looking for, but I do not see a point to posting on this site anymore,
since there is so much negativity and preconceived notions about African American women.
This has just confirmed what I had believed when I first started posting here, that African American women are not considered viable partners in friendship or any other connection because we do not fit Eurocentric beauty standards, unless of course we are mixed and more "exotic" looking.
Peace out.
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 05:40:39 (PDT)
I've gone back thru a lot of the old posts and wasn't able to find your e-mail address. I'll keep looking but if you want, you may post it again and I'll make sure to check this site more often to catch it. Ok? If not, I'll keep looking thru previous posts.
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 18:06:38 (PDT)
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I haven't been online for the last few days so I missed some of the previous posts. I just saw yours sent to me. My friends asked a lot of the typical questions. You know, things that are stereotyped about Asians, such as was he goofy or nerdy? Questions about size...you know that one. Which I wouldn't go into w/them b/c frankly, it's none of their business. Most of my girlfriends are Latin and they were just very surprised that I would date someone Asian. They've known me to date white, black and hispanic men. Even middle-eastern men but never questioned it. They only questioned me on why I would date an Asian. Funny, huh?
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 18:05:13 (PDT)
To: Whites won't have you and you think you're over blacks.
First off, I started not to even reply to your post b/c it was so defensive and insulting but then I decided to only b/c I don't want anyone thinking I "dodge" their posts directed at me. I just now saw it as I haven't been online for a few days. Anyway, the only things I'm going to say about it is that you seem way too defensive for me to even get into a discussion with. I have always followed the old saying of "don't waste your time arguing w/an idiot!". Besides, by me replying to you, I can already tell that you are the type that is very argumentative and I'm not. I simply state my point and I'm done. I also wanted to point out that I NEVER said that I was over blacks and that whites won't accept me. I have never had any problems w/whites personally. I have a few problems w/the way some blacks have acted towards me but it'd be too long to go into here. Why am I on this board? B/C it's a free country and I can post on any board I feel a desire to. Nuff said! I said I don't consider myself black, but I don't consider myself white either. That's what "you" read into it. I am both. So if I choose to post on the AM/BF board as opposed to the AM/WF board, that is my perogative. Got me? And I don't recall saying that just b/c someone goes to Africa they are poor and deluded. I'm saying Africans don't view blacks in America as African. I also said while life began in Africa, it was so long ago that someone in the year 2002 trying to say they are African when the last 4 or 5 generations of their family was born here is silly. And yes, I am entitled to my own opinion. If you don't like it, you may ignore my posts as I will probably do with yours in the future if they continue to be defensive, argumentative and overall nasty towards me!!
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 17:52:45 (PDT)
I just want to thank all black women of this world,
WHY? Because without them, many Asian (esp. Chinese) single male laborers would not have been able to find mates in the Americas without their love for us.
I have stats. for this.
In Cuba, Panama, Jamaica and Trinidad/Tobago, many of the Chinese men who intermarried (and these are the Latin nations where Chinese mixed the most), had done so with black women. This is certainly true in Jamaica and Trinidad.
I know lots of black women (even here in the USA) who wouldn't think twice of giving an Asian man a chance. They just seem to be less arrogant compared to white and Latinas in the dating game.
I opened my horizons   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 17:52:23 (PDT)
racism and hatred,
I also recieved some hatemail no too long ago. It is most likely the very same Coward. Hes a coward because he wouldn't dare go to the BM and email them all of that racist bullsh!t! I think this coward really does need to realize that whether they like it or not, interracial relationships are here to stay. He told me in my email some crap about AM not wanting a BW. Hes wrong. If that was the case, then why have I been happily married for 15 years to my Korean American husband? And why would there be other AM and BW in deep relationships? Whoever that guy is, he had some bad experiences and wants to blame the whole world for the way he was treated by some people. I have dealt with racism from other people before, being mistreated and everything- just like what he says hes gone through. But did I sit and make excuses? No. I dusted myself off, and got right back up. It would have been pretty ignorant of me to sit and have the "Poor Me'" syndrome. Instead of crying "Poor Me" I went on about my business and realized that some people are going to treat you bad, and some are going to treat you well. Its life. We live we learn, and we move on. Too much hate will eventually cause a heartattack.
purple haze CyberCyberCyber!!!!   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 17:35:06 (PDT)
To: In Love w/Rashida & Beautiful Dark BF...
First, I want to say that I am a light skinned mixed female w/long hair, blue eyes, etc...the things you said you liked. HOWEVER!! I agree w/Beautiful Dark BF. Yeah, if that's your preference, fine but I will tell you this...if I went out w/a guy and he began talking like that, I'd dump him in a heartbeat!! What you men have to realize is that society has been trying to play black people against each other from the beginning of slavery. We are sick of it!! Beautiful Dark BF is just as much my sister as white girls are and I'm telling you, we don't like hearing that crap!! My sister (yes, my FULL biological sister)is very dark and very pretty. Guys don't understand why I get pissed off when they say things to me like "Oh, you're prettier than dark black women" yada, yada, yada. NO ONE likes to be treated as a "trophy" and I take offense when they say things like that b/c we do come in all colors, shapes, sizes etc. And while you're praising the features of the one you're with, don't knock our dark sisters b/c the girl you're w/may have one at home and get very defensive if you start bashing her family!!!!!!!!
To...Beautiful Dark BF...stay strong and don't let men like him ever turn you against your light skinned sisters. Black men and white men have been doing that for years and now, unfortunately, it appears that (some) Asian men are attempting to do it too. I've seen other posts from other AM on here similar to his. Just ignore them! :-)
Curious 1   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 16:51:14 (PDT)
Mordoshtx is the same person that stole Kokojapanese's name & is the so-called Nubian Goddess! This person also sends racist hate mail to the Black men & women on the aw/bm & am/bf forums! Now it seems that they are out to hurt/insult the Asian men that post on this forum.
Please do not respond to this person as they get so much joy out of hurting & angering people with their insults & hatred.
-Ed, I really wish you can track this person & block them from posting on Goldsea.
"I've seen your kind before, you're not origional, you're just a sick, mixed up individual..."   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 14:59:59 (PDT)
[We will start including everyone's IP addresses with posts on this forum if this keeps up. --Ed]
I am not look down on Asian man. I am not look down on anyone. I never say that I am better and you know about that. He was one who say bad things about where I came from. I know my country is not the rich place. Because I came from there still does not make him better than me just because of where I came from. How would you like for someone to say you lower than them because of where you came from? Would it be so right? It does not matter if he is Asian, or Latino or Black man either. It has nothing to do with what his skin. He was putting me down say bad things about me like he is better. I wrote tell him that he is not better than me or anybody else. Nobody is better than somebody else because of where they caming from. I feel I must constant defend myself from so many people here. Maybe I do not belong on here either. Mabye I do not belong on this whole sites period.
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 11:18:18 (PDT)