

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Batchu Praveen,

I know plenty of highly-educated dummies. Just because you were able to get out of an Ivy League university does not necessarily make you a genius in every field.
Joy    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 19:16:53 (PDT)
Just because you claim to have graduated from Harvard, doesn't mean that you still can't be very stupid in your insights about black women.

You and others who try to pit dark skin black women against light skin black women need to put a lid on it.
To Batchu Praveen    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 18:22:35 (PDT)
"black and white guys who just look at me crazy when they see me singing Japanese songs or scolding a chef at a Japanese restaurant because the food doesn't taste Japanese."

Perhaps they are staring at a black woman who may be appearing too hard to be Japanese instead of black.
For genki-chan    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 18:19:18 (PDT)
Sick and Twisted.,

You both do not understand. I am a Harvard graduate. I am not someone who makes blind and meaningless statements. I am a professional businessman. I think you both may have misread my words.
Batchu Praveen    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 05:01:45 (PDT)
I got the number of a very cute Jamaican girl at the airport. But strangely, she didn't have any negroid features. No kinky hair, she didnt have the cute "dolphin forehead". Her last name was "Brown" so she was obviously bi-racial. I totally thought she was East Indian. She had a pointy nose, deep set eyes and a pointy jaw. But anyway, despite the case of mistaken identity, it looks like I'll have a date set for this weekend with a hot black girl =)
Duuuude..... Sweeeet!!!!    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 16:53:14 (PDT)
I opened my horizons,
I think BF are beautiful and very sincere. I opened my horizons, you have some very good points in your last post. It really touch me and BF are great people, I really respect them a lot. I think they are very nice, has great personality, beautiful smooth skin, nice teeth with beautiful smile and has a great sexy body.
From your post, it seems as AM and BF are on the same boat when America was still racist. Gosh, we have accomplish a lot in those difficult times. BF on this board, if your reading this. I want you all to know that you are certainly the best women a man can have.
Together we are brother/sister, husband/wife, and best friends and no one can break this bond. With this tight bond in unity we can accomplish just about anything.

I never know how much BF are attracted to AM until I visited this site. None of the BF that I know tell me that they like AM. Instead I have heard from them saying how much they like LM, BM and WM. I mean there is always a possibility that some BF would like AM but I guess is only in the minority. I have to tell you there are a lot of us AM that like you. I have talk to my friend and they tell me so. There is even a friend of mine that tell me that he only likes BF and nothing else.
Another View    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 15:49:43 (PDT)
Travelling Woman,
Thanks for clearing that up. I guessed I was speed reading. Anyway that site that you had up was very interesting. I never knew anything like that happen. And it is so sweet. I guess back then when people were racist, we black/yellow really stick it together and hang tight. This is some heart felt stuff, MAN......
I know back then there were only AM and no AF in America. And the AM have no partner and they would choose non-AF. And yet, they succeeded. Wow, this is very interesting b/c then AM and BF were not use to each other [if you know what i mean].
Anyway I wonder what happen to BM then, aren't they also there. And wouldn't they care if the AM took BF?
I don't think anyone knew these couple existed in the early 1900. What a history, very interesting indeed.
Hidden Identity    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 15:05:31 (PDT)
I, A-A women, am looking for a Japanese boyfriend because I have spent a lot of time in Japan and that experience has shaped my life. I've dated black and white guys who just look at me crazy when they see me singing Japanese songs or scolding a chef at a Japanese restaurant because the food doesn't taste Japanese. I have been told too many times that I am too intelligent by black and white guys because I speak Japanese fluently and even just a little French. I work with Japanese men and way too comfortable around them even though I would never date because they are too salaryman like. But in the end I realize that I don't just want any ordinary Japanese guy. They have to be unique, right?
genki-chan    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 14:22:27 (PDT)