

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Just because he says that he is not attracted to Asian women, doesn't mean he is being completely honest. I have an Asian boyfriend, and I still find plenty of Black men very attractive. But I still love my man with my whole heart. My boyfriend says he doesn't like Asian girls, yet I can tell that he is still attracted to them. I find it okay to be attracted to the people in your own culture. Its a healthy thing, and displays that there is no self hate going on with them. It is a good thing, and nothing is wrong with it. It doesn't mean that your man loves you any less, it just shows a healthy appreciation of the women in his culture.
Kristinna    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 07:49:00 (PDT)    []
It would be nice if we could all be with the person we love regardless of skin color or race, but we don't live in a society like that. It's too bad, there's so much we can learn from one another.
rsxgurlie916    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 01:14:26 (PDT)    []

It is your choice to decide who you want to be with. No one, including your parents, has the right to make your decision. If you love the person that you are with and you both get along, then that is all that should matter. If your parents truly cared about you, they would just want to see you happy and race should not be a factor anyway. Many people who marry a person of the same race do not necessarily get along and there are many divorces in same race marriages. Your parents should work hard to get rid of their racism because it is not good to carry around hate in your heart. You are responsible for your own life and your happiness is what truly counts.
BF    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 20:15:53 (PDT)    []
Go to your parents & ask them...
1. Why do they dislike your girlfriend (or any blacks) so much?
2. Do they truly love you?
3. Have they considered your feelings?
4. Are they willing to sit down & talk to her/ get to know her better?
5. If you are happy why does race matter?
IF this doesn't work, follow your heart. I know that you love & respect your parents, but if they can't love you or share your joy, then go on about your ways. Your parents can't live your life for you. Think about it thids way... How would your parents feel if you were to disown them because you didn't like their friends? It would hurt them in the same way the they're hurting you.
Rainbow Fright    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 16:58:41 (PDT)    []
I am an AM who is in love with a BF. We've been in a relationship for about 7 months. It is a difficult road and path for us to take in a relationship because parents often get into the picture and things start to get haywired. I start to think to myself if it is the right thing to do: obey my parents or to follow my heart. Of course, I am going to say go with my heart because i love this woman. But is it okay to disobey parents and be abandoned by them. I live in a family where it is cultured absorbed and they follow every single traditional way. They tell me to marry a Viet girl without even thinking about my feelings and sometimes i feel like i dont have a choice. Alot of this has to do with racism and my father has alot of that. There was something that he said that upset me to my stomach. He said that if i marry a BF, then he would leave and never be apart of my marriage. That was hard to swallow and just made me more confused. I still hate what my parents have to think about our relationship, but nobody said an interracial relationship would be easy. I believe that there is still time to change the way my parents think and i am going to try all of my effort to get them to understand. I fell in love with this girl and and i looked passed the skin of her color. She has a personality that rocks the boat. I could not imagine being with anyone else. I am bothered with the parent issues, but i am willing to endure through it. Because Love conquers all. We hope that our relationship is a motivation for others out there who have AM and BF relationships. We will open up society's eyes and let them look pass the colors of skin!! One World, One Love!!! WE ARE ALL ONE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST.:) Let me know how you guys feel about this and if anyone is in this type of situation. (We can all talk about it and form a strike on parents:)) Plus i think BF are fine as hell!!! but that's just me...;)
Aznsensazian    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 13:15:05 (PDT)    []
asianguy 19,
Yes, I would love to post the site of my pictures. I am most definitely not an unattractive woman. And yes, I do fit into two of the categories that you listed. Whats stopping me? I recieved racist hatemail saying sick things. It sort of ruins it for the decent and sincere people.
racism and hatred >:-[    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 23:25:09 (PDT)    []
I am currently dating a guy who is japanese and hawaiian. His ex-wife is black and he has two daughters by her. I think he is very cute. He is shorter than me, but he acts like one of the "brothas" in my circle. He said he could never date an asian woman because he has only found black women to be attractive.
Lisa 819    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 22:10:14 (PDT)    []
BF are sultry and sexy. I love them when they are slim and even the kind of curvy ones too. I like the big round bottoms and soft hips to grab on. The ones Ive met have such soft warm cozy skin. There is nothing on earth like sleeping against it. I love the passionate fire BF have. I am single for right now. I definitely want a Bf for a girlfriend and a wife someday. I want her to father my children and be with me when we grow old together. When I find that special BF, I will be with her 4-ever
Hachiro    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 11:38:41 (PDT)    []
ladies, show us your pictures please.
If you look like any of the following, you have no reason to fear that people will find you ugly.

-any one from the girl group blaque
-Monica the singer
-tyra banks
-any blasian chick
-the chick from "fresh prince of bel air'
(the younger sister)
-you look like you could be on a RnB or Rap videos

there you go, so if you look like any of the ladies mentioaned above or you believe you look really fine, then post the site of your pics.
After that, the guys will share theirs.
asianguy19    Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 03:27:38 (PDT)    []

Well... we can't contact each other, talk, and trade pics if there's no e-mail address under your name right? If people want to get to know each other, they should include their e-mails. =)
Suggestion =)    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 17:51:56 (PDT)    []