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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Regarding American Idol, I think
Christina was the prettiest woman on
the show. She can sing to me anyday!!!
Yesturday, I was "talking" to this
beautiful black female and a black man
came up and interuppted us. He then
proceeded to spit game at her with me
right there. I guess she knew who he
was so her attention was divided
between the two of us...both of us guys
talking to her, taking turns. But he
was being a lot more aggresive in his
vocab than I was... after a while he
said he had to leave and left us
alone. I was glad... then she asked
me if I had a girlfriend... but this
was after he asked her if she was
dating anyone. She had said no... I
wonder if she would have asked me the ?
if he hadn't asked her a similar
question. I told her "no" and we kept
Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 01:41:18 (PDT)
[Stop putting carriage returns after every line. --Ed]
I thank God for you, and your ability to have an open mind and heart.
I know that it takes a large amount of courage to stand up to your parents, and to go against their will, when all the odds are against you. If you continue to seek God, and keep him first, everything else will work out just fine. I know that you do not like disobeying your parents, and I pray that soon you will be able to proclaim your love to them face to face. I do not doubt that you love her unconditionally, because to go through what you have gone through for eight months can be nothing else but the love of God in you. For you to keep pressing on, when your father has said the things that he has said, is amazing...and it shows that you are a man who is strong in what he believes and knows what he wants--I love that. Sometimes, we as people fail to look past the color, race, and origin of others, because we live our lives off of preconceived notions. I pray that one day your parents will be able to rejoice with you in the amazing love that you have for your soulmate. Just stay strong, and do not lose faith, and everything will work out for the best...
you deserve nothing less--God will bless you for your enduring, for you are a man of God. Your girlfriend is truly blessed to have you in her life. Like you said n the post, your relationship will be able to change others views of interracial relationships. I pray that "you do not grow weary while doing good, for in do season you shall reap a harvest if you faint not."
Thanks for the best eight months of my life Aznsensazian, I love you!
Lexi LexiGurl1802@aol.com   
Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 01:26:16 (PDT)
I wonder how I lived before her. How was my life? All I know is that she has given me what I never had in my whole life, someone to say I love you. Now I can't imagine a day without her. I'm an AM and enraptured and captured by a BF. A pure platinum hit. Its a beautiful thing. If the world ended tomorrow, and my time on earth were done, no doubt in my mind, that she was the one. She makes my heart swell.
RC + NB   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 09:41:12 (PDT)
I e-mailed you about this topic, but one thing I must say is that: If Vietnamese tradition must be met, it might have been best if your parents had stayed in Vietnam where Vietnamese tradition is the norm.
Sometimes I wonder... do Foreign-born parents ever think about the fact that they have made a decision to live in a country where their tradition will no longer be the norm, where their race will not only not be the norm, but they have entered a country where NUMEROUS other races reside and interact? Do they understand that they have entered a country that is trying to heal from racial hatred and violence and patch things up... not continue to divide....
Does anyone else have foreign-born parents who can answer this question? Why come to this country if you are so hell-bent on living as you did when you were in your own country??? If I move to Japan, how can I restrict my son to finding a BW to love and marry? Can someone please explain this way of thinking??? I am soooo incredibly curious to get an answer.
Anyone who needs for their children to be one, exact, certain way, and think, one, certain, exact way, absolutely must keep themselves in a mono-racial, mono-thinking society. Why come to the UNITED States of America if you need this?? It makes me think that so many foreigners take absolutely no time to get to know the history of this country and don't try to have a deeper understanding of the past and future of this country... as if they study that one day, to pass the green card exam, and then that's it... nothing more, nothing less.
Is it just for the money? Can we assume that these foreign-born parents have absolutely no love or respect for this country? What are we to assume or think when we hear statements like "Vietnamese tradition must be met... all while you are living and loving the United States of America".? What do we make of this? Will take any comments, from anyone....
Sian BlasianLove@jazzandjava.com   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 06:42:37 (PDT)
There is a big difference between obeying when a parent is right & when you know that they are dead wrong. Jesus Christ taught you to love your neighbors as yourself. I think that included people of different races, right? If your parents are Christians, too, then they should know this & practice it. Even if they aren't followers of Christ, every major religion says that we should love one another because we are all brothers & sisters under God (or The Gods if that's anyone's religion on here). If you as big of a Christian as you say you are, then express your non-racist views to your parents. I want you to try & get your lover & your parents together for a long long long talk. If they don't agree, trick them into it. Seriously, I want them to be able to see in her what you see in her. It will take time, but pray for them to get rid of their racism & share in your happiness.
Ex Catholic School Girl, Novice Practicing Buddhist
Rainbow Fright   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 19:02:12 (PDT)
You are so right!
redcurly Q   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 10:20:17 (PDT)
Hachiro...very lovely post. Just curious...what state are you in and what is your age??
Checking out Hachiro! :-)   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 23:22:48 (PDT)
Yea, thanks guys... Its just a hard topic to deal with. I mean i feel like i have to hide my relationship in order to keep it going. And this hurts me because i want my parents to be involved in my life and love the one that i marry. I tell them its my choice but they insist that vietnamese tradition must be met and that its wrong to date outside of my race. Some of it has to do with our baby and how is he/she going to look. They think our baby is going to look hidious because she is going to be mix with black and asian. Plus they feel ashamed that if i marry a BF, that it would put shame into the family name and culture. Its very sressful and overwhelming. There is alot going on here and im just worry of losing my soulmate. (I truly love this girl) I am a very big Christian and i hate the fact that i have to disobey my parents. "Obey thy Mother and Father" right?? Its just hard trying to have both worlds when all this is going around. Thanks friends for your comments. Keep em going...God bless.
Aznsensazian minhtos@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 22:44:08 (PDT)
Does anyone have any advice? My fiancee just recently cut his hair super short. He still looks cute. Although when he wears it long to his shoulders, he looks incredibly sexy! It accentuates his face and everything. He says he wants to appear more mature and that is why he continues to cut it. Then he said to me that he was thinking of keeping it short all of the time. Even though he looks so gorgeous with it long!
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 12:27:21 (PDT)