

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

My boyfriend does work long hours.
thanks    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 11:22:05 (PDT)    []
I'm sick of hypocrite BM and Heather

Its just two men or how ever many black men act like that, there are just as many that condone AM/BW relationships. You can't assume all black men act like that cause they don't. Some asian men act like that and so do some white men, so whats your point? You can't generalize every black men just because of those two black men. I am an asian male and have seen racism from all races. Just because those racists may call me whatever doesn't mean they represent the entire race. Just my two cents.
Big Dave    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 08:05:56 (PDT)    []

I know how that is. I am a quarter black, a quarter mexican and half Asian. I hang with black people and mexicans and Asians, but mot people consider me Asian. No offense to Geoff or any other black guy who thinks he is a respectable, fair guy, but I think that most black men CANNOT stomach the idea that Asian men can date 'their' women and even get their trophy women (white women). I think that black men definately take some twisted comfort in the fact that whites are 'obligated' to kiss their ass (Because most white men and women are terrified of being labelled racist. I think it's funny how white people bend over backwards to be nice to black people. If they as much as frown at a black person, I think black people would be in their faces for 'being racist'.), or risk being labeled a skinhead or something. Also consider the fact that black men take comfort in that if they date white or other women for even the most fucked up reasons (i.e. 'getting back' at whitey, fetish for WF, just to cause a scene), whites or other race cannot say a damn thing or they would be labelled a racist. It makes me fucking sick! I think definately think that black men abuse their 'priviliges'. Their great great great great grandfathers suffered horribly, and people are rightfully recognizing that fact. But to abuse that newfound respect is just sickening.
A lot of dumbass black dudes have this sense of 'entitlement' to mistreat non-blacks, and non-black women. They feel that because their forefathers were wronged, they are by default exempt from social conduct concerning human decency.

I fully recognize the dehumanizing agony that black men and women have had to go through and still do, to a lesser extent. Afterall, part of my ancestry is African. But just because I point out how some black men are abusing their position, it does not make me a racist. It makes me an observant person.
I'm sick of hypocrite BM    Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 13:57:08 (PDT)    []
whats going on with him,

He could be busy with work and just really tired. My fiancee works 11 hour shift and comes home exhausted. Sometimes he just wants to go to bed. And sometimes he wants to hang out with his buddies. I wouldn't get to worried if he works alot of hours.
MyosGirl4evr    Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 10:53:36 (PDT)    []
Does anyone have a boyfriend that says hes gonna call and he doesn't? My boyfriend called me all last week, and I called him too. This Saturday and Sunday he turned off his cell phone. Then I called him yesterday afternoon and asked him what happened. He said he was on the subway and would call me when he got back home later. He told me he loved me and hung up. He never called. I left a message telling him "you said that you would call and I believed you. And you didn't. Listen, I don't know whats REALLY going on with you. But if your really interested then YOU are going to have to be the one to call ME, because I am not calling you anymore." I said this because he has been doing this game for a while. And whenever I have just said "F*** it!" He was told me "Nooo! I still want a relationship with you! YOur my girlfriend and I love you so much!" Yet, he does that not/calling thing. I dont mind it if hes busy and has things to do. But why would he say that he is going to call me and doesn't? Its not like it only happened once or twice. We are in a long distance relationship too, so that adds to the problem. I told him before that maybe I should just move on and end our relationship. He told me no, that he wants us to be together. Do you think this is some game hes playing with me?
whats going on with him?    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 06:35:36 (PDT)    []

That's terrible!! Sad part about it is that's one reason why I began dating less black men. Not to bash them as a group but I have noticed their obvious hypocrisy. They feel it's ok to date whatever or whomever they want but expect black women to remain loyal. Sick part about it is that many BFs do!! Don't ask me why. Anyway, they DEFINITELY have an agenda. I dated a black guy that had only dated WFs before me and his family hated it. They wouldn't even allow him to bring the girls to their home during gatherings. I met his family and got along w/them very well. He actually told me at one point that since I was mixed and was often mistaken for being white, that he liked going out w/me b/c he could feel like he was out w/a white girl and get more attention but didn't have to deal w/the flack from his family and friends for being out w/a white girl. Well, needless to say we didn't date anymore. But he actually excused this by saying it was ok for BMs to date WFs b/c when they did it, they were getting back at WM but if a BF dated a WM, she was probably doing it b/c she really liked him and that it was wrong. He felt HIS agenda was ok, go figure! Now of course not all BM are like this but I've come across enough of them w/this attitude that it has pretty much turned me off of them in general. It's pretty sad b/c I do find them attractive. I also got tired of dating WM who bashed BM & made prejudiced comments about minorities while they were out w/me. Come to think of it, that's when I began dating AM! I needed a breath of fresh air but from reading the AM Seeking Non-AF board, it seems like some of them have an agenda too! Oh!! Can't live w/'em, certainly can't live w/out 'em!! Right?

AznPride...hidden message here?? hehehe
CaliGirl    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 22:35:09 (PDT)    []
I went to the P.Hill Tav. Last night with my bf who happens to be Japanese. He went to the mens room and I sat on one of the couches to wait for him. Three tall, good looking Black men came walking in the club with three White females on their arms. I was sitting there minding my own business. I could not believe this! They all deliberately came near to where I was sitting and stood against the wall staring at me. One guy said,"she needs to tweeze her eyebrows out before she turns into a unibrow!" and they all started laughing at once. Then the other guy said,"Nah, I wouldn't give that the time of day! Retro went out years ago didn't it?" And one girl whispered in his ear and laughed. He then said,"I bet all that hair isn't even hers!" [100% hair grown directly from my scalp, given to me at birth,and inherited from my mom] I guess because its really thick, red red and curly they assumed it couldn't have been mine. Then he said,"Look at all those freckles man! She kinda reminds me of little orphan Annie!" Okay, so they started picking on my freckles. I was mad then! Alot of people think I should have said something but I am a shy person. I wanted to say something but didn't.
And they just continued to laugh and have a ball at my expense. It was like they were trying to make their girls laugh or something. Well my man came out of the bathroom and took my hand and was like,"Ok. You ready?" So we headed toward the reggae club (there are like 6 diffent club levels at this place) Well the guys and girls got quiet and started whispering. They stopped laughing too. And they had the nerve to try and follow us halfway up the stairs and all the way to the other side. When I went to get our beers, I saw the two men standing in the corner and the women were sitting at the bar. I heard them clearly say,"Aint that some S***! Did you see that S***? A chinese dude!" And they were frowning at me and my bf. I just ignored them. We ended up losing them in the crowd on the other side as the night went on. I just thought it was interesting how they were cutting me down. But then they wanted to get angry because I was out with an Asian man. I don't understand it. I didn't have a problem with them being with White women. I did have a problem with them trying to degrade me in front of their women though. Its like they were showing off or soemthing.
Heather FreckleFace    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:02:39 (PDT)    []
I once loved an AM. We were friends before we were lovers, and even thought I had to put a wall in front of my heart, I loved him dearly despite the distance.

UNfortunately we broke up because of an argument. He accused me of being posessive, when I wasn't. I trusted him, but hate his man-stealing friend...that was nine months ago.

even though I'm still attracted to AM's, I don't think I can love another man again. but still, deep down, I loved the one I've lost. I've heard people talk about rekindled love, but I don't think we would be listed inthat category. I went on with my life, and have met a few men. Ienjoyed their company, and I feel pretty good about myself.

But, as far as love goes, there's no more for me.
the lost goddess    Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 15:23:57 (PDT)    []