

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To: Nfo,

NB    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 08:58:12 (PDT)    []
To Nfo,

You stated, "I'm tired of these posts saying BM don't like to see BW with Asian men." Well to avoid being "tired" mind your own damn business and stay out of grown folks business. this forum isn't for you, so your feelings won't be respected or considered,okay? this forum is for asian men and black women to discuss each other, not for "aware and progessive" black man, who got his nose in business that doesn't involve him,okay? now, if you don't like what you read here then, get gone, bro!!!!!!
Sweet Black Girl    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 04:23:24 (PDT)    []

You are so right. I feel the same way as you. I feel comfortable seeing Black men with Asian women. I know there are some people that might disagree with me. I am also sure there are lots that feel like I do. I think there are lots of good Black and Asian men out there =)
You sound like a very positive man! Thats really cool!
I really dig positivity    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 14:45:44 (PDT)    []
>>I want her to father my children and be with me when we grow old together. When I find that special BF, I will be with her 4-ever<<

Hachiro, you want her to father your children? lol! That would be one special BF indeed! :^)

Anyway best of luck to you.
Nfo    Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 16:16:07 (PDT)    []
>>If the world ended tomorrow, and my time on earth were done, no doubt in my mind, that she was the one. She makes my heart swell.<<

As an aware & progressive black man, I just want to say...

Congratulations RC + NB!!! May the Lord bless the two of you.
Nfo    Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 16:11:42 (PDT)    []
I'm tired of these posts saying that bm don't like to see bw with asian m.

Personally, I think it's a good sign when people of color start choosing one another when they mix, rather than automatically choosing white.

...So I'm encouraged when I see bf with asian m, rather than white guys & girls, and I am most definitely an AWARE BLACK MAN.
Nfo    Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 16:07:21 (PDT)    []
Big Dave,

I don't think all black men act the way Heather and I'm sick of hypocrite BM described (I don't know all black men to make that judgement), but I think that enough of them do (at least in my experience and reading past posts here) to cause a problem. Why should any black man, Asian man or white man dog the women for their preferences if they are doing it, too? (Come to think of it, why should other women do it, for that matter?) If these men do not approve of the relationship, why do they feel the need to run their mouths about it? If they really can't stand the sight of it, why not just look the other way? And, of course there are just as many men out there who approve of interracial relationships, but why don't they ever come up to us and say, "Damn, look at that smile on your face, I bet he treats you really well," instead of the bad apples who heckle us for being with "the wrong kind"?

In a multi-racial incident, a white man who is intersted me spotted me with the man I am currently seeing (he is Asian). He confronted me about it because he just could not understand what I saw in my guy. I just laughed and kinda shrugged my shoulders because he wasn't worth the explanation.
Joy    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 20:21:37 (PDT)    []
Whats going on with him,
I sort of know what your going through. I am also in a long distance relationship. They say that long distance relationships never work out. Sometimes they really do work. There has to be both people fighting to make it work. There has to be a common ground between the two hearts, to come together eventually and make it no longer a long distant relationship. The man I am in the relatinship with has stopped calling me. I called him, and he hung up the telephone. I feel that I am too important to let someone treat me this way. I am too valuable. If he does not think of you enough to call you to say a simple"I love you" or "I miss you" then maybe he is not worth the effort. Its funny when men do this. They play the game of not calling. Then when the woman decides to move on to bigger and better things, they always end up calling again sometime. By then, the woman has usually become too fed up to continue
LadyMissKier no more bittersweet lovin....    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 11:02:57 (PDT)    []
To BLK Woman w/Asian guy
I found your comments to be interesting, and as a BF too I can concur with most of your findings. I am also in agreement with your statement regarding how many BM's adhere to that "ghetto stereotype and that negative playa mentality",(it's rather sickening) but there are also far too many BF's that do likewise. It's like we view this as a cultural badge of sorts, but I don't understand that behavior or attitude be it from a BM or BF.
As for BM's dating WF's well that's something that's been going on for a long time, but BF's have been involved with WM's much longer. In fact if you look at the statistics on both interracial dating and marriage you'll clearly see that BF's lead in both categories almost 2 to 1. And, yes I unfortunately have to also agree with your last statement reference AM's primary purpose for dating BF's is only that of seeking sexual(I've been there) favors, but chosing in the end to marry either AF's and WF's. But, in my opinion that's on black women, and we just shouldn't put ourselves in that situation. I recall when I first met my ex-asian boyfriend he told me that most AM's (not all) sought out BF's just for sex "only", and never would even consider marriage.
Rose    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 07:54:40 (PDT)    []
Nice that you are interested in BFs but I didn't see the pageant so I don't know who you are talking about. Sorry.
Missed It    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 00:57:09 (PDT)    []
As young black woman who is open to interracial dating, I am really surprised to see the results of the poll. Although I am open to dating an Asian man I have not pursed an Asian man because I always felt he would not find me attractive. After seeing this poll, I am more inclined to approach an Asian guy. Thanks for the poll!
mspeace    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 19:20:05 (PDT)    []
Just wondering, Are there any BFs out there who kinda have that Ms IL/America look? Or any of the BF runnerups during that pageant Sat. night? I'm sort of partial to that kind of look and would like to meet someone like those women. It's not just a looks thing with me because I've had a BF gf when I was in high school and watching the pageant kind of restoked my interest. If there are any would you guys please step forward?
Nice Asian Guy    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 10:18:18 (PDT)    []
Big Dave,

I can understand I'm sick of hypocrite BM's anger against black men. I mean, being a black woman, I know how my people are sometimes -- at least the ones adhering to the ghetto stereotype. Black men of this caliber do have a tendency to think the world owes them something, and this is especially the case with their relationships with females. There is also, in addition, a lot of hypocrisy going on... the fact that it's ok for a black man to date, mate, and marry white women, but black women can't even consider dating, mating, and marrying non-black men.

However, non-black men are not a panecea either. There are many Asian men for example, that are attracted to black women but will only use her for sex, while they seek the white or Asian woman for committed relationships. They will overlook her in the same way white women overlook them, and it is sickening!
What I'm saying is, no men are without flaws. Yes, there are a lot of black men with the 'playa' mentality, but there are a lot of non-black men who act the same way with JUST black women. It's important to keep an open-mind either way and not lump people into a particular category of stereotypes. No black woman should do interracial dating soley because she's fed up with black men, because she may have just as many bad experiences with non-black men.
Blk Woman w/ Asian guy    Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 21:47:25 (PDT)    []
Big Dave,

I never said that all black men did this. These were only two men. Not all black men behave this way. I never stated that.
Heather    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:47:14 (PDT)    []