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To me, doing this poll is important because, a lot of black females are interested in interacial relationships. But at times, it is discouraging because, sometimes we are not approached by males of a different race, therefore, we assume that men of races other than black are not interested.
Tiffany olympiaspivey@yahoo.com   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 06:39:28 (PDT)
I like the fact that there are asian guys out there that do dig sistas.
I hope to read more comments from guys like you in the future.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 22:05:02 (PDT)
Does anyone think that the fat girls are fat out of rebellion??? Look, when most people talk about losing weight, they usually talk about LOOKING better as oppose to feeling better. With all this "big is beautiful" BS, I think that many fat women (not just BFs) feel that they have to prove something.
If BFs (hell, if all women) started talking about feeling better rather than trying to fit into that little red dress, then maybe that would be more motivated! I use myself as an example. I used to be really lazy & sleepy all the time. I'd never called myself fat. I would say, "I'm not fat, I'm just fun to hug."
My big brother (who is in the National Guard) started making me exercise with him. It is hard the first week, but once you hit that 8th day, exercise becomes a drug. You begin to have fun with it. After 2 weeks, I began to sleep better, I don't breathe as hard, & I'm more at peace with myself.
Speaking of exercise, who said that you had to do traditional (Step Aerobics, Tae-Bo, Jogging & etc.) exercise? I think that boredom may put some of us on edge. We need to start getting creative with exercise. Dance classes, Roller Blade, Self-Defense Classes, or a sport like Tennis are a few of the things that can add diversity to a weight loss program. And chicas, don't fear the weights. You will not look all manly like Will Smith or Tyreese. A'ight?
Oy, I'm done with the fat. Let's get back to relationships, now.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 19:56:48 (PDT)
Since it's so rare for guys (that are worthy of a covo) to post instead of just read, why don't you guys include your e-mail or stats. Maybe some of us wanna talk to you instead of just reading posts all the time. K, you seem cool... where are you from? Age? I'm from Southern Cali. Guys or Girls (No, I'm not gay, just open to coversations w/ anyone) feel free to e-mail me. The forum seems kinda slow these days. =)
Vtec-Cutie d0nth8t@aol.com   
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 17:43:21 (PDT)
To: K
Besides good looks, what other qualities do you seek in BW? When was the first time you discovered that you were attracted to BW?
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 15:44:21 (PDT)
I couldn't agree with you more. I think alot of the men do not realize that many of us have high standards as well. I am attracted to AM, but not just any of them. They MUST look good. I am an attractive woman who likes attractive looking men. I prefer men who is facially proportionate nose, lips and eyes(handsome shape of the face and bone structure) I like a man who is not too skinny, but maybe medium average is okay. Not all fat and blubbery either-Yuck! Height for me is pretty flexible. If he is not too tall its okay, because I am not that tall either. I like AM with clear smooth complexions, medium/somewhat light(not too pastey)-and no acne or pock marks!!!
AM that are yummy?????
Dustin Nguyen
Johnny Yong Bosch
Robin Shou
Jason Scott Lee
oh yeahhh...and did I mention the name DANTE BASCO???? OOOHH YEEEAAAHH>>>
I will only date men that are physically attractive as well as on the inside. I have standards. There are many other women on here like me, who also have high standards.
mmm...Dante Basco.. :o) Dante fan   
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 15:43:35 (PDT)
JTHM speaks the truth about some of the lame comments from my Asian brothers who are looking for a media image. Hey guys, we need to be a bit deeper than that. We need to look beyond image, facade, and looks and get to know people for their character, personality, spirituality, etc..
Women, the issue of weight, while it may be sensitive, is also a health concern. Over 70% of the adult population in the US is overweight and over 33% are actually obese. These figures are staggering. I would love to hear what people are doing to combat this epidemic of obesity. Diet? Exercise? Herbal remedies?
By the way, it is the complete package (looks, personality, intellect, etc.) that many of us are looking for.
NOT Chan fr Hunan Palace   
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 14:57:55 (PDT)
I'm currenly OBSEEDED over this blasian chick from my former highschool.
I finished school 2 yrs ago and i see her at the mall sometimes.
she is so hot
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 13:23:28 (PDT)
Sad But True
My sister I couldn't agree with you more! Good to read some honesty for a change. Too many of us are in need of shedding more than a few pounds, but don't want to admit it because they think they're cute. But I'm here to tell you that "FAT" ain't cute at all. Many sistas try to play it off and say that they're "thick"...how ignorant fat is fat. I also workout at the gym on a regular basis, and you almost never see any sistas in there. When I go shoppng it's pretty common to see sistas trying to squeeze into clothes that are far too tight! I'm 25, and it seems that these younger sistas have really gone overboard with the weight issue, and many look far older than they really are due to the poor condition of their bodies. Yes, it is truly a sad dituation.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 12:19:46 (PDT)
K, K, K...my poor naieve little love bunny, you're the first man here to offer up some personal info and it not begin with some comment about how your girlfriend has to look like Alicia Keyes. However, I did not see you piping up to defend black women when we were being labeled as fat. So despite your cute face and lean physique...no, you aren't good enough for us.
Thank you. Another intelligent woman on here who refuses to get so wrapped up in the "oh my god and Asian guy is talking to me" bullshit that she can't see straight. You, like me have noticed the astounding pattern with this board.
Asian male A arrives describing how his perfect black woman is supposed to be and Black Females B-Z rush to describe how close they are to this ideal. Blah! This guy who made these comments could be some fat Yugoslavian laughing his butt off.
Why are no women putting their standards up? Make the men rush to fufill your needs not vice-verse. They can't very well have sex with themselves...but if they can...I want video footage.
*evil grin*
JTHM gloomgeisha@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 09:27:24 (PDT)
You're overexagerating when you say that we all look for TV model types.
When it comes to looks I'm happy with a cute face and lean body, is that so uncommon?
And by the way, I'm 6' 3'', weigh 177 lbs, pretty sure I look much better than Dustin Nguyen, so I doubt I look anything like Chan from Hunan Palace across the street. Am I still not good enough for black girls?
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 07:55:14 (PDT)
I have to agree with you whole-heartedly. Every Asian guy that comes around here is looking for the Black model they saw in the magazine or on TV. And really, we have no clue what they look like.... Russel Wong.... or Jackie Chan. Personally, I'd prefer Russel Wong, but I really wonder how many of these guys are more like Jackie Chan.
My man is just as fine as I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If you are an Asian guy hitting on some hot Black chick, please first ask yourself... "Am I as fine as her?"
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 14:41:27 (PDT)
No Fat Chix 4 Me
As a BF I really hate to agree with your findings, and I'm quite sure that I'll make a lot of BF's upset by saying that openly, but there's truth in your words. I recall four years ago when I was in high school I'd get up early to go running with my brother, and then we'd go to his fitness club to workout after school. He played basketball, soccer, and ran track and got me involved in training. I didn't care too much for it at first, but then I stated to see the difference in my body. I lost thirity-seven pounds, and felt great!
I still workout three times a week even though I have a very busy schedule. I have attempted to get some of my girlfriends to workout with me for sometime now, but it's always the same thing: I'm too busy, too tired, or I just had my nails done, or some other lame excuse! But, if you say let's go to lunch or eat something then their at your door almost immediately after you hang the phone up! They really need to do something as they're all over weight and make fun of me now that I weigh 118 lbs, and am 5'5". They say I'm too skinny and that I need to have some "meat on my bones" for the men to look at me. But, I look real good, but it hasn't come without some effort.
Sad But True   
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 13:09:32 (PDT)
Don't you get it?! It's okay for those women to be subpar but in order for Asian men to consider black women we have to look like we do on TV.
(DUH! ^_~)
I haven't seen to many yummy Dustin Ngyuen look alikes running around...hmm...
So what makes me think this? Well, look at all the supposedly male post running about. We have to look like bloody supermodels while they can look like Chan from Hunan Palace across the street. I think not buddy. It's time some dudes start putting up their cards. I'm not budging! This little goth chick finds it highly amusing at most.
What I also find amusing is that no one has noticed this yet. You could be trying to prove how beautiful you are to some fat slob. Ello! Wake up my friends!
It's like talking to a wall.
JTHM gloomgeisha@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 07:48:36 (PDT)
I don't recall anywhere in my comments having said anything about me watching television, that's an unfortunate assumption on your part. Look who's talking? You can garnish this data from the USDA goverment wesbsite. It's public information for all to see, and I'm even quite sure that a "full time" student like yourself won't have any difficulty locating it. True, there are women of all races that are over weight, "most americans are", but there is an overwhelming "disproportionate"
number of black women that far exceed the national averages. They go further on to say that as a direct result black women don't live as long as whites, asians, or hispanic women largely because of their diets, and are also at greater risks to obesity, heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes and other women's health issues. I'm surprised that as an intelligent black women you don't already know this, as this isn't like actually new data. Don't get upset with the messenger simply because of the message he brings.
Read The Report   
Monday, October 14, 2002 at 14:08:34 (PDT)
I would love to see the precentage of relationships between African American women and Asian American men increase.
Monday, October 14, 2002 at 11:09:33 (PDT)
you can e-mail me and we can chat more since your post seemed to make the most sense.
AS for other Asian men feel free to write to me also.
I'm a 28 y.o. woman African/Native American. About 5'5", but as for weight I'd rather not mention. My character is good and I will be a good friend.
Love4U Lovelyn_vh@excite.com   
Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 14:57:48 (PDT)
Read the Report,
I am glad you tried to use a source to back your comment, but I don't watch television, I have freed myself from the idiot box long ago. If you want to use real facts, give me an address of some recent, peer reviewed studies, not just of you looking around. What about all the fat white, hispanic, and asian women. Why put it all on us!
Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 14:09:21 (PDT)