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Curious about Chocolate,
Don't worry there are a great many of us who favor class over the ignorant, ghetto-fabulous thug.
Peace to you,
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 02:25:05 (PDT)
Hmmm!!! Er well Vivica Fox does not look racially mixed at all. Hispanic mixed you say? Vivica Fox? Hello? COme again? She looks completely african american as they come. Granted, she is attractive looking. But, she is definitely NOT looking MIXED with anything whatsoever. I have heard people say the same crap about Naomi Campbell. What have you been smoking dude? Earth to Prize...come in Prize...can you read me...can you read me...Earth to Prize...
hello??whats this about?? =P duhhhhr   
Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 16:34:52 (PDT)
I sit and read and ponder. Me, personally...I have always dug AM and the only chance I ever got was in 7th grade. I mean...How many asian guys have approached me? I get more latinos and blacks or whites..but I just want a AM!
It's a little dissapointing to see that guys want to set their standards up to supermodels...but, I mean, atleast you have a high goal.
Me, I like guys who can stimulate my intellect more than anything, looks do matter, however...because of the society we were brought up in. It's not ranking #1 on my list of my dream guy, but I can't help it that I don't like totally skinny guys, and I like big strong arms to hold me..but I dunno...maybe it's the fact that I'm Liberian?
I'm just saying..let's be realistic! Specially if your in the US...we are the *clears throat* Most overweight country. Suprised? You shouldn't be...
Miss Kitty desolatekitty@aol.com   
Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 07:20:36 (PDT)
Something interesting happened to me when I was at an asmusement park the other day. I was waiting for my girlfriend in front of one the bathrooms in the park, when I noticed a black guy standing there. He gave me an arrogant look, and I didn't think much of it except "Great... another black punk who thinks he's hard.. whatever." Apparently, he was waiting for his girl, who was a pretty cute blonde girl. And you know how black dudes with cute little blonde playtoys are... they gotta flaunt it. *rolling my eyes*... I can't stand people like that. So there they are cuddling and kissing in front of the bathroom, when out steps my girl.
Now lemme tell you about my girl. Her father is Muslim Eithiopian and her mother is Iranian. She is HOTTT...!!!! About 5'9", 125 pounds (I'm 6', 180). She looks like a black/hispanic mix with green-hazel eyes, tight light-brown curls, a teeny, tiny waist and long legs. She vaguely resembles Vivica A. Fox with green eyes.
So the look on these jokers' faces was priceless. They stopped smiling and fondling each other, just froze there, and STARED as we walked away laughing quietly. The black guy almost looked indignant that I was with a black woman. The white girl seemed envious. How DARE a black woman upstage her, right? ;) Hahah....
All I have to say that I've noticed some things about black guys. They're egos get huge when they score a trophy white woman, but whenever another race man is with a pretty black woman they get angry. I guess its only natural that they get insecure when other men take their women. No offense, but Asian men have the education, the values, and depending on the individual, the wealth and the looks and build. I think that many black women are seeing this and checking out good-looking Asian men. And, if you wanna piss off some loser thug with cornrows and a fat blonde girlfriend, come have a taste of the orient! That should get their blood boiling... J/k. ;)
Asian men ARE the PRIZE. Know that.
The Prize   
Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 08:47:22 (PDT)
No Fat Chix 4 me...
MMmmm...LOL! Okay then. KFC???? yeaah right. A bit of lame comparison. And MANDINGO? Geee...Haven't really heard the Mandingo stuff since roots aired christmastime...hmm.. But anyways, okay I do get what your trying to say. Especially with the stereotype that we are supposedly raging angry women. Its not always true and I hope that you do understand that. I think its more of a reputation thing. There are actually many of us who aren't so angry as we may seem. Some of us have some bitterness and some of us don't. It all depends on the person really, and what they have gone through in their life. Bad relationships, an abusive parent or whatever. People who have gone through certain circumstances are going to be affected differently. To one woman it will make her stronger and still sweet like honey. To one woman it will make her afraid of getting hurt again and somewhat bitter. I also agree about the whitewashed concept of Ethiopians etc. I attended college with many people from different parts of Northern Africa(Algeria etc) and did discover that to some nature. NOt everyone of course, but alot. I do feel that it is most important to be yourself above all else. A person with no true self repect is someone who is lost. How can you respect someone whose self identity is totally lost? I have an honest question for Asian men. I am very curious about. Do Asian men feel intimidated by Black men? I have always wondered. I have encountered by my two exes "Do you think its big enough? I hear that black men are alot bigger? Is it true?" Now, I know the 'size' thing is an issue with ALL men. Its like, univeral. But I am curious to know if Asian men feel something different when it comes to Black men because of the 'Myth'????
Raging Mad BF:) joking!!!   
Friday, October 18, 2002 at 10:15:09 (PDT)
Personality wise, what I expect in my ideal woman; outgoing, very feminin, charismatic, honest and straight forward, spontaneous, and the list goes on.
When did I discovered that I was attracted to black females?
I think always, I had a secret crush on a black girl from my neighborhood when I was 9, of course I'd never admit it because back then I used to think that girls had the cutties, so I was mean to her.
It's funny because I've had asian, white, and latino girls staring, smiling, and hitting on me, but it barely happens with a black girl (only twice in my life). Before I came to this forum I would have never thought that black girls were attracted to asian guys.
Friday, October 18, 2002 at 09:19:07 (PDT)
And chicas, don't fear the weights. You will not look all manly like Will Smith or Tyreese. A'ight?
Girl, you are very right about that. Do you have ANY idea, how hard it is to pack on solid muscle? With the exception of genetically blessed people, most people have to consume HUGe quantities of calories and proteins combined with meticulously timed workouts and cardio to get "buff". This is especially hard for women; your bodies just aren't built for muscularity. Your bio-chemistry dictates it. Besides, I'd rather date a woman with some musculature than a marshmallow woman... heheh... j/k. But keep in mind that light-to-moderate weight lifting will actually help you LOSE (that's right, I said L-O-S-E) weight. No joke! I was kind of soft and pudgy, but after lifting, I became thinner, but much more muscluar.
Curious about Chocolate   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 14:06:17 (PDT)
How many black women value an education and job stability over bulging muscles and the blingbling ghetto-fabulousness?
Don't get me wrong, I'm no Asian PeeWee Herman with a pocket protector. I have a personality. I love partying it up, and I can dance. I am nice looking and take great care of my body. I have an Ivy League education. I've always thought that most hot black women were into the roughneck/mandingo types. Most other women (white/Asian) seem to like me, but no black women. I'm curious to see what they are about. I definately do not have that 'roided out body, but I'm strong b/c I work out a lot and have the body to show for it. But I'm 5'10" and 170 pounds, not 6'4" and 225.
Curious about Chocolate   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 14:00:56 (PDT)
Sup ladees.
No Fat Cix 4 Me is back... I think Around the World made a really good point. Standards of beauty vary around the world. I was born in Asia (came over a decade ago), so I prefer thinner women. People are naturally much thinner over there. Latins seem to prefer softer bodies, and so do most Americans.
On the same note, it's true that Asians are smaller (not necessarily height wise so much, but def. weight-wise) than black or white Americans (Most East Asians are def. bigger than most Africans though -- I have a basis for comparison since I've travelled in Africa and Asia). As for me, I think I have the body type of, say, Brad Pitt in Fight club. I really am cut as he was in the movie, but probably less lanky and more wider. In other words, I'm shredded and I fill out my shirts. Pretty solid. I'm not your typical mandingo type of black man, but I honestly think looking like a 6'5", 250 pound 2.0% bodyfat monster is kinda ridiculous. You're right though, I could be taller. Heheh... oh well.
Muscle.... yes, black women seem to be more muscular. So I guess they would weigh more even though they seem slim. That's fine. But keep in mind that there's a difference between toned, compact muscle where you can see each muscle fiber below the skin surface and just "meat". I've seen women with forearms like that of bodybuilders, and it wasn't muscle at all, just flesh. That is weird, just reminds me of a chicken drumstick or something (KFC... mmmm :) ).
By the way, I was in Canada for a short holiday, and I never saw so many gorgeous black women! Mixed, Jamaican, Eithiopian, Morrocan, they were all there. Grrr.... They were different from some African American women -- less angry/disgruntled, for integrated into society. I'm not placing value judgement on Afr-American women or Afr-Canadian women, but they were very different, and it was a refreshing change. On the downside, they did seem more whitewashed than Afr-American women.
No Fat Chix 4 Me   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 13:52:29 (PDT)
jus wanted all you lovely nubian princesses to know, that i lovez all y'all! representin' for us azn boyz (the ones that don't sport bowl-haircuts &/or smell like mothballs). u sistas are HOTT LIKE FIR-AH! holla!
ben-E @ UrbanRice)   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 09:24:26 (PDT)
NOT Chan fr Hunan Palace,
Ah me, I waited to get to your post. I dreamed about it as I was typing my other responses. I even planned out exactly what I would say, walked up to your door, got nervous, went home, and wrote it again.
I completely agree with you on looking beyond the faces of whomever you attracted to. While physical attraction is very important, mental and emotional attraction score higher on my list of priorities.
I don't do anything about my weight. I'm kinda underweight. ^.^;;I might have a tapeworm...that would be cool...a tape worm...slowly eating my...wait...yeah...I'm cool. If you can tell me a way to gain weight it would be much appreciated.
JTHM gloomgeisha@yahoo.com   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 08:29:08 (PDT)
My friend called this phenomenon the "Don't Fool With Me, I CAN Find Out Where You Live." vibe. Not only do Black women radiate this but so do punk girls, goth girls, girls on drugs, and girls who are extremely bitter. Now if you're a punk/goth black girl who is extremely bitter like me, you're screwed, but I trust you're not so perhaps you should gather up the balls to go to the guy first. Guys like that sort of thing I think. It shows that you have spunk and charisma. Just don't pay for the date. That is morally and religiously wrong.
Dante Fan,
I prefer Asian men that are a little taller than me at least and have a beautiful smile. Smiles are everything to me, because if your smile is beautiful that means your soul is beautiful.
I also like my men to be intelligent and able to converse on a multitude of topics without sounding redundant or boring me. I enjoy wit and any guy who can make me laugh has mastered the art of humor because I normally don't laugh at too many things...well...except national disasters.
Dressing is important too. Baggy jeans and wife beaters are not cool (It's my job to wear that stuff damn it!) but nice jeans that stay on your ass and a teeshirt is fine. I want a total package and I will fire a guy if he fails to meet my expectations.
JTHM gloomgeisha@yahoo.com   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 08:08:36 (PDT)