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What are you talking about? Nobody argued that Vivica Fox had West African features. They said she had African-American features. (The West African comment came in reference to the ancestory of black American people--as opposed to Africans living in other regions of the continent).
Hey Mon,
Naomi Campbell's grandmother is Chinese.
Actually, the MYTH that Asian men won't date black is simply that. Japanese men are just as attracted to Black women as they are to white women. As a matter of fact, I have noticed a higher number of intermarriages between Japanese men and African women than I have with Japanese men and black women from other parts of the globe. Don't believe everything the media tells you about interracial relationships.
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 03:33:47 (PDT)
To: 21/M from the midwest,
First of all, I want to tell you how sorry I am for that happening to you. It's really painful when one minute someone is interested in you and the next minute they totally disregard you. Trust me, I have been there.
The only thing that I can suggest is that you give her another call and sort of demand(in a nice way) why she did you that way. Try not to get angry of offended but just listen to what she has to say, you may be surprised at what she tells you. It seem for you post that you like her a lot. Maybe she is going through something that is giving her mixed emotion. I'm not making any excuses for her but it could be anything. Don't give up on her just yet.
You seem like a nice guy and a loyal man as well and I commend you for that. Just try to keep you head up and just let things take it's course. All of this could be just a test to see how things go between the two of you. I know that you are hurting right now, but things will get better for you, you just have to believe that they will sweety. Keep me posted on what happens.
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 13:41:24 (PDT)
Who cares about having or not having West African features, or East African features either? Many black american women do not even look remotely like the standard African because of all the race mixing in their bloods. Women from Africa aren't pretty. Look at Alec Wek. What a joke. Now Venus and Serena the tennis players? They could pass easily for native africans. Mixtures like Sade who is Nigerian/mixed with English happens to be very beautiful. Or look at Thandie Newton, Ethiopian/mixed with English she is very very gorgeous. Vivica Fox is attractive, she does not look african or mixed at all. She looks like a pretty black woman. Some of you on here are so ignorant. You all need to grow up and stop being so childish.
HELLO!!!! >: (   
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 12:40:51 (PDT)
Some people in here have been arguing about Vivica fox's features. I only have one question for them, have any of you ever been to west Africa????
As an african i fast recommend you travel there, look at the people and then come back here and argue again.
"Ignorance is bliss"
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 23:45:59 (PDT)
I am always open for relationships with women of any color... it's just sometimes I have a gut feeling that they aren't as open as me. I had plenty of black female friends back in h.s. but they always seemed too absorbed in their own black men. They would talk and flirt with me... but when some black men come around, I just seem to vanish. Oh well...
Recently, at work, me and this black girl got along real good; I mean we'd open up to each other like we've known each other forever... we would talk about anything and eye each other, flirt, make sexual suggestions, she even suggested we go out for sushi... then out of nowhere, she quits(only lasted a month). She didn't even come up to me to say goodbye or tell me... I only found out from one her friends. So I called her up and asked her why. She just said she couldn't take the place anymore and had to get out. The phone conversation was real dry and kept short... she sounded like she didn't want to talk to me at all.
A few days before, she had asked me to take her home(I did)and even told me that she had lost interest in a guy that she was interested in cause of his attitude... then she added "at least you(me)don't have an attitude". She even said we should go to Vegas together... "we could be roomates"...
Damn, I've recieved all these mixed messages and then out of nowhere, she just quits work. Should I even call her up and perhaps take her on the sushi? Based on our last phone call... I don't think I should. She sounded like she didn't want to talk to me at all. But all those talks... and her smile made me smile, and she made work enjoyable for the month she was there. I wish I could just see her face one last time...
21/M from the midwest soulja8626@aol.com   
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 23:41:00 (PDT)
that sux, we both think the other does not find us attractive.
Divia Silvrwyn@aol.com   
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 19:25:32 (PDT)
The Prize:
I just read your post as I haven't been on GoldSea in a while. That was funny! And when you said, "All I have to say that I've noticed some things about black guys. They're egos get huge when they score a trophy white woman, but whenever another race man is with a pretty black woman they get angry. I guess its only natural that they get insecure when other men take their women." you were EXACTLY right. Of course not all black men go after WF (which I know you weren't saying) but the ones that do almost ALWAYS get attitude when they see a BF w/something other than a BM. I'm a mixed BF and I have noticed that BM have always given me and whatever guy I'm w/dirty looks if he's not black. I've also noticed this though from WMs when I'm w/a BM so I guess that works both ways. Right now my boyfriend is Asian and I haven't really noticed too many dirty looks from ANYONE. I think perhaps the problem is that BMs have gotten so used to BFs not dating anyone but them that they think they actually "own" us. These particular men think it's ok for them to date whatever they want but we're supposed to sit quietly and pine away for them only. NOT!!
To: Curious about Chocolate
To answer your question...YES, there are plenty of BFs that like AMs. I think a lot of it is that they don't think AMs like them so they won't approach and from my experience, it seems AMs are very shy about approaching BFs. Like it or not, history dictates the man typically make the first move so many BFs would be shy about approaching you guys. You should approach us and you might be pleasantly surprised!! BTW...Not all BFs like BM anyway so just b/c she's black, don't assume she only has an eye for the brothas!! :-)
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 22:15:25 (PDT)
this is regarding comments by D.lea i'm one of those asian males wants to date black woman. i think they are hot!!! i'm openly and willing to date black woman! belive me there are lot more of us out there than you think!
kc kcrhythem2@aol.com   
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 19:14:05 (PDT)
To: K
I value the same qualities in guy as you do in a girl. I myself have always been attracted to Asian Men. There was this one Asian guy that I had a mad crush on in high school, but I could never approach him and tell him my feelings. I didn't think that he would be interested in me, a Black Woman.
I have always been a light spoken, quiet type of person. I had a circle of good friends but was never into all of the mess. I kept my head in the books and I worked after school. One day as I was walking down the hall, he spoke to me and he gave me the sweetest smile, my heart melted. But we never hooked up. Maybe I should have told how I felt but that was long ago.
What about you, tell me about your first crush on a Black girl.
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 08:56:20 (PDT)
I live in the south, and one thing that I have noticed with alot of southern men is that they seem to like a girl a with a curvy figure, some call it thick, i call it sexy. I have noticed that black women down here a lot more curvy than were I lived before. Southern men like as they say "a woman with a little meat on her bones". My girlfriend is a beautiful, curvy black woman, the first time i saw her walking, I got the jitters, and i still have that reaction (not to mention she is very sweet and outgoing). She has an hourglass shape, she is built somewhat like J-Lo. I guess it depends on what that person finds attractive, and where there are from but in the south its all about curves, "a woman with a little meat on her bones".
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 00:32:16 (PDT)
I am engaged to a chinese man who i am deeply in love with. We had some rocky times in the beginning, most of it having to do with his friends having difficulty with our relationship. Of course they tried to be very pc about it but they could not help but show their true colors. I had prior relationships with other asian men but i had never really dealt with the aspects of friends and family as i have with my current love. It was a true challenge because we are both very proud people. We both think very highly of our prospective cultures and belive it or not this ties us together in a bond of mutual respect. What i admire most about my man is that he can love me and respect my culture without abdicating his own, and i in turn can do the same. There must be a balance. We can go to dim sum or to see the treasures of the forbidden city or go to the movies and watch brown sugar. We have learned to enrich each others lives cross culturally as well as love each other dearly and retain and respect our distinct heritages. Peace and love Chinsgirl
chinsgirl greybait @aol.com   
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 23:48:47 (PDT)
hello??whats this about??
Vivica Fox is african american as they come??? She obviously has some white blood in her most likey way back from the slave days just liek most Americna blacks. She's lighter in skin tone than most American blacks I've seen.
Naomi Campball, I heard has some Chinese ancestory from Jamaica.
hey mon   
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 18:35:59 (PDT)
Interesting poll... Is it true that most Asian men don't think black women would find them attractive? Now that's refreshing. And here I thought the reason Asian men didn't really date black women was because they found *us* unattractive! I once read somewhere that Asian men (particularly the Japanese) were for the most part far more interested in the blonde haired, blue-eyed white woman, other white women and Asian women following a close second. Of course, no one can speak for an entire race of people, but those pairing are a lot more likely, y'know? Even knowing what I know now, that still doesn't change the fact that it's rare for an Asian man to approach a black woman. I myself being a black woman who finds Asian men extremely attractive in every aspect (education, looks, and their generally sweet/caring nature)find that particularly devastating. Why does it seem like the only Asian guys who would openly and willingly date a black woman only exsist online??
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 18:31:06 (PDT)
TO =P duhhhhr,
So, Nfo now a.k.a =P duhhhhr- you can't stay away from this forum can you! I know its you! A pathetic Black man trying to control a forum that doesn't have a damn thing to do with you! Please take all your sarcasm and silly opinions and share them with people who care. I know you're not an Asian man or Black woman. Why??? Because why all the hostility? Prize has a right to his opinions does he not? Personally, I loved every damn word of HIS story!!! Don't be a HATER! Prize said his girl "vaguely resembles Vivica A. Fox", he didn't say she was her twin! Damn boy you hating! If you are a Black man- and everything in your bitterness and sacarsm says that you are, GO AWAY! This is not a forum for YOU, =P duhhhhr / Nfo, whatever your screen name is this week. Let people express themselves and stop trying to CONTROL it! DAMN TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet Black Girl   
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 13:42:32 (PDT)
hello??whats this about??,
Why are you so offended by the thought of Vivica Fox looking like she has something other than total West African Blood in her?? It's clear that she does! You said;"She looks completely african american as they come." Do tell, what is the African American Look???
Scroll through your history book and check out how the Slaves looked when they first got off the boat: purple-black skin, wide noses, etc. Vivica Fox is light brown with a pencil thin, button nose. How did her features get that way?? I wonder???
Plus, The Prize wasn't trying to say Vivica Fox is mixed. He only said his girlfriend is. And if she is half Ethiopian, I can clearly see why she might resemble Vivica Fox, as she has VERY Ethiopian features. He even said "vaguely resemble", Not "totally resemble"!
Now, I'm not saying the girl is HALF White or HALF Hispanic, but don't act like she's pure West African (not that anything is wrong with being pure West African).
My biggest question to you is: Why was that so offensive to you? That is kind of weird behavior you displayed. I'm pretty good at reading behavior but I can't begin to imagine why someone would get so hostile over comments, that didn't even suggest that Vivica Fox is mixed. He only said his girlfriend's look resembles hers. And Vivica Fox is BEAUTIFUL; mixed blood or not! Maybe that's the real problem here...
Chill out, dag!   
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 11:05:06 (PDT)