

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I came here before and was highly insulted for apparently no due reason. I have come to the conclusion that the women here are not attracted to Indian Male. Why is this? I have heard from someone that Black women are attracted to us. Though they never approach. I think as though Black women are beautiful than many women. I have not dated other than Indian women. However, if I were to ever date other than Indian women? I would like to date a Black woman. I have a fantasy about this. We are both from very warm culture, Black and Indian. Indian culture has stronger deeper value I know. We are also seen as more intelligent and successful. But some Black women are beautiful shape like the Indian woman.
Batchu Praveen    Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 10:03:29 (PST)    []
Hey everyone...

I found this web site from a AM/BF group Im in. Just wanted to check it out and see what's up.
xxxTimbsxxx    Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 10:36:15 (PST)    []

I understand clearly where you are coming from now. Don't worry, I am not one to drag things out in to a big issue.

peace to ya'!!!
browneyez    Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 19:59:17 (PST)    []

My AM and I do get alot of compliments from people of various races. It does make me wonder why this is so fascinating to alot of people. I remember one instance when my bf and I were at a resteraunt. We got a whole lot of looks from people. They weren't frowning at us or anything, just sort of staring. I remember one woman smiled and asked us if we were married. I told her no. She said,"Well you both make a very attractive couple" It was nice to hear something so positive!
*Starla *    Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 12:38:41 (PST)    []
Of course, the initial attraction is aesthetic, primarily. However, the qualities and values that come from within are the most attractive. Differences in culture, as well as personality and attitude, along with a man's ability to stimulate me intellectually through conversation - these are the things I hold dear.

I am not dissuaded from relations with Asian men, or any man, for that matter; neither by the things outlined in your list, nor by any other societal-induced generalization or stereotype.
eloquent1    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 20:32:39 (PST)    []
hey, wassup.
I don't think there are many people from south asia on this board or site. South asian, you mean Bangladesh
Sri Lanka
Elsewhere ?

and so you don't find chinese guys appealing?
j/w    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 17:25:50 (PST)    []
I agree. It should not be such issue with skin color. I am a creole girl and light skinned. I have cousins dark skin, medium browm and bright light skin and all are beautiful woman. I think it's so foolish to label that one is more better than other because of skin hue. It is people who try separate us that believe such crap.
Fe'fe'    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 15:19:44 (PST)    []
Please Grow Up,
You made a very good and kind point. I just wanted to tell you that.

I'd like to make a point about my experiences, without coming across as big-headed, so hope I succeed:

Everytime my AM and I go out, people of all races tell us what a beautiful couple we are; or how good we look together. They just feel compelled to say this to us. I just wonder though; how many IR couples get this compliment on such a regular basis?: like BM/WW or WM/AW.

I just wonder how many of these people are moreso intrigued by our unique combination as AM/BW. Does anyone else, as a AM/BW get this frequently? I know we aren't arrogant, and we don't need this attention. But admittedly, we find it very interesting that so many people feel the desire to say this to us.

I'm starting to believe that for some people, we represent a new era in IR dating!
Sian    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 14:30:12 (PST)    []
To: browneyez
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I feel that everyone gets the idea of the point that I was trying to make. I'm not going to get technical about the genology of black people because the bottom line is that civilization started in Africa, and that is where the black roots started, that is a fact. But that is not the point, the point is that people should stop making color shades on black women an issue.

I think that there is beauty in black women of all shades. Even though every man of every race has there particular prefference, all shades of black are beautiful. That was the only point basically that I was trying to make. So it's ok for us to disagree with each other but let's not make this a big issue. It's not that serious.

Oh, and the Motherland is called Africa, but every country has their own generalization of they're country.
Tricia    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 13:52:10 (PST)    []
I feel as if i'm falling in love with one of my asian guy friends. Of course i want tell him that we have only been friends for a 8 months . I have never dated a asian, but i have always found them attractive. I didnt think asian men and black woman wouldnt have much in common, but i was so wrong. The two of use will talk hours on the phone like teenagers and i actually found someone who looks at me as a friend, in which we can talk about everything. The only problem i believe the two of us are afraid to make any move. the two of us are friends but im about to bust if we dont take it futher. But of course im waiting patiently. it seems like everything is so right between the two of use.
jane doe    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 08:38:09 (PST)    []
I need some advice on something. My boyfriend invited me to visit him in NY. I decided to take the bus. Does anyone know if its safe at this time to go there? Well anyways, I heard that there aren't too many AM/BF couples there, but there are some. I hear there are more BM/AF couples or AM/WF couples. Does anyone know if this is true?
waitress    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 08:22:29 (PST)    []
It is hard to put all asians in one catagory - the term 'asian' covers so many nations and cultures. That being said, I think that southern asians are much more appealing to me physically.
regina    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 02:39:28 (PST)    []

Just a little two cents

When it comes to the motherland, unless you do a full geneology of every black woman/person on the planet, speak for yourself! There are Black people who try to trace their roots and talk about the "motherland" and all, and find out their "motherland" is Ireland or something. So, as for yourself, watch the generalizations!!!
browneyez    Monday, October 28, 2002 at 02:28:26 (PST)    []
Looking to expand my horizons and meet some more Asian penpals. Anyone out there to get into meaningful intellectual discussions. Anyway the Asian male, black female thing is cool with me. We need more Asian/Afro dialogue without caucasian middlemen. Telling the other group how to think, feel and live, reproduce etc. Lay down your arms people and talk. Most people that don't appreciate interracial, ooops I mean interethnic dating, there's no such thing as different races, proceed on the false assumpt tion of someone else's preferences and media/news hollywood propaganda. If you like someone you like someone. To hell with society.
Zardoz    Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 18:51:53 (PST)    []
It is a very rude generalization to say that African women are not pretty. Just because they may not be attractive in your opinion or by your standards does not mean they are not beautiful people. To say that Alec Wek looks like a joke is very childish. I am sure that God would not appreciate that you said that about his creation. Every single woman living on this planet has her own beauty.
Please Grow Up    Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 00:34:48 (PDT)    []
To: HELLO!!!! >: ( ,

I am deeply offended by your remark on African Women. Dark toned women are just as beautiful as light or brown toned women. People must think that Alec Wek is beautiful, she is one of the most highly paid super models in the world. And the Williams sister are just as pretty too. So what if they are dark skinned women

I think that we all need to stop tripping on skin color and more on what's in a person heart. Even though black women comes in all shades (high yellow, light, brown or dark skin) we all just the surface of a dark deep wale. Our roots started in the motherland....AFRICA!
Tricia    Friday, October 25, 2002 at 14:40:19 (PDT)    []
Who Cares?

Vicica Fox is a beautiful Black woman. We come in all shades mixed with alot of things. Thats what makes us beautiful, and trust me there are more interesting things to discuss, and debating who is mixed with what is not what we came to this sight for.
farah    Friday, October 25, 2002 at 11:11:30 (PDT)    []
To HELLO!!!!

Everyone has a right to their opinion, so whether you find Black women from Africa attractive or not, is your right! However, what does a standard African look like? Surely Iman and Winnie Mandela are both Africans, but do they look alike, NO!!! There is no such thing as a standard African look. This crazy idea, has no basis in reality. In some parts of Africa, Vivica A. Fox can "pass" for African, since Africans come in a variety of looks just like they do here! Black people come in a variety, period! Lastly, if this is you =P duhhhhr/Nfo/African/HELLO!!!! aren't you getting tired of yourself yet! I know this is you, boy you "LOVE" to IRK people don't you! Get a grip and STAY AWAY from this forum! From now on, any silly, irritating or ignorant opinions, I see on this forum, I'll assume its you (=P duhhhhr/Nfo/African/HELLO!!!!).
Sweet Black Girl    Friday, October 25, 2002 at 09:36:18 (PDT)    []
To African,

What does West Africa, have to do with Vivica A. Fox? She's not a native to that region, so what is your point? Have you been all over Africa? Black people wherever they are in this world come in a variety of skin tones, hair textures and facial features, BUT of course you already know this right?! And lastly, I hope you're not =P duhhhhr/Nfo, now a.k.a African. If you are, dude I feel sorry for you! Because you can't keep yourself away from this forum. Yes for many,"Ignorance is bliss", but for you bliss is sticking your nose where it doesn't belong! Again, this is a forum for Asian men and Black women if you are a Black man, why do you care what goes on in this forum and how people express themselves here. I hope you're a Black woman from Africa, expressing her views and not some Black man trying to control and monitor this forum, using sarcasm, silly opinions and different screen names. If you are a Black man, please find another forum and make it FAST!!!
Sweet Black Girl    Friday, October 25, 2002 at 08:45:53 (PDT)    []