

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to African American females?
Their facial features | 36%
Their physique | 36%
Their attitude and personality | 27%
Their education & cultural values | 1%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with African American females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 2%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 7%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 24%
Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 77%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an African American female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 78%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 13%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Another Voice,
Whoopie Goldberg does have black features, because she is black. North African people historically have mixed blood, such as arabic.There is no problem with that, i am secure enough with my race and self to not take any such comment persaonally, I know I do not look like Whoopie Goldberg but I know I am black.

Some black females such as tyra banks and such have more european features, but are still black.

The facial features of one individual cannot be considered the same for all not all azn men look like JC how can they?, If I had said any other chinese/azn person you would have still jumped on my case because I think you want someone to argue with, the fact that you continuously harp on the one thing that I mentioned and not aknowldeged any thing else I said justifies my point. I also said that I am aware that Jackie Chan is not the Brad Pitt to azn people(at all). He was name that came to mind, I think that obviously YOU have some issues of your own. Move on. If I say he's attractive I get blasted and If I do not defend "short and Goofy" I get blasted. I really have no care for this issue anymore.

I think you are more offended because I said chinese/azm men were not my preference. I am not speaking for all BF just myself.I have love for all don't get upset. The whole point of this site is bf showing their appreciation for all types of azn men and vice versa.Later.
Miss B    Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 02:15:44 (PST)    []
Seriously, more Hot looking Asian guys (like Rick Yune, etc) should be going for African-American/Biracial women (like myself! :D)
Mika    Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 16:23:33 (PST)    []
another voice,

I see what you are saying. If you were to for instance use "Whoopie Golberg" as what you see as "Black Women" it would be not factual, because there are a variety of shades,colors,hair textures, facial features and physical builds. I feel the same way with Asian Men. Not all Asian Men are short, not al have the same facial features and not all are the same shade of skin and hair texture. I see what your getting at. The way generalizing isn't an accurate way. Although I find Jackie Chan is attractive for his age, I do not see all Asian Men in categories and some being in the "Jackie Chan"-category. I have noticed intricate differences with Asian people just like within other cultures. I think society does alot of generalizing and I think it has conditioned people into this way of believing...without even realizing it..sort of like an ignorance reflex. I have heard some whites generalize before. I was walking down 5th street one month ago and a group of white guys called out to me "Tina Turner" and I look ABSOLUTELY nothing like her at ALL.
man thats lame!!!!!    Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 13:44:16 (PST)    []
Sandy, you really don't have to come off that way with me. I am currently going through preparations with my Loatian Soon to be husband the marriage certificates have already been processed. So next time be more nice and ask why didn't the first relationship work out. I do not have cheap morals when it comes to something for a life-time. I appreciate your comment and anyone else as well. Mrs.Davida Bangthrongsack
Davida    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 18:06:27 (PST)    []

*sings* I got nothin but love for da black honies....I got nothin but love for da black babies...I got nothin but love for da black boo's. Aight lemme stop. :-) On the serious tip though. They be some fine azzzzzzzz black women in DC. Sometime I be walkin around, and a black woman pass me, fine ass can be. I be passin her, looking at her face, she walks by. I stop, turn around to look at her. Say to myself "Daddy loves you boo boo" ;-) I just moved to Wisconsin Ave from Alexandria. How bout you? Where you at? E-mail me sometime so an asian brotha can holla :-)
xxxTimbsxxx    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 17:35:45 (PST)    []
Not trying to be a smart a**, but those two words, "ignorant and immature" the only two discriptive terms that you have? My goodness...give me a break. I don't recall "ever" making fun of anyone be they skinny or fat in here. Nor, have I ever "advocated" others to engage in that kind of behavior. What you suggest makes sense, but on the flip side those that are fat shouldn't make fun of those that chose to be skinny!
Ray    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 14:47:49 (PST)    []
"just used a name that came to mind I don't think every one fancies Jackie chan, I know he is not that attractive (and definately not the Asian Brad Pitt i'm not blind) what I meant was the Chinese/azn features,"

Well, you should have just said "azn features" then (very easy to write) ... if replacing that phrase with "Jackie Chan" isn't an implication...then I must be losing my're right

lemme replace "Jackie Chan" with another name "Charlie Chan" (the stereotypical Chinese character in 30s detective films) or if you don't know who he is...lemme flip it around

What if I said, "Well I'm not into the Whoopi Goldberg types...I'm really into the North African Moroccan/Algerian types...oops when I say Whoopi Goldberg, I mean black women/features"

does that sound ignorant to you or perfectly fine? If it sounds fine...then I 'll shut up
another voice    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 12:03:48 (PST)    []
"Are you short and goofy?"

heheh Uh, I, personally, would say no. There might a lot of people who think I am tho...if so...they haven't said anything...(I'm not that conceited to make absolute statements, even if it's denying accusations)

Anywayz, if I thought I was "short and goofy"...I would have tried to appropriate Jackie's image, not distance myself from it.
your "Jackie Chan" type    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 11:39:46 (PST)    []
I would love to date an Asian guy!
Im a black female. :)
missanime    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 11:02:12 (PST)    []

So what about women that CAN'T conform to whatever body image? You think it's RIGHT for them to be made fun of by women who can, or men attracted to them? Those who think they can degrade someone else for their weight is ignorant and immature -- it is irrelevant whether the person themselves want to lose weight or not.

That is the point I am making. If someone wants to be skinny, let them, but they don't have to MAKE FUN of those that aren't, and never can be!!!!
trueblackwoman    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 09:52:06 (PST)    []

Whats up. I'm glad to someone in DC loves the sisters. We don't see or hear from the fine Asian guys. Have you tried to hook up with any? Where do you live in the area.
Doll    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 06:29:28 (PST)    []
Green girl I know what you mean! David BOwie has a certain something about him that is sooooooooooooo hot! But I feel that way about Jet Li and Chow Yun Fat! MMMM>>>>
Asian Men are FIINNNNNNe    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 17:19:05 (PST)    []
Come on you can do better than that! First, your analogy regarding the jews was extremely "misplaced", secondly yes there may be young girls with eating disorders, but they don't represent a sizable percentage of the population. But, as for eating disorders thay go "both ways" and the victim doesn't always have to be skinny or underweight.....they can be just the opposite. As for conforming to a specific image ..well its a generaly accepted rule of thumb that far more women "try" to attain the standard model of beauty, but many fail. So, if you care to throw around names at people who have those attitudes then the very first place that you should start with are women themselves! Bottom line, if you could fit the body standard then we wouldn't be having this exchange, and you'd be running around thinking you're so fine, but that's not the case with you, so just lose some weight. Nuff said.
Ray    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 07:41:18 (PST)    []
Another voice!!! Hey I am not insulting you with implied comments, get a grip, okay so I said Jackie Chan, and he is old but I do have some friends who think he's nice, and I am by no means claiming that all azn men look like him, don't be so stupid, I'm not thaaat ignorant.

I don't really know the names of other azn hotties, just used a name that came to mind I don't think every one fancies Jackie chan, I know he is not that attractive (and definately not the Asian Brad Pitt i'm not blind) what I meant was the Chinese/azn features, I know my friend has a real crush on Donny Yen.

I think I must have phrased my words wrongly, but I have no need to insult peoples race or tastes, I feel that you have taken my comments SERIOUSLY to heart why? Are you short and goofy?

Because I certainly did not put that in my comments! I have met some tall and Handsome Chinese/azn men so I would not say that.

And another thing, you know what? in the UK there are much less Chinese/japanese azn/BF couples. There are much more Indian male/bf combinations so I guess I have never really considered, chinese/azn as an option. In my borough there don't seem to be as many.

But I know there are attractive azn men all over the world as with all other races I would not be so presumtuous to assume that all are the same. Cool off and Chill out Another Voice, life is too short to hate, I'm not looking to argue with any one. Peace.
Miss B    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 04:31:46 (PST)    []
Yup. I think Indonesian and Burma guys are sexy. I love the skin tones too. You are right, personality is very important. Talk about EYECANDY!Mmm!:P
the way I see it    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 03:30:56 (PST)    []
another voice,
I agree that Jackie Chan is not seen as a sex symbol really. I still think he's very cute though. Yes hes very funny, but I think he has a very cute face. Hes not the most handsome looking asian man I have seen of course. I do think he has an adorable smile though. I don't always judge who I think is attractive off of the media and what others necessarily find attractive. I have my own perspective of that, and its usually based off of different aspects such as maybe smile, face shape, hair texture and cut and body physique. He could be a comedian, doctor, pharmacist, shoe salesman, teacher or the guy selling roses down the highway. If I think there is a certain something about him that is cute, then thats how it is.
the way I see it    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 03:28:56 (PST)    []
Another voice!!! Hey I am not insulting you with implied comments, get a grip, okay so I said Jackie Chan, and he is old but I do have some friends who think he's nice, and I am by no means claiming that all azn men look like him, don't be so stupid, I'm not thaaat ignorant.

I don't really know the names of other azn hotties, just used a name that came to mind I don't think every one fancies Jackie chan, I know he is not that attractive (and definately not the Asian Brad Pitt i'm not blind) what I meant was the Chinese/azn features, I know my friend has a real crush on Donny Yen.

I think I must have phrased my words wrongly, but I have no need to insult peoples race or tastes, I feel that you have taken my comments SERIOUSLY to heart why? Are you short and goofy?

Because I certainly did not put that in my comments! I have met some tall and Handsome Chinese/azn men so I would not say that.

And another thing, you know what? in the UK there are much less Chinese/japanese azn/BF couples. There are much more Indian male/bf combinations so I guess I have never really considered, chinese/azn as an option. In my borough there don't seem to be as many.

But I know there are attractive azn men all over the world as with all other races I would not be so presumtuous to assume that all are the same. Cool off and Chill out Another Voice, life is too short to hate, I'm not looking to argue with any one. Peace.
Miss B    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 03:27:23 (PST)    []
As far as physical attraction goes, I have been blessed (or cursed) with ecclectic tastes that even I don't understand. I've been attracted to various shapes and shades of men, much to my own bewilderment and that of the people who know me. They would wonder why Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise leave me cold as a fish while Jet Li and David Bowie light my fire like nobody's business. It would be a most interesting menage a trois. So, if you ever see some weird sex tape on the internet or on national news, you all know who's to blame. >:D
Green    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 00:53:24 (PST)    []