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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I met a Asian guy in LA who says hes from a place called Myamar. I am not really sure about that place or what its about. He says that he is single and never been married. I was very shocked. There are not many men out there like that. He said that many men who came here from his country are also never married and single, and have no children. I wonder if hes for real? Almost every guy I have ever met has either been married, has a girlfriend or has a baby's momma. I'm not speaking for every state. Its a definite statistic in CaliforniaUSA
Yours truly,
this Lowrider babe =P   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 12:48:08 (PDT)
Is it korean or corean? Which is the right way to spell it? I didn't realize there are two spellings.
I am also curious about something. I hear alot of women talking about chinese men, and vietnamese men being more open to interracial relationships. Is this true with korean men as well? I have heard they are more traditional. I have another question too. Is there a big difference with views on relationships between latinas and asian men, with asian men born in their own country and asian men born in america? I have heard two different sides of it. I have heard the asian men born in their country are more open minded, and then some say they are usually more tradtional and less open? Does anyone really know?
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 09:01:09 (PDT)
[Check out our Corea Spelling Policy. --Ed]
There are many handsome chinese men. I have also met korean men that looks good too. I live in a city that has alot of different asian ethnicities. Some people say they cannot tell the differences. I can tell pretty much the distinct differences, features etc. I don't think they all look alike. I used to have a Columbian friend in college who referred to all asian men as "That chinese guy/or chic" and I can see how insulting it must sound, but its true. I think its the same as people always referring to all of us as mexican.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 07:05:38 (PDT)
To: Coreano
Height and size is not a factor to latinas.. being a gentleman is a factor . Most Mexicana's {from my
experience} can't tell the difference
between asians {that aspect is learned from greater exposure to various east asian cultures}. I find them very attractive{besides the considerable physical aspects} due to their openess towards asian men
without the negative propaganda perpetuated by Anglo dominated north american society.
To: take care buddy
For you maybe ...but I have { besides my fiancee[ Mexicana] and I} met two
other Koreans with Latina's ..my two cousins: one married a Brazilian
and the other to a Mexicana.
In the past I have dated Armenian and Persian ladies..being Chinese
or Korean makes no difference to them[ for the most part] being a gentleman or an idiot does[ for ALL Women.]
latina loving korean hombre   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 22:33:37 (PDT)
take care buddy,
"I also live in a community that has many Russians, Koreans and Armenians. I get the "looks" from dark-haired Armenian girls all the time. Many times in the streets when I am walking among some young Koreans, the Armenian girls would drive by in the cars and look at me and avoid the other Korean guys. Again, I don't know why?"
Cuz you're such a FINE PIECE OF ASS buddy.
Ever thought about becoming Ms Universe?.
Get real, u dumbass!
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 19:56:14 (PDT)
ToTake care buddy:
My boyfriend is the fine a** Corean guy. Not too mention he makes laugh and has a great profession. I wont even get into the private stuff....:op. I am a very sexy latina woman myself with brains and my own money. Yeah i know that combo is pretty rare.....hahahaha jk I just wanted you to know that we do exist. But i do understand what you are saying about latinas not dating coreans or japanese as much as they may date chinese and other asian cultures. But i am sure we all know why that is. All i can say is i turned that corean clubbin cutie into a latina lover for life. hehe I actually get kind of jealous when i see very pretty asian chicks, but he says that there is know way he is ever going back to asian girls. hahaha
Just another note to all the asian cuties. I was boarding a flight this weekend and again, as usual,the asian guys ignored me. People always stare at me and i am used to people aproaching me. But this one asian guy that i noticed......didnt even give me the time of day. Just say hi to us girls......we like it that way.
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 17:55:43 (PDT)