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this Lowrider babe,
myanmar, formerly Burma
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 13:17:28 (PDT)
Michelle Rodriguez is my second cousin on my mother's side of the family. I wish I was very close to her. I would love to share in all her popularity and fame! Yet, I know thats very impossible. It sucks.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 10:47:55 (PDT)
In my personal experience, I have found that when I have been approached by an asian man for my telephone number, or been openly flirted with its been by vietnamese or filipino men. They have come right up to me and told me how they feel. And they are sooo CUTE! Vietnamese and filipino men don't seem to be too shy.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 08:26:46 (PDT)
"In the past I have dated Armenian and Persian ladies..being Chinese or Korean makes no difference to them[ for the most part] being a gentleman or an idiot does[ for ALL Women.]"
No offense to all the lovely Latinas on this board, but the women that these gentlemen mentioned are very hot indeed too. Persian, Arabic (the ones from Syria and Iraq), Armenian, Georgian, Chechen women are hot too. Because my mother was Iranian (LOL!) who came to the USA in the 1940s. They look a lot like Latinas (southern Spanish to be exact), but they have larger noses, bright eyes and very delicate faces. Like the Anne Frank type of face.
In all my life, I have only seen and counted 6 Chinese guy/ Iranian woman couples in the state of Texas. They met at work and the girls' families had no problems with it. Many Mexicans mistaken them as Chinese-Mexican couples (LOL).
one old white guy   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 00:22:21 (PDT)
In Peru,
I have met many Asians, in particular Chinese, Japanese and Coreans.
It seems to me that the Japanese and Coreans do not mix with the natives. But, you find many Chinese who already have some native blood.
I don't know why this is? Maybe because the Chinese couldn't bring over their families or just that Chinese in general are just more open to mixing? They also mixed with other Asians in Phillipines and Vietnam.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 00:14:13 (PDT)
The more you hate, sooner you will love
People go through a lot of hurdles in interracial romance.
There was just a new romance today at our workplace when we found out.
At the school I teach at, there is a Vietnamese guy teacher who had his eyes out on one Mexican chick for quite awhile already.
He was not tall, but he had a good face (at least from our Asian standards). He was very nice, the most nicest man you can ever meet.
But, at first the office ladies, including the one he had a crush on, did not take too well on him and his appearance. My co-worker does not speak nor understand Spanish, but I do. I hear those ladies talk shyt about him and Asians in general everyday. They would say mean things like: "He dress like a stud, but he does not look like one." Or, he is: "Too short."
Many times, he saw the black male teachers have it easier talking with those Latina office ladies. And, those ladies never smiled at him even when he tried to say nice jokes. Their tone is quite condescending even though they are just office workers and he is the teacher.
He wanted to give up as he told me one day. I was about to get ready to introduce him to my Chinese-American cousin as this guy was definitely a nice catch to not miss. But, the next day, he was able to slowly and secretly tell the office Mexican girl how he felt for her. To all his surprise, she opened up to him and locked eyes for a long time, and they went out to a nice dinner that night.
From that day on, she couldn`t stop loving this guy. She had said so much shyt about him, but now she is so madly in love with him.
How can this be?
So, when a girl is saying shyt about a guy, really means that she might have a secret crush on him, right?
I think no matter how much you put down someone, if you see that he is always smiling and sweet, your hate and disdain for him will melt away quick.
So, don`t hate too much, or else you might love the one you hate and put down for so long.
Lucky my friend and co-worker...
Jimmy Wu   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 00:07:00 (PDT)
Ay, mamasita,
"The youngest Chicana I have dated was 16 and that was years ago when I was still 26. She let me "touch" her on the first date, and I was in heaven. She was some wild girl whom I smoked pot with at the park. I have never tried any other race women since then. They have some assets (physical and emotional) that Chinese and white women will never have. Sorry to say that, but just my preference."
Am I understanding this? Regardless which races are involved here, but "messing" around with a 16 year old to me is just plain child molestation!!! and you moron, you cannot argue with me that she allowed you to touch her and she is this wild girl you smoked pot with. she is still a minor, okay??? frankly your bony ass should go to jail.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 23:57:20 (PDT)
To lowriderbabe,
Myamar is also called Burma. I'm not quite sure about that place, but I think the people kind of resemble people from the Philippines (sorry, not trying to stereotype).
What's cracking?   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 23:40:09 (PDT)
For any of you here who knows,
Has any of you ever visited El Salvador. I am madly in love with the women from that country.
The last one I was with was 9 years older than me and she had green eyes. They are such very gorgeous women. My uncle married his maid (who was also Salvadorean).
I hear that this country is war torn? But the last lady I was with (for a short but fun time) told me that there are more problems of gang violence there now than it is the warfare. Many youths who committed crimes in the USA often get deported back to their respective nations and there they still continue or import their gang lifestyle.
And, I don't know why you guys here are claiming whom Latinas like better. For one thing, they cannot even tell the difference between a Chinese and a Filipino.
It is not how you look. It is how you approach them.
I know this because when I used to live in the Chinatown of Belgrade with my cousin, he was at an advantage with the local Yugoslavian women because he spoke Russian (which is close enough to Serbian) and he knew their mannerisms (not to mention, he got money to spend on them). He had his pick literally and subsequently married a fine looking gal.
It is the same with Latinas or any other girls of any race.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 21:44:13 (PDT)
Latina loving Corean hombre:
I'm curious, are you dating a Mexican lady with more Indian features or more European features? And what about your cousins? especially the one who is married to a Brazilian lady, is she a mulatta? Or white?
i can't speak for the Chinese or Viets but as a Corean guy I would say alot of Corean guys are becoming more open minded, Coreans value education and have alot of pride in their culture. I don't have the figures for this but if Coreans were to inter marry its usually with whites. But I do know of two Coreans who are married to latinas, one Argentinian (white latina) and
Mexicana( mestiza). Hispanics don't exactly have the most positive image in America when it comes to education or are upwardly mobile group. So maybe this has something to do with it.
Another Coreano chico   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 19:01:10 (PDT)
"He said that many men who came here from his country are also never married and single, and have no children."
-that sounds like he's a tribal from an isolated place in the third world. A refugee from the Buddhist dictatorship in Myanmar. Asian tribals have lots of problems to get integrated into society because their mentality is extremely "backward". Some of them even die "homesickness".
Get to know such tribal guys and perhaps discover that he believes in ghosts/spirits/demons...-they're like aliens in the modern Christian world.
voluntarily tribal AM   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 18:23:03 (PDT)
In my experiences, I'm not saying this is the way it is everywhere, but from what I have experienced as far as Asians from Asia and Asians from American being open towards dating Latinas,or any other race is this:)
Asians who have lived in America, or who are born here tend to be more open towards interracial relationships. I would have to say that Koreans tend to be more traditional than most other Asians. It also depends on what other race an Asian person is with. If I brought home a Latina girl it would illicit a different reaction if were say, a Afro-American girl. The reason for the different responses is based on the degree of contact they come into with other types of non-Asians.
I'm Chinese-American and I've dated many different types of girs including Latinas and find them very sexy, but also, caring, sweet, and know how to take care of their boyfriends.
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 16:09:40 (PDT)