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Jimmy Wu,
I think there is the misunderstand between the lady and himself. And this is why she said all the mean things. But sometimes girls can say mean things but don't mean it. Or some girls can talk negative about others as a way to flirt. What ever it is, it depends on the girl and her personality. Sometimes love can happen to people like that, in this world almost anything can happen.
This brings me to myself in the 6th grade, [now in college] there's this girl btw she chinese, who cursed me out. We never talked, say hi or anything. She wasn't friendly either and I never know why [never did anything to her]. And I always get the feeling that she hated me. But then in 7th grade she completely change, and I found out from her friends that she likes me. I had no idea why. But some of the things, I said to myself was either she's growing up and is beginning to like guys or did she always like me but never showed it, Or it's it that she showed it but in a ironic twist. So maybe that's the way of her showing it. Who knows!!! Anyway that's the story.
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 10:28:41 (PDT)
one old white guy?
Okay then. So whats your point old dude?
I haven't seen any latinas speaking of their big fascination in old or young white guys. So far we have been discussing us asian guys who like latinas, and latinas who like us. What do you have to do with this topic? Its fine that you had something to say. You really have nothing to do with our here topic old dude. Unless your just here to see what latinas are interested in white dudes? And I seriously doubt it man. It seems most of them want us, not you. You wasting your time.
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 04:30:32 (PDT)
Another Coreano Chico
Latina and Middle Eastern/Hindu gals can blow away any blonde babe in terms of looks of attraction on any given day. I am sure that the Asian male/Latina female intermarriage rates are fast catching up to the ones with white women as partners.
In Silicone Valley, CA, you see tons of such couples (AM/LF). 8% of the marriages up there are of this type.
It happens   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 01:14:04 (PDT)
Another Corean chico,
If you come from more affluence it helps. I have seen many Chinese, Corean, Japanese, Vietnamese boys whose parents own some business and they would marry the most finest Latina you have ever seen. I hate to say it, but it helps. Like height, money is a tie-breaker.
Don't believe the stereotypes. All men desire Latinas these days. Yes, including us Asian men (foreign and USA born). Just keep your mind and heart open ;)
They get me crazy   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 00:58:57 (PDT)
Just curious, but do Latinas give the guy a chance or at least you give him your number if he is so persistent in telling you how he feels for you? Hey, what if he ain't no Prince Charming? Sometimes I do the same, but the Latino girls either think I am crazy or they just tell me I will never have that chance. But, I know there are some who overlook that, even the most beautiful ones.
always dreaming   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 00:18:10 (PDT)
I noticed that many Asian guys who date Latinas, like those with more Spaniard features than those with Indian or African features. It is OK, it's just a preference.
I think Latinos themselves and African American guys also go for the girls who look like J-Lo, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek and Shakira types.
Got to say the women of southern Spain and Sicily, Italy are all eye-catching. You hardly find ugly women among them. I guess what you consider to be the attractive Latinas also resemble these women?
just wondering...   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 00:03:32 (PDT)