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My husband and I are both chicano. I have thought about being with an asian man before. I fantasize about it sometime.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 13:58:36 (PDT)
tengo gusto chinito :)
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 07:26:15 (PDT)
Today I wsa so bored at work I started chatting on the internet with some guy. I found out that he lives in the same city, goes to the same school and everything. When I found out that hes japanese, I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I feel bad now because I didn't get the chance to know him better. I don't usually date anyone except for Columbian, and Mexican Men. The picture he sent to me was very handsome. He also liked my picture too. If I get the chance to talk online again to him I think I will. I am willing to try new strategies in life.
Reminds me of Celia Cruz song:
"La Vida es un carnaval
Todo aquel que piense que la vida es desigual,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que la vida es una hermosura,
hay que vivirla"
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 05:00:06 (PDT)
In response to "how do I make him notice me more?":
Exactly how old are you? Five years can be a lot... If you're 14 and he's 19, well... No good. If you're 20 and he's 25... That's fine.
Also, you shouldn't lie or try to be someone you're not. That's why I think you're probably 14-15.
Some d00d   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 21:36:35 (PDT)
My girlfriend and I are currently head over heels in love with each other. It just so happens that shes's from Ecuador, studying law in Bolivia, and I'm a "chino gringo", actually vietnamese, born in Philadelphia. We met while I was bicycling through South America. Consequently, I stayed extra long in Bolivia to be with her. I am now back, and to let you know, long distances suck.
Sooo, with that said, here's my input. She only speaks spanish, with a little bit of english. I never learned spanish till I got there, but BOY did she get me fluent, and fast too! Nothing like incentive. Now we speak to each other in spanish all the time, and in english when her mother is around.
I have a couple things with regards to latin american culture, but for me, this will focus on just South America, specifically the women of the andean countries: Columbia, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, and especially Bolivia.
For men, particularly asian men, the whole perception of us in latin america, is COMPLETELY different from what the US and Britain, or just the western world would like us to believe. I had never received so many passes, offers, and calls from secret admirers in one month... each month! I was traveling for 10 months. These demur, or outright frank passes were coming from beautiful, intelligent, and very sweet women. In short, you're a desired person.
In sex, it's all about your attitude, and how you project yourself. Technique obviously helps. Oh yes, and, in latin america, unlike here, the part of the body that counts as most attractive is the ASS. El Tracero, El Culo. Penis size and breast size mean nothing. Curves and body language mean EVERYTHING. That was an education in itself! Also, attitude is everything. In other words, in latin america, like in vietnamese culture, I was free to express myself as a man. In the states, we get sidelined by these ridiculous rules, like what to do, etc. Not so in latin america. I chose not to be the typical latin machisto man, but I at least indulged in what I felt men should do when "dating". Pay the tab, take her out, and yell at obnoxious cabbies, being sensitive, empathetic, while having a spine sin machista... surprised my girl. Soo, those asian qualities are very prized by latin women. Oh yes, and the term dating doesn't really exist. Dating BS also does not exist. From day one, we were a couple. Nothing else. That was also very refreshing.
Dating there was also a wonderful breath of fresh air. In the states, all the whites or blacks (men) would give me these awful looks whenever I was with a lovely woman, who usually wasn't asian. Well, actually, all of the incidents were in Boston. Maybe that's just Boston. In Bolivia? Noone batted an eyelash, and everyone treated me like one of them. I felt soooo at home there!
Cultural differences aside, I found latin, andean american culture very similar to vietnamese culture, ie. expressive, warm, welcoming, a bit conservative, although it seemed that latin culture lacked the utter frankness that the vietnamese have. Still, in our romance, it still boils down to communication. Right now, calls everyweek (phone bill sucks!), letters, and email are the only ways we can contact each other. Trust, honesty, empathy, and understanding, like any other relationship are all very important... like any other relationship.
Soo, with that said, I will be going back to see her in October, and I really can't wait. We eventually hope to be together on a permanent basis, and then we're off to Vietnam! She wants to learn vietnamese. Now if I can just convince her to travel with me on a bicycle, than it would be close to perfect!
So, take hope, and PLEASE, TAKE ACTION!!!!! If you're a latin women in love with or interested in an asian man, or an asian man interested or in love with a latin woman than you'll know pretty darn quick that once you throw off the colors and the culture, it still boils down to what comes out of your mouth, what goes in your ear, and especially what you do.
And that includes the kisses!!! :)
Hope you enjoyed this little article!
Hasta luego y bien suerte!
Indianna Daveeeeed, where the adventure never stops.
P.S. Because I'm also a bicycle touring evengelist, I will have to rave about this. If you ever decide to travel, do it on a BICYCLE!!! You will not regret it! Also, if you ever stop by in the Philadelphia or Boston area and see my ad or flyer in the paper for a slide show about traveling in lating america, ancient earth mysteries, and pre historic human history and civilizations, stop by! And bring me some mate yerba!!! :)
Head over Heels in Love klaks1@yahoo.com   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 20:53:44 (PDT)
how do I make him notice me more?
you sound young, so i am just gonna say it: don't be naive, little girl. most of the time, young girls get hurt in situations like these.
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 15:59:21 (PDT)
I would like to correct my post to agm.28 ragged hansome:
I said: "You like latinos? Latinos means men. So you like me?"
I meant to say "So you like men?" I am definitely 100%MUJER :)
Just ask my Papito
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 15:00:52 (PDT)