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I don't know the name of that actor in Rumble In The Bronx, but he's also in Jackie Chan's First Strike and I believe some of his other films as well.
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 08:36:42 (PDT)
[Knock off this "Latez Max business. It takes up 5 lines for nothing. Lines are scrolling time and time is money. Your name is on the bottom of your posts anyway. --Ed]
Lately, I have seen more Latinas (Mexican and El Salvadoran) with black guys here in LA, either in South Central LA, Long Beach or Pasadena. They are everywhere and beginning to be just as much as BM/WF couples in number.
I still have rarely seen a Latina with an Asian man or even white man.
It only makes me think they want more taller, stronger, macho, thuggish guys.
Actually, Latino parents, Latino children and even the Latino guys get along and prefer Asian men in their family. But, it is still up to the Latina females to make that decision. If it happens, it happens. We cannot force love.
I should not complain, but it makes me more timid in approaching young and beautiful Latinas. It makes me think what they would want from me?
The only Latinas who are not into thugs are the ones from South America. But, they seem too "white" for me.
I know everyone (non-black males) have a deep inner fear and jealousy that we don't want to admit about them.
interracial love=sexual fetishes sometimes   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 00:08:18 (PDT)
I hope this will help answer your question about "The Rumble from the Bronx"
cast list
Steven Empy23@msn.com   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 19:33:34 (PDT)
Okay El Padrino (suave),
Why did you post that? What was your point in it? I really think it was weird. I can't even translate all of that mumbo jumbo you wrote! Care to translate all that my friend?
no hablas espanoles   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 13:19:19 (PDT)
Whose the guy that played a bad guy in "Rumble in the Bronx?"-
He was asian, wore his hair long, and had a faint goutee? He had a gorgeous face. I kept checking the credits and couldn't find out what his name is. From what I hear hes played in some more movies too. In one he was supposed to be the good guy. It doesn't matter if he plays a good or bad guy. With a cute face like his it doesn't even matter! LOL!
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 13:51:11 (PDT)
One of the new nursing assistants is from Guam. He is real goodlooking. He sticks to his own though. At lunch he only sits at the "Guam" table. Why is that? What is he afraid of? Is he afraid to associate with non-Guams? He is also a very slick MotherFu@#?*!! He slips me a wink and smile often from the damn "Guam" table. Nothing more really.
mexican girl with boring job   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:42:40 (PDT)
Oye Senorita,
mueve la colita,
que ese meneito
nadie te lo quita
Si como tu cocinas,
asi tu caminas
a mi el saborocito baila mi chin
del pegao
Oye Tiguerita,
mueve la colita,
que ese meneito
nadie te lo quita
Si como tu concinas,
asi tu camninas
a mi el soborcito baila mi chin
del pegao
El Padrino (suave)   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 07:36:16 (PDT)
head over heels (bike dude),
hey, what kind of job allows you to bike for 10 months? are there any openings...cause i wanna apply :)
great story and good luck in your relationship. it would be cool if your ecuadorian gf spoke vietnamese.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 18:06:03 (PDT)
Head over heels in love,
That's a really great story my man! I'm very happy for you and wish you and your beautiful girl from Bolivia only the best of luck.
I've been in long distance relationships before, and let me tell you, THEY SUCK! Loyalties will be tested. Frustrations will occur.
You sound like a really cool guy. And your woman sounds like a rare lady. Just curious, what do you do? Are you a student? How old are you and your girl?
I must agree with Latin Amercans with their belief that the ass is the most attractive body part. The ass has always been my favorite part of the female body. I love nice, round ones like Lujan Fernandez, and Sofia Vagara. Do you know who they are? They are both models. Lujan from Argentina, and Sofia from Columbia.
I have a female friend from Peru and she pretty much echoes what you say and told me that asians are very well respected in Latin America. Her sister's boyfriend is Japanese.
I've thought alot about traveling to Latin America myself. Did you have a hard time communicating there? Or do alot of people speak english. Also, if I do make it there, what are your recommendations as to where to go to have a good time I'll never forget?
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:50:39 (PDT)