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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
interracial love-sexual fetishes sometimes-"The only Latinas who are not into the thugs are the ones from South America. But, they seem too "WHITE" for me.
Well many things may SEEM to be a certain a way. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is always true.You see, it is wrong to judge on something you may really not know much about. How would you really know that WE are all too white? It only seems that way to you perhaps, from what you have seen from some people and have gathered this information. Just from some observing? Wrong. That doesn't count much for anything really.
You are not de SudaAmerica. Nor do you know every Sudamericana on this earth. Therefore you can only speak of the few personal experiences you yourself have witnessed.
"I know everyone (non-black males) have a deep inner fear and jealousy that we don't want to admit about them"
Honestly, I do not wish to discuss black males. If that is what you choose to talk of, this is your own choice. I do wish to discuss AM and LFs. I am not interested in the topic of BM or WM.
quem nao arrisca nao petisa   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 08:55:04 (PDT)
"The only Latinas who are not into thugs are the ones from South America. But, they seem "too white" for me"
It is comments such as these that keep many latinas cynical of Asian Men. A snappy judgemental comment such as this keeps latinas sticking to latinos. Most of the Asian Men that come here post comments here do alot of assuming about latinas. Not all, but some seem to. They also seem to be a little too insecure. For example; assuming that we like black and white men mostly, assuming that we like thugs and are into gangs, assuming we separate and divid our individual cultures, assuming we like real tall men, assuming that we all think and act the same way and if not its all a certain way, assuming that we are low class if we are not from South America the list goes on and on nonstop)
I was born and raised in Mexico and didn't really have much contact with any Asian people. Moving here to LA there are tons of them. From what I have noticed, there are some cute Asian men. I have also seen some that are not. I am mostly into my own men. Not really by choice, its just how it is. If I end up dating some guy who is not chicano, it won't be because of their thuggishways or because of their financial makeup or class or race, but it WILL be because I truly care about him.
yea yea whatever   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 11:02:08 (PDT)
I guess it all depends on exposure and how the individual girl is. You will find girls of all races who have a thing for more excitement and tend to be oversexed.
The girl I am with now put my fears away. Like many men, I also asked her if she thinks black men are the best lovers? She just cringed at me mentioning this, and I was not her boyfriend yet at that moment.
I just want to say that not all Mexicans and El Salvadorans or any other Latinas for that matter is OVERSEXED!!!
let's put some fears to sleep   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 23:05:29 (PDT)
[Knock off this "Latez Max business. It takes up 5 lines for nothing. Lines are scrolling time and time is money. Your name is on the bottom of your posts anyway. --Ed]
Hahaha.... as usually as Ed is understanding and patient with the posters, I can't believe he/she sounds so annoyed by this! Hehe... I'mnot shocked or offended or anything, it's just funny to know that the Ed is human after all.... so Max, do him a favor, will ya?
Asian Boi"
Asian Boi =P   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 17:54:04 (PDT)
No Probem, Ed. It's just an old habit I've had for years with email. I'll try to break it while I'm here, ok?
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 14:44:23 (PDT)