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Asian and Latino Intermarriage in the Americas has always occured.
Starting in the 16th century, the Spanish colonialists pressed Filipino sailors into the service of the Manila galleon trade between the Philippines and the Americas. Between 1565 and 1815, when Mexico revolted against Spain, hundreds of Filipino mariners jumped ship in Mexico to escape the brutality of Spanish masters.1 Some Filipinos settled in Acapulco, married Mexican women, and introduced Filipino practices such as the coconut wine-making process of "tuba", which became a native drink whose popularity challenged the profits of Spanish imported wines.2 During the independence war, the lieutenant of Guerrero, the Afro-Mexicano leader of the revolution, was General Isidoro Montesdeoca, a Filipino.
In the late 19th century, Japanese began migrating to Peru and Brazil in significant numbers. For a background and timeline of this phenomenon, see Nikkei-Peruvian and Nikkei-Brazilian Background and History at www.conncoll.edu. Today, there are more than a million ethnic Japanese living in Brazil. Contrary to the common stereotype that outmarriage is limited to Japanese women, immigrant Japanese men did marry Brazilian women.
Chinese began migrating to Mexico in the early 20th century. The Chinese population in Mexico consisted mostly of male laborers, and intermarriage with local women was the natural outcome.
Filipino men mixed with Mexican and Mexican American women in San Diego and Imperial counties of California.4 Since both Filipinos and Mexicans have absorbed Hispanic culture, Filipinos and Mexicans were quite compatible. However, white men felt threatened by the ability of Filipino men to attract Mexican women. In Watsonville, CA, the Watsonville Evening Pajaronian published an interview in which J.D. D.W. Rohrback of Pajaro was quoted as saying that Filipinos were "little brown men attired like 'Solomon in all his glory,' strutting like peacocks and endeavouring to attract the eyes of young American and Mexican girls." The general anti-Filipino mood was pushed over the edge by white men's fear concerning 'their' women. 4 days of anti-Filipino events in Watsonville culminated in the murder of a 22-year old Filipino on January 22, 1930.5
Filipino and Mexican farmworkers in California had a history of organizing together for better work conditions. In 1938, the Filipino Agricultural Laborers Association was formed. However, Filipino organizers believed the inclusion of all farmworkers was critical, and invited Mexican workers and other ethnic groups into their ranks. They later changed the union's name to the Federated Agricultural Laborers Association (FALA). There was a strong need for people of color to band together because non-whites were not welcome in white unions, and white vigilante mobs persecuted Filipino labor organizers. An overview of the history of Filipino cross-community organizing can be found in Filipinos Build a Movement for Justice in the Asparagus Fields. In 1965, Cesar Chavez led NFWA in joining an AWOC strike organized by Larry Itliong, a Filipino farm worker. See an excerpt from Cesar Chavez and the Unionization of California Farm Workers.
Asian-Latino unions are not uncommon in California. In fact, the Ties that Bind project, supported in part by the Animating Democracy Initiative, is collecting stories of Asian-Latino marriages in California. Individuals born of Chinese-Mexican mixed marriages are also not unheard of in Texas.
Notable individuals of Asian-Latino heritage
Franklin R. Chang-Dìaz was born in Costa Rica to a Chinese father and Costa Rican mother. Chang-Diaz came to the US for school and eventually obtained a PhD from MIT. He is now a well-known scientist and NASA astronaut.
David Tseng, an Asian Latino from California, served at the White House as Staff Director and Senior Policy Advisor for the National Economic Council. In 2002, Tseng was appointed as the Executive Director of PFLAG. Tseng was featured in a May 24th Washington Blade article, being the first person of color to serve as PFLAG director.
Carlos Galvan of the Korean hip-hop group Uptown is Mexican and Korean.
The Mexican singer, Ana Gabriel is 1/4 Chinese (her grandfather).
Latinas always loved us   
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 00:16:22 (PDT)
Some Korean guy
Of course I date Asian women. I love asian women but I also have preference there too.
Go bitch somewhere else. I'm such a racist that I date out of my own race, right? As I said its my preference.
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 18:21:27 (PDT)
Please! Give me a break!
"AM bashing?" Whatever. Sounds like the only one who got what my motive was was 'some korean guy'. I was only being sarcastic and mimicing the stupid stuff Tango wrote. I am tired of racism in ALL forms. I was hardly doing any AM bashing! HA! If you would have paid attention, you would have seen that I wasn't even being serious. Bashing? Tell that to Tango who was doing the REAL bashing himself. I was only being SARCASTIC.
Sincerely with love,
ip address[]
duh! did you even get it?   
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 23:43:39 (PDT)
Tango sounds similar to a guy on another forum of the goldsea, who goes under the name 'Yamasakikun'. He talks the same trash on the other forums too. The same guy. He degrades and cuts other races of people down. He uses the excuse of it being his personal preference to do it. There is no excuse for being blatantly nasty. Oh yea. Speaking of the "tango" guy. I bet this guy couldn't Tango himself out of a cardboard box. Hes an ignorant racist.
get a life Tango   
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 15:03:05 (PDT)
Oh, joy! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. Though signs are subtle, I'm convinced my Ecuadorian love interest has her eyes trained on me.
Ahh, the events that led this to happen, way too much coincidence. Is this fate, or is there God?
KC Henry Yeh yeh_henry@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 17:20:23 (PDT)
hey, do you guys notice something funny?
"let me know please" and "Mambo No.5" has the same ip address []. in other words they are the same person. this person pretends to be an asian male who needed advice but, now is pretending to be a latina who bashes AM. what's up with that?
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 16:06:19 (PDT)
There's a big difference between caribbean latinas and light skin black american girls (who are also fine, as are dark skin black girls). Besides, I didn't say I prefer caribbeans (at least i don't think i did), I just stated they are fine. I don't really have a preference when it comes to women. Fine is fine. I've met fine-ass latin girls, black girls, asian girls and white girls. I'm just saying try to widen your tunnel vision you seem to have for white girls. But like you said, to each his own. Out of curiosity, are you attracted to asian women at all?
Proud 2 b Azn,
I think Mambo No. 5 was being sarcastic towards Tango's post. Some AM in the "Best kept secrets about AA men" forum did the same thing to a white girl from Alabama.
some korean guy   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 12:38:26 (PDT)
Some korean guy
Its my own personal taste, simple. I can ask you the same, why do you prefer light skin blacks girls? If you wanna date a black girl just date an American black girl.I personally don't find overexaggerated hips too appealing either, it should be proportional. You know women with large hips tend to get fat at later in life or after having kids. I also don't find Carribean women's mentality too appealing, sorry. I've been around many Spanish (Spain,uh, like in Europe) women, dated few and they have been one of the most humble and genuine people I have ever come across. As for Argentinian gals basically are like American whites gals with all mixed European ancestory but they were brought up in a latin culture which I find more spicier than bland American culture. To each his own.
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 18:53:33 (PDT)
Mambo No.5,
Please don't compare Asian men with Hapas. Although some Hapas look Asian there's still a significant number that don't. But even they might look to Asian for you so you probably wouldn't be to interested. As for your comment about Hapas being brought up in an "emotionally rich culture" again, just like in the looks department many do not identify with their Asian heritage. More then likely their Western half will be more dominant. It takes a lot more then being able to speak a few phrases or the ability to use chopsticks to be Asian in my book.
Lastly, I found it funny when you said that mainland AMs tend to be superficial but before that you said "I've seen many beautiful Asian men with eye surgeries too but I personally prefer the ones with strong disctinctive caucasian features more.". I'm sorry but how am I supposed to take you seriously? Try going to another forum for Hapa Males/ Latino Females if there is any. Or you might even want to just stick with just WMs. There might even be some other site for you to spread your disdain for AMs.
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)   
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 18:17:56 (PDT)