

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to Latinas?
Their facial features | 70%
Their physique | 16%
Their attitude and personality | 11%
Their education and cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Latinas?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 15%
Assuming you are a Latina, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 71%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 17%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a Latina, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 10%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 16%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I am only waiting and begging God that I get assigned for one day to that school again soon.

But, lately, I have seen a lot of Latinas (they are everywhere in L.A.) where I just get excited at the thought of it. Not to be rude nor blunt, but they look delicious. They are born with beauty.

When I approach girls of other races, I know that I have to go about in a more subtle yet confident manner. The way about it is to really go out a lot. Confining yourself to one area won't work. Travelling throughout the city and see different people everyday.

I have a lunch next week with the other Cuban-Mexican girl I mentioned in another earlier post. She is a beauty too even though she looks more Italian/Greek than a typical Latina. I plan to make the most of it. The following week will be another Mexican girl. Both of them just wants to find out how they can become tutors and work at the business I am setting up. I know it's wrong, but I plan to try and get something started, although in a slow and easy way first.

I have a Chinese friend who suggested I go find a bride in Mexico. But, I know that might not be real love and more so for the money, greed card and ticket out of poverty. Every man wants real love. I am still too young to forsake it at this point. I will keep trying.
chow-mein boy    Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 16:56:53 (PST)    []
A couple of my friends (all Asian) who have once dated or are currently dating Latinas, told me that their girls were seeing other guys before hooking up with them.

I know that it ain't right. But, if I believe I can be a much better lover and person than those guys she is seeing, is it OK to try to win her over from the other guys?

My friends tell me that in this day and age, anyone is fair game as long as she is not married yet. Is that how aggressive the dating game is played nowadays?
chow-mein boy    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 20:13:57 (PST)    []
chow-mein boy
eeeeeeeee, I'm getting curious! So did you hit on that chick or what?
SomeChic    Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 20:40:22 (PST)    []
To chowmein-boy:
RE: "But, I can't appear OG or player because it ain't my style. It'll never work"

A verbal approach is what I advocated not some trash talking gangbanging thug speech...Just be yourself.
Talk to her and treat her like any other a gentleman. Try forgetting her as a "Latina or Chicana" but as a interesting woman. Believe me your "eyelocks" with this lady have been noticed..woman are far more perceptive and aware then any esoteric master. BUT you have to initiate ....your on going mental analysis will not get you anywhere if you are NOT TALKING TO HER...
Wishful thinking will get you NO where. Take a shot ,,what have you got to it going to cost you your life? NO!
You know the saying "NO GUTS NO GLORY!". Therefore, less analysis[ mental masterbation ]and more action.
Viva la Raza!
latinalovingkoreanhombre    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 22:53:43 (PST)    []

Those Japanese "clogs" are called zori.

compass error,

a gift which you described, would be a kyoto. It's feminine, artsy, and beautiful. I believe she will appreciate it.
Diamond Bullets    Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 19:20:08 (PST)    []

Thanks for the advice. But, man, I really had the chance to do it last time.

I walked into the cafeteria and she was at a table with 4 other teachers (including that man) all talking.

There was no way for me to sit down and cut in like that.

So, I just got my cup of coffee and left.

I know that Latinas in the teaching profession are some of the ones who are really open to us Asian men.

By the way, I just found out that another fine, beautiful Latina teacher was married to the brother of one of my best friends in high school, a mixed Chinese-Korean boy. They have a baby and now their family is even more multicultural. I know one other Korean family where the son and daughter are married to Mexicans. When I talked with their dad (who operates a market on outskirts of Chinatown), he said that all Koreans and Asian people would sooner or later mix with Mexicans, so his children are only taking a head start. Before, I thought Koreans were least prone to marry out of other Asians, but I know it is not true. In fact, I think all Asians wouldn't mind if their son had married with a non-Asian. It's just a stereotype.

Anyways, I just tell myself to not appear stiff and desperate. Latinas know how to read into that from what I have known. Asian girls are more OK with shyness.

But, I can't appear OG or player because it ain't my style. It'll never work.
chow-mein boy    Friday, November 29, 2002 at 19:04:13 (PST)    []
To chowmein-boy:
Talk to this lady, introduce your self,
remember your body language maybe "asian" influenced and may not be recognizeable from her perception. Solution-verbal communication. A" Look" is just that a cursory initial point of contact for potential interest based on subjective perception must follow through with "appealing" body language and VERBALLY communicate your interest...she is not a mind reader. My fiancee is a Latina and in their culture a man must initiate, ERGO: be confident to approach and communicate. Also, who cares about the "other" teacher forget about him..focus on what you want.
On a final note forget the "kid strategy" telling her students their teacher is beautiful this is WEAK...your personal business becomes public. I have a personal maxim"operate like the CIA : "a need to know basis".
latinalovingkoreanhombre    Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 05:48:58 (PST)    []
Hey chow-mein boy. I would say that you did miss out on a chance. But what we really want to know is, what are you doing with love poems, with photos of the younger you no less, at a class you're subbing? Are you a full-time substitute teacher? If so, then your chances for another chance to break the ice are mentionable. And if you're not a full-time sub, then screw professionality, because it's not ur profession anyway.
kitsalkhunhakl    Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 17:50:41 (PST)    []

I don't what ethnicity she is, but she is Latina and I'm assuming Chicana.

I had subbed in her class a couple weeks ago and inadvertently left a couple poems on her desk as I was leaving the room. One was actually a love poem with my younger photo on it.

Fast forward-2 weeks later, and today I bumped into her again at the same school. I was subbing in a room right next door to hers.

One time, she came in to my room to get some supplies. I know it was an excuse (maybe) as I could sort of tell by the way she looked into my eyes.

The next and last time we saw again was when I was walking my kids to lunch and she was walking hers. Oh, we looked each other for quite awhile.

The thing is that I don't really know if the attraction and interest is there. I am sure she must have liked the poem and maybe the photo too. It might have helped in how she perceived or imagined me to be.

The problem is that I might not even sub at the school for a very long time from now. Did I really miss a chance to talk to her today? I knew I could have said something. But, still, it is not professional to hit on someone in the same field.

Well, she has my calling card with name, number and email on it. If she really is that INTERESTED, she has that chance.

Sometimes, I play ball at the school after work. (I don't live too far from there). I might have a chance to run into her again, or I might tell her one of her students that they have a beautiful teacher. Kids are nosy and will often spread the news.

This lady is beautiful and mature looking. Exactly my type. But, I have seen one other male teacher talk with her almost everyday during the breaks. But, I have the feeling that she thinks I have mystery and she might give me a chance too.
chow-mein boy    Monday, November 25, 2002 at 23:47:56 (PST)    []
I think that some people on this board get the impression that Puerto Ricans are all black or mulatto/as? That is far from the truth. There are some as white as Ricky Martin and some who have Indian admixture like Jennifer Lopez.

I met one beautiful girl today who can be easily mistaken for Mexican or El Salvadoran. She looks like a Mextiza/Indian type and her attitude is very likeable. She has some noticeable Asian/Amerindian features and irony is that some of her best friends were Vietnamese. I think the Puerto Ricans are even more open to dating Asians than Mexicans, because they are less temperamental and territorial. By the way, I live in L.A. where there aren't that many Puerto Ricans.

Too bad she already has a kid, even though she is separated and single.
chow-mein boy    Friday, November 22, 2002 at 21:31:00 (PST)    []
compass error,

I don't know if you want Asian or Japanese items, but me, I am Chinese, so when I go out with a Mexican gal and other races women, I usually buy her those cheap but beautiful Chinese-decorated silk slippers (often under $8 a pair). You can get these in Chinese gift shops in the Chinatowns. I really love it to see them try it on during lunch.

Japanese people have your own sandals too (I don't know what you call them, but they like kinda like clogs). Why not buy that?

But, if you want Japanese items, I don't know what to say? Maybe a kimono, but I know those must be expensive.

How about the Hello Kitty stores?
chow-mein boy    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 19:26:54 (PST)    []
christmas is coming up...
recently i started seeing a domninican girl. what should i get for her? i'm the first aa guy shes dated-i want to get something with an asian flavor, something feminine, artsy and aesthetically pleasing. (something useful is a plus) something she definately doesnt have around the house, and not the typical asian novelties (no one better suggest chopsticks!) i want it to stand out, so when she looks at/uses it, she thinks of me. we're just starting out, so i'm not considering jewelery or anything like that, unless it fits into those categories and is within budget :)

any and all suggestions are welcome! it doesnt HAVE to be an asian gift, but it would be nice.
compass error    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 13:13:36 (PST)    []

Obviously, there are some Mexican chicks with pure Indian features, the Pocahantas types.

And, there are some who look like they have some white in them (in their shape of nose, chin and eyes). It is often these Mediterranean looking Mexican gals that Asian guys (not only me) that are attracted to.
chow-mein boy    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 20:09:04 (PST)    []
Iam usually attracted to the ones who look more Spanish. They are more colorful than white girls, yet less grounded than indigenous, Asian and black women.
chow-mein boy

Looks more Spanish? What's that?
what?    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 16:18:37 (PST)    []
I have usually come across 3 types of Latinas here in L.A.:

1) FOB types (or "mojadas" in Spanish).

2) the ones who act thuggish and often live in the inner city or eastside.

3) the ones who act middle class and often live in the suburbs.

I have gone out on dates with all 3 types and they have their unique traits and excitements. Generally, I can communicate better with the last group. It might sound strange to some, but there is really something extremely sexy with a shy, quiet and beautiful Latina. Even those with glasses look sexy and beautiful.

I am usually attracted to the ones who look more Spanish. They are more colorful than white girls, yet less grounded than indigenous, Asian and black women.
chow-mein boy    Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 03:25:21 (PST)    []