

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 10%
Chinese | 35%
Filipino | 9%
Corean | 15%
Japanese | 21%
Indian | 10%

Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 16%
Chinese | 33%
Filipino | 12%
Corean | 12%
Japanese | 18%
Indian | 9%

Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese | 17%
Vietnamese | 8%
Corean | 13%
Japanese | 9%
Filipino | 8%
Caucasian | 32%
African American | 2%
Latino | 4%
(Asian) Indian | 7%

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Ai Ya,

I have a degree in theoretical math and molecular biology. There is an inherient flaws in trying to make a correlation of intelligence and race. From a genetic point of view, there is no race. We all have the ability to interbreed, hence one race. Perhaps in the political definition of "race" there are smaller population of the species home sapien. But most crediable scientist still stand firmly on one homo sapien race.

From a mathematical point of view, or more specifically statiscal analysis. I don't think anyone can refute that, since it is pretty standard functions that he is using. However, the protocol in the experiments are questioned. Since his sampling size is pretty small, when compared to the larger "race" size by political/social definition. And when foriegn data is used on IQ from other countries are introduced. Where are the controls for that.

The empirical evidence of the Bell Curve has been flatly rejected by most in the acedemic community. The work is mostly relegated to race baiter and perhaps a small step stone into more crediable works in the field.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:48:35 (PDT)
Germans shocked by dreary school test results

By Katya Andrusz

BERLIN, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Germans, proud of philosophers and writers such as Nietzsche and Goethe, have long assumed their schools were among the best in the world.

But they have been shocked out of their complacency by an international comparison of students in 32 countries by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which put German schools in 25th position.

The land of the "Dichter und Denker" (poets and philosophers) was stunned to find its students were in the bottom third of the "PISA" test -- far behind top-scoring Korea and lagging Italy, the United States and Spain which the Germans had assumed to have inferior schools.

"Are German students dumb?" asked the influential weekly magazine Der Spiegel in a cover story that catalogued many of the weaknesses in the country's schools.

"The public is up in arms about how dumb out students turned out to be," wrote Berlin's Tageszeitung newspaper. "They can't read, they can't write and forget about mathematics. German students are near the top of the list for incompetence."

The first-ever global survey of the key skills of teenagers involved students around the world and included 265,000 15-year-old German students. They were tested in the summer of 2000 in reading comprehension, mathematics and science and the results were released last month.

To add insult to injury, the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) test also showed that fewer Germans reached the top scores than in 12 of the 15 European Union states.
OECD    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 17:29:10 (PDT)
Idiot Savant,

This whole IQ debate is somewhat misleading, and is unworthy of discussion. Why?

The European Jews had the lowest IQ of all of the White immigrants groups arriving to Ellis Island during 1900s. After few generations of education and learning, IQ levels for Jews soared for the later generations, culiminating in the 1960s. During this time, the Jews had an IQ above the national norm.

Perhaps Asians will one day surpass the Jews in IQ levels just as Jews did with the White Goyims.

But again, higher levels of IQ don't mean a thing. Achievement and success comes from inquiry, determination and dedication. I still think most of the great achievers of the Western world were Gentiles, not Jews. They changed the world, and influenced everyone including Asians and Jews alike.

I'm sure you would agree.....

Is Bill Gates a Jew? Of course not. Why hasn't any Jew or Asian surpassed him in technology or even wealth?


Every racial group in America has their postive and negative aspects.

Blacks don't have the selfish motives like Asians or Jews but they do commit more crimes.


Ambition-Determination is a better pairing than Ambition-Intelligence.

Without determination or drive, you cannot succeed.

LSD    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 15:56:06 (PDT)
"Besides a few genetically related diseases and the amount of melanin the skin produces. Race is usually a moot division of society."

hear hear AC Dropout!!

curious girl    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 13:28:54 (PDT)
Lies, damned lies, and statistics all.

The threads here (about which ethnic groups are favoured, which disfavoured) has degenerated into a discussion of who is smarter/more able than whom. With obvious biases showing.

First, we have the warmed-over debate about the Bell Curve; all have missed the point of the book - that intelligence is largely (20-40%) inherited. Race as a proxy is one small chapter of the book. I have read the Bell Curve and its manifold critics (the most famous Stephen Jay Gould included); the science AGAINST the Bell Curve (from a maths perspective) is much less sound, much more sloppy, and certainly more tendentious than that in the Book (disclosure: I am a mathematician by training and by trade).

It seems entirely reasonable to extrapolate that, if intelligence is partially inherited, then there MIGHT be a racial component as well. It is no more necessarily the case that intelligence and race cannot be correlated than that they can. The empirical evidence supports a race component, though, it does not prove it.

Then, we get the non-sensical "Truth Hurts" post about OECD (what is it?) and cultural groups. Who made the groups? This post ought to be a canonical case study on how to lie with statistics. The Ural-Altaic group is a LANGUAGE group. Fine; if we want this, then why not group English, German, Dutch, etc. as another group? Also, how do we decide which countries have "repressive" pasts? Germany's repression (the Nazis?) was relatively recent, and short-lived. It also, remarkably, co-incided with Japanese equally-repressive past. But, Japan is 3 and Germany 22. Oh, and the USA (is it repressive, Latin, or Catholic?) is a non-English group? Finally, I ask again, what is the OECD? Whatever it is, CONGO (!!!) scored higher than Taiwan, HK, and China?

Ai Ya    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 12:20:34 (PDT)
In High school I had the priviledge to work for a Jewish and a Chinese Ice cream store.

It was F***Ken hell!!!

On one hand I had to weigh the scoops of ice cream that I had scooped up (Before Baskin-Robins though of that Idea-pretty Jewish of them to do so) and second I was allowed to give freebies to others.

Once a lady dropped her Ice cream cone and the Chinese guy tried to blame me but I gave her another scoop back for her- in fact a larger scoop without measuring it. Needless to say I wasn't there too long.

Everytime I was trying to weight the damn scoops there were crowds coming in.
No time to weigh the F***ken scoops.

The Jew guy especially had a hard on whenever he could overcharge someone on a cone without them knowing and he could then profit it back to himself. The Chinese guy got a hard on by working himself to death and having no life.

A sick, disqusting place to be overall.
Reality, Truth and Life    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:41:26 (PDT)
ABC college guy,

how do you know what your IQ is? what kind of test do you take? does IQ show your intelligence capacity?
dumb founded    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 22:16:07 (PDT)
Truth hurts,

At last, we Chinese should no longer be seen as nerds.

By the way, are these IQ tests?
Kids should have fun sometimes    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 21:59:04 (PDT)