Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AM Truth Said:
"Japanese people are polite and friendly because their culture frowns on individual competitiveness and everyone works for the common group thus less individual outbursts...
Koreans are like the Irish in the Asian Culture where many like to fight and drink and they can get just as aggressive as a angry Chinese Chief when provoked.
Vietnamese most are considered the boat people or the Spanish(Hispanics) in the Asian Culture where many like to beef up low riders and like gang affilations and You are right they do think they are all that."
I say:
From what i see, you, Am truth, are a short-sighted person. you are one of those chinese people i have seen who jump into conclusion quickly without making any more attempts to find out more. When you say Japanese are..., Koreans are..., and vietnamese are...,how do you know that ALL japanese people are polite and friendly, ALL koreans are agreessive, and MOST of the vietnamese are gangsters? It would be more specific for you to say that most of the japanese, koreans, and vietnamese THAT you have met are this and that, but since you made such statement to assume that they all are, i don't think you have a lot of perspectives.
AM truth said: "So I can be rude and very hostile and aggressive but not because I'm arrogant but because I say things as they are without sugar coating the truth."
I say:
Your problem, AM truth, is that you think you know the truth, but the truth you know is in fact your short-sighted judgment and not the truth as other people know it.
you think you are not arrogant? i think you are arrogant because you draw your conclusion quickly, and by that, I will assume that you think you know everything.
By the way, i mentioned the word chinese above because i want you to have a taste of your own medicine. Not to mention, you left out your view on Chinese...how hypocritical.
MC viet   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 00:39:35 (PDT)
IQ cannot be trained. It is innate intelligence. And what makes you think CEO's and even presidents are smart?
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 14:39:23 (PDT)
AM Truth
You are right about one thing. The Editors do (and will continue to) censor your posts as long as you continue to make these sweeping insulting generalizations about whole cultures with just a superficial glance at the population from afar.
And you should thank them! They do this out of a genuine concern for your welfare. Everyone you just insulted would, if given the chance, beat you to a pulp and leave you for dead on the side of the road.
Here's a little bit of advice for you. AC Dropout's posts are all over the place even though he has '...good mental diarrea of the mouth' because unlike you, he doesn't seek to cut others down so he can be elevated above them.
Do you even know what the truth is? You insult Japanese and Koreans and Vietnamese, without justification, and then tell us you know the truth. Truth is, you still have a lot to learn, especially about Asian-American unity.
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 22:25:38 (PDT)
AM Truth,
What is this slander of my good name. I'm not like the South Park episode, where they shove food up their butt and S*** came out of their mouths.
I type into the Goldsea box like everyone else.
Those Ed's are censoring me too. Let's start a petition to free goldsea from the grasp of the tyrant Ed's.
Power to the irrelevant people.
AC Dropout   
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 13:43:35 (PDT)
IQ is no big deal. A person can rise his/her IQ by doing more readings. yes, simple as that, and IQ by itself naturally doesn't determine much either. the person with the highest IQ ever was a women (i forgot her name but you can look it up in a general psychology book under the IQ section), and she grew up to be a book writer. She was no rocket scientist, CEO, or president.
yeah, chimps are smart, but Commentary, no body knows wheather or not chimp can do math for real. how are you going to determine if that's memorization or computation (learning)?
Well, the two percent you are talking about, commentary, is what counts, but thinking that man offshoot from chimp is like thinking tiger offshoot from zebra.
Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 23:52:44 (PDT)
Just another opinion:
I'm Chinese American and I was born here in this Lovely country of ours and my parents didn't open up a Chinese resturant and are the nicest and buddha loving people that I know.
I guess those who are hostile and do own Chinese resturants are like that because they have to put up with alot of shit in running one. How would you like it some asshole customer keeps changing his order and complains that It is too salty or what not? You probably want to fry up the old wok with some hot oil in it and hit him over the head with it.
I just grew up differently and I am considered the PUNK in the family not that I dress up like one but my attitude is "Take no Prisoners and don't give them any either." So I can be rude and very hostile and aggressive but not because I'm arrogant but because I say things as they are without sugar coating the truth.
I know my posts gets censored here at Goldsea sometimes because I can be too direct for even big brother at times or maybe they have a Asian Feminist stopping it from behind the damn site. Or I don't give good mental diarrea of the mouth like AC Dropout. So what! I feel it is important for people to express how they feel wheither good or bad because that is how a free society is suppose to function.
Japanese people are polite and friendly because their culture frowns on individual competitiveness and everyone works for the common group thus less individual outbursts. But look closely at them and you will see signs of covert aggression from them when you hear them rejoice in silence over another persons failure.
Koreans are like the Irish in the Asian Culture where many like to fight and drink and they can get just as aggressive as a angry Chinese Chief when provoked.
Vietnamese most are considered the boat people or the Spanish(Hispanics) in the Asian Culture where many like to beef up low riders and like gang affilations and You are right they do think they are all that.
From what I can tell, you are white or not Asian because you have only based what you said from your limited experiences from eating at a few Asian Resturants where you live.
AM Truth   
Friday, July 26, 2002 at 17:06:30 (PDT)
whatcha looking at?
Did you shower before you went into Chinatown...? That could be why they are staring...
FOB who is not China town oriented   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 14:46:29 (PDT)